< Ruka 5 >

1 Rimwe zuva Jesu zvaakanga amire paGungwa reGenesareti, vanhu vakaungana vakamukomberedza vachiteerera kushoko raMwari,
Now it happened, as He had come along the Lake of Genesaret, that the multitude crowded Him to hear the Word of God;
2 uye akaona magwa maviri kumhenderekedzo dzegungwa, akanga asiyiwapo navabati vehove, vakanga vachisuka mambure avo.
He saw two boats standing by the lake (the fishermen were out of them, washing their nets).
3 Akakwira mune rimwe ramagwa acho, rakanga riri raSimoni, akamukumbira kuti ariswededze zvishoma kumahombekombe. Ipapo akagara pasi akadzidzisa vanhu ari mugwa.
So He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land. Sitting down He began to teach the crowds from the boat.
4 Akati apedza kutaura, akati kuna Simoni, “Chiriswededza kwakadzika ugokanda usvasvi ubate hove.”
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
5 Simoni akapindura akati, “Tenzi, takashanda zvakaoma usiku hwose uye hatina kubata chinhu. Asi sezvamadaro imi, ndichakanda hangu mambure.”
And in answer Simon said to Him, “Master, we have worked hard the whole night and caught nothing, but based on your word I will let down the net.”
6 Vakati vaita saizvozvo, vakabata hove zhinji kwazvo uye mambure avo akatanga kubvaruka.
When they had done this, they caught such a large number of fish that their net began to tear.
7 Saka vakaninira vamwe vavo vakanga vari mune rimwe igwa kuti vauye vazovabatsira, ivo vakauya vakazadza magwa ose ari maviri; akazara zvokuti akatanga kunyura.
So they signaled to their partners who were in the other boat to come help them; they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.
8 Simoni Petro akati achiona izvi, akawira pamabvi aJesu akati, “Ibvai kwandiri, Ishe; ndiri mutadzi!”
Upon experiencing this Simon Peter fell at Jesus' knees, saying, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!”
9 Nokuti iye neshamwari dzake vakashama kwazvo nokuda kwehove dzavakanga vabata,
Because astonishment gripped him and all who were with him at the haul of fish which they had caught;
10 uye vanaJakobho naJohani, vanakomana vaZebhedhi, vamwe vaSimoni, vakashamawo. Ipapo Jesu akati kuna Simoni, “Usatya; kubva zvino uchava mubati wavanhu.”
yes, this included James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.”
11 Saka vakakwevera magwa avo kumahombekombe, vakasiya zvose uye vakamutevera.
Pulling the boats up on the shore, they left it all and followed Him.
12 Jesu paakanga achiri mune rimwe ramaguta, mumwe murume akanga azere namaperembudzi akauya. Akati achiona Jesu, akawira pasi nechiso chake akamukumbira zvikuru achiti, “Ishe, kana muchida, munogona kundinatsa.”
Now it happened, while He was in one of the towns—a man full of leprosy! Upon seeing Jesus he fell on his face and begged Him, saying, “Lord, if you want to, you can cleanse me!”
13 Jesu akatambanudza ruoko rwake akabata murume uyu akati, “Ndinoda, chinatswa!” Pakarepo maperembudzi akabva paari.
So He extended His hand and touched him, saying, “I want to; be cleansed!” Immediately the leprosy left him.
14 Ipapo Jesu akamurayira akati, “Usaudza munhu, asi enda undozviratidza kumuprista ugopa zvibayiro zvakarayirwa naMozisi zvokunatswa kwako, chive chapupu kwavari.”
Then He ordered him to tell no one, “But go and show yourself to the priest and make an offering for your cleansing just as Moses prescribed, as a testimony to them.”
15 Asi mukurumbira wake wakapararira kwazvo, zvokuti vanhu vazhinji zhinji vakauya kuzomunzwa uye kuti vaporeswe zvirwere zvavo.
However the news about Him spread all the more, and large crowds kept gathering to hear and to be healed by Him of their sicknesses.
16 Asi, kazhinji Jesu aizvitsaura achienda kusina vanhu kuti andonyengetera.
So He Himself would withdraw into deserted places and pray.
17 Rimwe zuva paaidzidzisa, vaFarisi navadzidzisi vomurayiro, vakanga vabva mumisha yose yeGarirea neJudhea uye neJerusarema, vakanga vagerepo. Uye simba raShe rakanga riripo kuti aporese vanorwara.
Now it happened on a certain day that He was teaching, and there were Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee, and from Judea and Jerusalem, sitting there—and the power of the Lord was there to heal them.
18 Vamwe varume vakasvika vakatakura murume akanga akaoma mutezo parukukwe vakaedza kuti vamupinze mumba kuti vandomuradzika pamberi paJesu.
And then, some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a cot, and tried to take him in and place him before Him.
19 Vakati vashayiwa nzira yokupinda nayo nokuda kwokuwanda kwavanhu, vakakwira pamusoro pedenga vakamuburutsa ari parukukwe rwake nepamapfiriro, pakati pavanhu, pamberi paJesu chaipo.
When they could not find how to do it, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him with the cot through the tiling into the center, in front of Jesus.
20 Jesu akati aona kutenda kwavo, akati, “Shamwari, zvivi zvako zvaregererwa.”
Seeing their faith He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you!”
21 VaFarisi navadzidzisi vomurayiro vakatanga kufunga vachiti, “Ndianiko munhu uyu anotaura achimhura Mwari. Ndianiko anoregerera zvivi kunze kwaMwari chete?”
So the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying: “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
22 Jesu aiziva zvavaifunga uye akabvunza achiti, “Seiko muchifunga zvinhu izvi mumwoyo yenyu?
But Jesus perceived their reasonings and reacted by saying to them: “Why are you reasoning in your hearts?
23 Ndezvipiko zvakareruka: kuti, ‘Zvivi zvako zvaregererwa,’ kana kuti, ‘Simuka ufambe’?
Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you’, or to say, ‘Get up and walk!’?
24 Asi kuti muzive kuti Mwanakomana woMunhu ane simba panyika rokuregerera zvivi.” Akati kumurume akanga akaoma mutezo, “Ndinoti kwauri, simuka, tora rukukwe rwako uende kumba.”
But that you may know that the Son of the Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralyzed man: “I say to you, get up! Take your cot and go to your house.”
25 Pakarepo akasimuka pamberi pavo, akatora rukukwe rwaakanga avete parwuri akaenda kumba achirumbidza Mwari.
Immediately he stood up in front of them, took up what he had been lying on, and set out to his own house glorifying God.
26 Munhu wose akashamiswa nazvo akarumbidza Mwari. Vakazadzwa nokutya vakati, “Taona zvinhu zvinoshamisa nhasi.”
Amazement gripped them all and they kept glorifying God; they were also filled with fear, saying, “We have seen strange things today!”
27 Shure kwaizvozvo, Jesu akabuda akaona muteresi ainzi Revhi akagara paimba yake yokuteresa. Jesu akati kwaari, “Nditevere.”
After these things He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office; and He said to him, “Follow me!”
28 Revhi akasimuka, akasiya zvinhu zvose akamutevera.
So leaving everything he got up and followed Him.
29 Ipapo Revhi akaitira Jesu mabiko makuru pamba pake, uye vateresi vazhinji kwazvo navamwewo vakadya navo.
Then Levi made a great banquet for Him at his house; and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others who were reclining with them.
30 Asi vaFarisi navadzidzisi vomurayiro vakanga vari veboka ravo vakagununʼuna vakati kuvadzidzi vake, “Seiko muchidya navateresi navatadzi?”
Well the scribes and Pharisees complained about them to His disciples, saying, “How can you eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?!”
31 Jesu akavapindura akati, “Vasingarwari havatsvaki chiremba, asi vanorwara.
So Jesus reacted and said to them: “Those who are healthy have no need of a physician, just those who are sick.
32 Handina kuuya kuzodana vakarurama, asi vatadzi kuti vatendeuke.”
I have not come to call righteous people to repentance, just sinners.”
33 Ivo vakati kwaari, “Vadzidzi vaJohani vanotsanya kazhinji uye vachinyengetera, uye vadzidzi vavaFarisi vanodarowo, asi venyu vanoramba vachidya nokunwa.”
Then they said to Him, “Why do the disciples of John fast often and make prayers, and likewise those of the Pharisees, but yours keep eating and drinking?”
34 Jesu akavapindura akati, “Mungaite here kuti shamwari dzechikomba dzitsanye iye achinavo?
So He said to them: “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them?
35 Asi nguva ichauya apo chikomba chichabviswa kwavari; mumazuva iwayo vachatsanya.”
But days are coming when the bridegroom will be taken away from them; then, in those days, they will fast.”
36 Akavaudza mufananidzo uyu akati, “Hakuna munhu anobvarura chigamba kubva panguo itsva achichisonera panguo tsaru. Kana akadaro, anenge abvarura nguo itsva, uye chigamba chinobva panguo itsva hachibatsiri panguo tsaru.
Then He also told them a parable: “No one puts a patch from a new garment on an old one; otherwise, both the new makes a tear and that from the new does not match the old.
37 Uye hakuna anodira waini itsva mumaguchu amatehwe matsaru. Kana akadaro, waini itsva ichatsemura matehwe, waini itsva ichateuka uye maguchu ewaini achaparadzwa.
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst those skins and will itself be spilled and the skins wasted.
38 Kwete, waini itsva inofanira kudirwa mumaguchu amatehwe matsva.
Rather, new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
39 Uye hakuna munhu anoti ambonwa waini tsaru ozoda waini itsva, nokuti anoti, ‘Tsaru iri nani.’”
Further, no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new, for he says, ‘The old is better.’”

< Ruka 5 >