< Ruka 4 >
1 Jesu, azere noMweya Mutsvene, akadzoka kubva paJorodhani akatungamirirwa noMweya mugwenga,
And Iesus full of the holy Ghost returned from Iordan, and was led by that Spirit into the wildernes,
2 umo maakaedzwa naSatani kwamazuva makumi mana. Haana chaakadya pamazuva iwayo, uye pakupera kwamazuva iwayo akanzwa nzara.
And was there fourtie dayes tempted of the deuil, and in those dayes he did eate nothing: but when they were ended, he afterward was hungry.
3 Satani akati kwaari, “Kana iwe uri mwanakomana waMwari, rayira dombo iri kuti rive chingwa.”
Then the deuil saide vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, commaund this stone that it be made bread.
4 Jesu akapindura akati, “Kwakanyorwa kuchinzi, ‘Munhu haararami nechingwa bedzi, asi neshoko rimwe nerimwe rinobuda mumuromo maMwari.’”
But Iesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not liue by bread only, but by euery word of God.
5 Satani akamutungamirira kunzvimbo yakakwirira uye akamuratidza munguva diki diki umambo hwose hwenyika.
Then the deuill tooke him vp into an high mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, in the twinkeling of an eye.
6 Akati kwaari, “Ndichakupa simba rahwo rose nokubwinya kwahwo, nokuti ndakahupiwa, uye ini ndinogona kuhupa kuna ani zvake wandinoda.
And the deuill saide vnto him, All this power will I giue thee, and the glory of those kingdomes: for that is deliuered to mee: and to whomsoeuer I will, I giue it.
7 Saka kana ukandinamata, huchava hwako hwose.”
If thou therefore wilt worship mee, they shalbe all thine.
8 Jesu akapindura akati, “Kwakanyorwa kuchinzi, ‘Namata Ishe Mwari wako umushumire iye oga.’”
But Iesus answered him, and saide, Hence from mee, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him alone thou shalt serue.
9 Satani akamutungamirira kuJerusarema akamuita kuti amire pachiruvi chetemberi. Akati kwaari, “Kana uri mwanakomana waMwari, zviwisire pasi uchibva pano.
Then hee brought him to Hierusalem, and set him on a pinacle of the Temple, and said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe from hence,
10 Nokuti kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: “‘Acharayira vatumwa vake pamusoro pako kuti vakuchengete kwazvo;
For it is written, That hee will giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee:
11 vachakusimudza mumaoko avo, kuti rutsoka rwako rurege kugumburwa padombo.’”
And with their handes they shall lift thee vp, least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.
12 Jesu akati, “Zvinonzi, ‘Usaedza Ishe Mwari wako.’”
And Iesus answered, and said vnto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
13 Satani akati apedza kuedza kwake kwose uku, akabva paari kusvikira pane imwe nguva.
And when the deuil had ended all the tentation, he departed from him for a litle season.
14 Jesu akadzokera kuGarirea musimba roMweya, uye shoko pamusoro pake rakapararira kumativi ose enyika.
And Iesus returned by the power of the spirite into Galile: and there went a fame of him throughout all the region round about.
15 Akadzidzisa mumasinagoge avo, uye munhu wose akamurumbidza.
For he taught in their Synagogues, and was honoured of all men.
16 Akaenda kuNazareta, kwaakanga arerwa, uye nomusi weSabata akapinda musinagoge, setsika yake. Akasimuka kuti averenge.
And hee came to Nazareth where hee had bene brought vp, and (as his custome was) went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stoode vp to reade.
17 Rugwaro rwakapetwa rwaIsaya rwakapiwa kwaari. Pakurubhedhenura, akawana pakanga pakanyorwa kuti:
And there was deliuered vnto him the booke of the Prophet Esaias: and when hee had opened the booke, hee founde the place, where it was written,
18 “Mweya waShe uri pamusoro pangu, nokuti akandizodza kuti ndiparidze vhangeri kuvarombo. Akandituma kuti ndiparidze rusununguko kuna vakasungwa uye kuti vasingaoni vaone, kuti ndisunungure vakamanikidzwa,
The Spirit of the Lord is vpon mee, because he hath anoynted me, that I should preach the Gospel to the poore: he hath sent mee, that I should heale the broken hearted, that I should preach deliuerance to the captiues, and recouering of sight to the blinde, that I should set at libertie them that are bruised:
19 kuti ndiparidze gore rakanaka raShe.”
And that I should preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord.
20 Ipapo akapeta rugwaro, akarudzosera kumubati akagara pasi. Meso avanhu vose vakanga vari musinagoge akanga akati nde-e kwaari,
And hee closed the booke, and gaue it againe to the minister, and sate downe: and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him.
21 uye akatanga nokuti kwavari, “Nhasi rugwaro urwu rwazadziswa munzeve dzenyu.”
Then he began to say vnto them, This day is the Scripture fulfilled in your eares.
22 Vose vakataura zvakanaka pamusoro pake uye vakashamiswa namashoko akanaka akanga achibuda mumuromo make. Vakati, “Ko, uyu haazi mwanakomana waJosefa here?”
And all bare him witnes, and wondered at the gracious wordes, which proceeded out of his mouth, and said, Is not this Iosephs sonne?
23 Jesu akati kwavari, “Zvirokwazvo muchataura tsumo iyi kwandiri muchiti: ‘Murapi, chizvirapa! Itawo muguta rako rino zvatakanzwa kuti wakaita muKapenaume.’”
Then he said vnto them, Ye will surely say vnto mee this prouerbe, Physician, heale thy selfe: whatsoeuer we haue heard done in Capernaum, doe it here likewise in thine owne countrey.
24 Akaenderera mberi achiti, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti hakuna muprofita anogamuchirwa muguta rake.
And he saide, Verely I say vnto you, No Prophet is accepted in his owne countrey.
25 Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti kwakanga kune chirikadzi zhinji muIsraeri panguva yaEria, panguva yakadzivirwa denga kwamakore matatu nehafu uye nzara huru ikavapo munyika yose.
But I tell you of a trueth, many widowes were in Israel in the dayes of Elias, when heauen was shut three yeres and sixe moneths, when great famine was throughout all the land:
26 Asi Eria haana kutumwa kuno mumwe wavo, asi kuchirikadzi yeZerafati munyika yeSidhoni.
But vnto none of them was Elias sent, saue into Sarepta, a citie of Sidon, vnto a certaine widowe.
27 Uye kwaiva navazhinji vaiva namaperembudzi panguva yaEria muprofita, asi hapana mumwe chete pakati pavo akanatswa kunze kwaNaamani muSiria.”
Also many lepers were in Israel, in the time of Eliseus the Prophet: yet none of them was made cleane, sauing Naaman the Syrian.
28 Vanhu vose vakanga vari musinagoge vakatsamwa kwazvo pavakanzwa izvi.
Then all that were in the Synagogue, when they heard it, were filled with wrath,
29 Vakasimuka, vakamubudisa muguta, vakamutora vakaenda naye kumucheto cheto kwechikomo chakanga chakavakirwa guta ravo, kuti vamusundidzire kumawere.
And rose vp, and thrust him out of the citie, and led him vnto the edge of the hil, whereon their citie was built, to cast him downe headlong.
30 Asi akafamba napakati pemhomho yavanhu akaenda zvake.
But he passed through the middes of them, and went his way,
31 Ipapo akaburuka zasi kuKapenaume, guta riri muGarirea, akatanga kudzidzisa vanhu nomusi weSabata.
And came downe into Capernaum a citie of Galile, and there taught them on the Sabbath dayes.
32 Vakashamiswa nokudzidzisa kwake, nokuti shoko rake raiva nesimba.
And they were astonied at his doctrine: for his worde was with authoritie.
33 Musinagoge makanga muno murume akanga akabatwa nedhimoni, mweya wakaipa, uye akadanidzira nenzwi guru achiti,
And in the Synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an vncleane deuill, which cryed with a loude voyce,
34 “A! Munodeiko kwatiri imi Jesu weNazareta? Ko, mauya kuzotiparadza kanhi? Ndinoziva kuti muri ani, muri Mutsvene waMwari!”
Saying, Oh, what haue we to doe with thee, thou Iesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy vs? I know who thou art, euen the holy one of God.
35 Jesu akaurayira achiti, “Nyarara! Buda maari!” Ipapo dhimoni rakaputsira murume uyu pasi pamberi pavo vose rikabuda risina kumukuvadza.
And Iesus rebuked him, saying, Holde thy peace, and come out of him. Then the deuill throwing him in the middes of them, came out of him, and hurt him nothing at all.
36 Vanhu vose vakashamiswa vakataurirana vachiti, “Kudzidzisa uku ndokupi? Anorayira mweya yakaipa nechikuriri uye nesimba, ichibva yabuda!”
So feare came on them all, and they spake among themselues, saying, What thing is this: for with authoritie and power he commaundeth the foule spirits, and they come out?
37 Mukurumbira wake wakapararira munzvimbo dzose dzakapoteredza.
And ye fame of him spred abroad throughout all the places of the countrey round about.
38 Jesu akabva pasinagoge akaenda kumba kwaSimoni. Zvino mai vomukadzi waSimoni vairwara nefivha, uye vakakumbira Jesu kuti avabatsire.
And he rose vp, and came out of the Synagogue, and entred into Simons house. And Simons wiues mother was taken with a great feuer, and they required him for her.
39 Saka akakotamira kwavari akarayira fivha, ikabva pavari. Vakasimuka pakarepo vakatanga kuvashandira.
Then he stoode ouer her, and rebuked the feuer, and it left her, and immediatly she arose, and ministred vnto them.
40 Zuva rakati rodoka, vanhu vakauya kuna Jesu navose vakanga vana marudzi akasiyana-siyana ezvirwere, akaisa maoko ake pamusoro pomumwe nomumwe wavo akavaporesa.
Now at the sunne setting, all they that had sicke folkes of diuers diseases, brought them vnto him, and he layd his hands on euery one of them, and healed them.
41 Pamusoro paizvozvo, madhimoni akabuda muvanhu vazhinji, achidanidzira achiti, “Ndiwe Mwanakomana waMwari!” Asi iye akaatsiura akasaatendera kuti ataure, nokuti iwo aiziva kuti ndiye Kristu.
And deuils also came out of many, crying, and saying, Thou art that Christ that Sonne of God: but he rebuked them, and suffered them not to say that they knewe him to be that Christ.
42 Mangwanani-ngwanani, Jesu akaenda kunzvimbo yakanyarara ari oga. Vanhu vakanga vachimutsvaka uye vakati vamuwana paakanga ari, vakaedza kumudzivisa kuti asabva kwavari.
And when it was day, he departed, and went foorth into a desart place, and the people sought him, and came to him, and kept him that he should not depart from them.
43 Asi iye akati, “Ndinofanira kuparidza vhangeri roumambo hwaMwari kuna mamwewo maguta, nokuti ndizvo zvandakatumirwa.”
But he sayd vnto them, Surely I must also preach the kingdome of God to other cities: for therefore am I sent.
44 Uye akaramba achiparidza mumasinagoge eJudhea.
And hee preached in the Synagogues of Galile.