< Ruka 22 >
1 Zvino Mutambo weZvingwa Zvisina Mbiriso, unonzi Pasika, wakanga woswedera,
Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, also called the Passover, was approaching.
2 uye vaprista vakuru navadzidzisi vomurayiro vakanga vachitsvaka nzira yavangabata nayo Jesu, nokuti vakanga vachitya vanhu.
The chief priests and religious teachers were looking for a way to kill Jesus, but were afraid of what the people would do.
3 Ipapo Satani akapinda muna Judhasi, ainzi Iskarioti, mumwe wavane gumi navaviri.
Satan entered into Judas, surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples.
4 Uye Judhasi akaenda kuvaprista vakuru navakuru vavarindi vetemberi akandorangana navo kuti angapandukira Jesu sei.
He went and discussed with the chief priests and guard officers how he could betray Jesus.
5 Vakafara uye vakatenderana kuti vaizomupa mari.
They were delighted, and offered him money.
6 Akatenda, akatsvaka mukana wokuti aise Jesu kwavari pasina vanhu vazhinji.
He agreed, and began to look for an opportunity to hand over Jesus when a crowd would not be there.
7 Ipapo zuva reZvingwa Zvisina Mbiriso rakasvika, iro raifanira kubayirwa gwayana rePasika.
The Day of Unleavened Bread arrived when the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.
8 Jesu akatuma Petro naJohani, achiti, “Endai munotigadzirira Pasika tidye.”
Jesus sent Peter and John, telling them, “Go and prepare the Passover meal, so we can eat it together.”
9 Vakati, “Munoda kuti tikugadzirirei kupiko?”
They asked him, “Where do you want us to prepare for it?”
10 Iye akapindura akati, “Pamunopinda muguta, muchasangana nomurume akatakura chirongo chemvura. Mumutevere iyeye kuimba yaanosvikopinda,
He replied, “When you enter the city you'll meet a man carrying a jar of water. Follow him and go into the house he enters.
11 mugoti kumuridzi wemba, ‘Mudzidzisi ari kubvunza kuti: Imba yavaeni iripiko, umo mandingadyira Pasika navadzidzi vangu?’
Tell the owner of the house that the Teacher asks you, ‘Where is the dining room where I can eat the Passover with my disciples?’
12 Achakuratidzai imba huru yapamusoro, yakarongedzwa zvose. Mugadzire imomo.”
He'll show you a large upstairs room that already has the necessary furniture. Prepare the meal there.”
13 Vakaenda vakandowana zvinhu zvakangoita sezvavakanga vaudzwa naJesu. Saka vakagadzira Pasika imomo.
They went and found that everything was just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover meal there.
14 Nguva yakati yasvika, Jesu navapostori vake vakagara patafura.
When the time came, he sat down at the table with his apostles. He told them,
15 Uye akati kwavari, “Ndanga ndichidisa kwazvo kuti ndidye Pasika iyi nemi ndisati ndatambudzika.
“I've been really looking forward to eating this Passover meal with you before my sufferings begin.
16 Nokuti ndinoti kwamuri, handichazoidyizve kusvikira yazadzisika muumambo hwaMwari.”
I tell you I shall not eat it again until the time is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”
17 Akati atora mukombe, akavonga akati, “Torai mukombe uyu mugovane pakati penyu.
Jesus took the cup, and after he had given thanks, he said, “Take this and share it among yourselves.
18 Nokuti ndinoti kwamuri, handichazonwizve chibereko chomuzambiringa kusvikira umambo hwaMwari hwasvika.”
I tell you that I won't drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”
19 Uye akatora chingwa, akavonga akachimedura, uye akavapa, achiti, “Uyu ndiwo muviri wangu wakapiwa kwamuri; itai izvi muchindirangarira.”
He picked up some bread, and after he had given thanks, he broke it into pieces and gave it to them. “This is my body which is given for you; do this in order to remember me,” Jesus told them.
20 Saizvozvo, vakati vapedza chirariro akatora mukombe, akati, “Mukombe uyu ndiyo sungano itsva muropa rangu, rinodururirwa imi.
In the same way after they had finished supper, he picked up the cup and said, “This cup is the new agreement in my blood which is poured out for you.”
21 Asi ruoko rwaiye achandipandukira runeni patafura.
“In spite of this, my betrayer is sitting right here with me at the table.
22 Mwanakomana woMunhu achaenda sezvazvakatemwa, asi ane nhamo munhu uyo anomupandukira.”
For it has been determined that the Son of man will die, yet how disastrous it will be for his betrayer!”
23 Vakatanga kubvunzana pakati pavo kuti angava ani pakati pavo aizoita chinhu ichi.
They began to argue among themselves as to who this might be and who could do this.
24 Uyewo nharo dzakamuka pakati pavo dzokuti ndiani wavo aifungidzirwa kuti angava mukuru wavose.
At the same time they also got into a quarrel about which of them was the most important.
25 Jesu akati kwavari, “Madzimambo evedzimwe ndudzi ane simba pamusoro pavo; uye vaya vanobata nesimba pamusoro pavo vanozviti vabatsiri.
Jesus told them, “Foreign kings lord it over their subjects, and those having power even want people to call them ‘benefactors.’
26 Asi imi hamufaniri kuita saizvozvo. Asi, mukuru pakati penyu mose anofanira kuva somuduku kuna vose, uye uyo anotonga ngaaite souya anoshanda.
But it should not be so with you! Whoever is highest among you should be like the lowest, and the leader should be like a servant.
27 Nokuti ndianiko mukuru kuno mumwe, uyo agere patafura kana kuti uya anoshanda? Ko, haazi iye agere patafura here? Asi ini ndiri pakati penyu saiye anoshanda.
Who is greater—the one who sits at the table, or the one who serves? Isn't it the one who sits at the table? But I'm among you as the one who serves.
28 Imi ndimi vaya vakamira neni pamiedzo yangu.
You have stayed with me throughout my trials.
29 Uye ndinokupai umambo, sababa vangu vakandipa umambo,
And I grant to you authority to rule, just as my Father granted it to me,
30 kuitira kuti mugodya nokunwa patafura yangu muumambo hwangu, mugogara pazvigaro zvoushe, muchitonga marudzi gumi navaviri avaIsraeri.
so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
31 “Simoni, Simoni, Satani akumbira kuti akuzungure segorosi.
“Simon, Simon—Satan has asked to have all of you to sift like wheat,
32 Asi ndakunyengeterera, Simoni, kuti kutenda kwako kurege kupera. Uye paunenge watendeuka, usimbise hama dzako.”
but I have prayed for you that your trust in me may not fail. And when you have returned, encourage your brothers.”
33 Asi iye akapindura akati, “Ishe, ndakagadzirira kuenda nemi mutorongo uye kufa nemi.”
Peter said, “Lord, I'm ready to go with you to prison, and to die with you!”
34 Jesu akapindura akati, “Petro, ndinoti kwauri, jongwe risati rarira nhasi, ucharamba iwe katatu, kuti unondiziva.”
Jesus replied, “I'm telling you, Peter, before the cock crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”
35 Ipapo Jesu akabvunza akati, “Pandakakutumai musina chikwama, hombodo kana shangu pane chinhu chamakashayiwa here?” Ivo vakati, “Hapana.”
Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out without money, without a bag, and without an extra pair of sandals, did you lack anything?” “No, nothing,” they replied.
36 Akati kwavari, “Asi iye zvino kana une chikwama, chitore, uyewo nehombodo; uye kana usina munondo, tengesa nguo yako ugoutenga.
“But now, if you have money you should take it, as well as a bag, and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
37 Kwakanyorwa kuchinzi, ‘Akaverengwa pamwe chete navadariki’ uye ndinoti kwamuri, izvi zvinofanira kuzadziswa mandiri. Hongu, zvakanyorwa pamusoro pangu zvava kusvika pakuzadziswa.”
I tell you that this statement in Scripture about me must be fulfilled: ‘He was counted with the wicked.’ What was said about me is now being fulfilled.”
38 Vadzidzi vakati, “Tarirai, Ishe, heyi minondo miviri.” Akapindura akati, “Zvaringana.”
“Look, Lord, here are two swords,” they said. “That's enough,” he replied.
39 Jesu akabuda sezvaaisiita mazuva ose akaenda kuGomo reMiorivhi, uye vadzidzi vake vakamutevera.
Jesus left and as usual went to the Mount of Olives together with his disciples.
40 Akati asvika panzvimbo iyo, akati kwavari, “Nyengeterai kuti murege kupinda mukuedzwa.”
When he arrived he said to them, “Pray that you don't give in to temptation.”
41 Akabva pavari akaenda mberi kwavo chinhambwe chingasvika dombo rapotserwa, akapfugama ndokunyengetera achiti,
Then he left them and walked about a stone's throw away, where he kneeled down and prayed.
42 “Baba, kana muchida, bvisai mukombe uyu pandiri; asi ngakurege kuva kuda kwangu, asi kuda kwenyu kuitwe.”
“Father,” he prayed, “if you're willing, please take away this cup of suffering from me. But I want to do what you want, not what I want.”
43 Mutumwa akabva kudenga akazviratidza kwaari uye akamusimbisa.
Then an angel appeared from heaven to strengthen him.
44 Uye ari pakutambudzika, akanyengetera zvikuru, uye ziya rake rakanga rakaita samadonhwe eropa anodonhera pasi.
In great distress Jesus prayed even harder, and his sweat fell like drops of blood onto the ground.
45 Akati achisimuka kubva pakunyengetera, akadzokera kuvadzidzi, akasvikovawana vavata, vaneteswa nokusuwa.
He finished praying, stood up, and went over to the disciples. He found them asleep, worn out by grief.
46 Akasvikovabvunza achiti, “Seiko mavata? Mukai munyengetere kuti murege kuwira mukuedzwa.”
“Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray so that you won't fall into temptation.”
47 Achiri kutaura, vanhu vazhinji vakasvika, uye uya ainzi Judhasi, mumwe wavane Gumi naVaviri, akanga achivatungamirira. Akaswedera kuna Jesu kuti amutsvode,
While he was still speaking, a crowd appeared led by Judas, one of the twelve disciples. Judas went up to Jesus to kiss him.
48 asi Jesu akamubvunza akati, “Judhasi, uri kupandukira Mwanakomana woMunhu nokutsvoda here?”
But Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of man with a kiss?”
49 Vateveri vaJesu vakati vaona zvakanga zvoda kuitika vakati, “Ishe, tivabaye neminondo yedu here?”
Jesus' followers asked him, “Lord, should we attack them with our swords?”
50 Uye mumwe wavo akatema muranda womuprista mukuru, akagura nzeve yake yokurudyi.
And one of them struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear.
51 Asi Jesu akapindura achiti, “Zvaringana!” Uye akabata nzeve yomurume uya akamuporesa.
“Stop! No more of this!” said Jesus. He touched the man's ear and healed him.
52 Ipapo Jesu akati kuvaprista vakuru navabati vaichengeta temberi, navakuru vakanga vamuvinga, “Ko, ini ndiri mupanduki mukuru here, zvamauya neminondo netsvimbo?
Then Jesus spoke to the chief priests, and the officers of the Temple guard, and the elders. “Am I some kind of criminal that you had to come with swords and clubs?” he asked.
53 Mazuva ose ndakanga ndinemi mutemberi, uye hamuna kundibata. Asi ino ndiyo nguva yenyu, yokutonga kwerima.”
“You didn't arrest me before, even though I was with you in the Temple every day. But this is your moment now, the time when darkness is in power.”
54 Ipapo vakamubata, vakaenda naye vakandomuisa mumba momuprista mukuru. Petro akamutevera ari nechokure.
They arrested him and led him away, taking him to the chief priest's house. Peter followed at a distance.
55 Asi vakati vabatidza moto pakati poruvazhe uye vagara pasi pamwe chete, Petro akagara pakati pavo.
They started a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down by it. Peter was there among them.
56 Musikana akanga ari mushandi akamuona agerepo muchiedza chomoto. Akamunanʼanidza akati, “Murume uyu aivawo naJesu.”
As he sat there, a servant girl noticed him in the firelight, and stared directly at him and said,
57 Asi iye akaramba izvozvo akati, “Iwe mukadzi, handimuzivi ini.”
“This man was with him.” But Peter denied it. “Woman, I don't know him!” he said.
58 Kwapera chinguvana, mumwezve akamuona akati, “Newewo uri mumwe wavo.” Petro akapindura akati, “Iwe murume, handizi!”
A little later someone else looked at him and said, “You're also one of them.” “No, I'm not!” Peter replied.
59 Shure kweawa imwe chete mumwezve akauya akati, “Zvirokwazvo munhu uyu akanga anaye, nokuti muGarirea.”
About an hour later, another person insisted, “I'm sure he was with him too—he's a Galilean.”
60 Petro akapindura akati, “Iwe murume, handitombozivi zvauri kutaura nezvazvo!” Achiri kutaura, jongwe rakabva rarira.
“I've no idea what you're talking about!” Peter replied. Right then, while he was still speaking, the cock crowed. The Lord turned and looked at Peter.
61 Ishe akatendeuka akatarisa akanyatsonanga Petro. Ipapo Petro akarangarira shoko rakanga rataurwa kwaari naShe rokuti, “Nhasi jongwe risati rarira, uchandiramba katatu.”
And Peter remembered what the Lord had said, how he'd told him: “Before the cock crows today, you'll deny me three times.”
62 Ipapo akabuda kunze akandochema zvikuru.
Peter went out and wept bitterly.
63 Varume vakanga vachirinda Jesu vakatanga kumuseka uye vakamurova.
The men guarding Jesus began to mock him and beat him.
64 Vakamusunga kumeso vakati, “Profita! Ndiani akurova?”
They put a blindfold on him, and then asked him, “If you can prophesy, tell us who hit you that time!”
65 uye vakataura zvimwe zvinhu zvizhinji kwaari vachimutuka.
and shouted many other insults at him.
66 Kuzoti kwaedza, dare ravakuru vavanhu, vose vaprista vakuru navadzidzisi vomurayiro, vakasangana pamwe chete, Jesu akamiswa pamberi pavo.
Early in the morning the council of elders gathered together with the chief priests and religious teachers. Jesus was led before the council.
67 Vakati, “Kana uri Kristu, tiudze.” Jesu akapindura akati, “Kana ndikakuudzai, hamunganditendi,
“If you really are the Messiah, then tell us,” they said. “Even if I were to tell you, you wouldn't believe me,” Jesus replied.
68 uye kana ndikakubvunzai, hamungandipinduri.
“And if I were to ask you a question, you wouldn't answer.
69 Asi kubva zvino, Mwanakomana woMunhu achagara kuruoko rworudyi rwaMwari ane simba.”
But from now on the Son of man will sit at the right hand of the mighty God.”
70 Vose vakabvunza vachiti, “Ko, zvino iwe ndiwe Mwanakomana waMwari here?” Iye akapindura akati, “Mareva zvakanaka, zvamati ndini iye.”
They all asked, “So are you the son of God?” “You say that I am,” Jesus replied.
71 Ipapo vakati, “Tichadazve humwe uchapupu here? Tazvinzwa zvabva mumuromo make.”
“Why do we need any more witnesses?” they said. “We've heard it ourselves from his own mouth!”