< Ruka 13 >
1 Zvino panguva iyoyo vamwe vaivapo vakaudza Jesu nezvavaGarirea vakanga vavhenganisirwa ropa ravo nezvibayiro zvavo naPirato.
Ther were present at the same season that shewed him of ye Galileas whose bloude Pylate mengled with their awne sacrifice.
2 Jesu akapindura akati, “Munofunga kuti vaGarirea ava vakanga vari vatadzi zvakanyanya kupfuura vose here zvavakatambudzika nenzira iyi?
And Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Suppose ye that these Galileans were greater synners then all the other Galileas because they suffred suche punisshmet?
3 Ndinokuudzai kuti kwete! Asi kana musingatendeuki, nemiwo mucharaswa mose.
I tell you naye: but except ye repent ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe.
4 Kana vaya gumi navasere vakafa pavakawirwa neshongwe yeSiroami, munofunga kuti vakanga vane mhosva kukunda vamwe vose vaigara muJerusarema here?
Or those. xviii. apon which ye toure in Syloe fell and slewe the thinke ye that they were synners above all men yt dwell in Ierusalem?
5 Ndinokuudzai kuti kwete! Asi kana musingatendeuki, nemiwo mose muchaparara.”
I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent ye all shall lykewyse perisshe.
6 Ipapo akavaudza mufananidzo uyu akati, “Mumwe murume akanga ane muti wake womuonde wakanga wakasimwa mumunda wake wemizambiringa, akaenda achindotsvaka muchero kwauri, asi haana chaakawana pauri.
He put forthe this similiiude A certayne man had a fygge tree planted in his veneyarde and he came and sought frute theron and founde none.
7 Saka akati kumurume akanga achichengeta munda wemizambiringa, ‘Zvino ava makore matatu andanga ndichiuya kuzotsvaka muchero pamuonde uyu uye handisati ndambowana chinhu. Utemere pasi! Seiko uchishandisa ivhu pasina?’
Then sayde he to ye dresser of his vyneyarde: Beholde this thre yeare have I come and sought frute in this fygge tree and fynde none: cut it doune: why combreth it the grounde?
8 “Akapindura akati, ‘Ishe, chimbouregai henyu kwerimwezve gore, ini ndigoutimbira nokuuyisa mupfudze.
And he answered and sayde vnto him: lorde let it alone this yeare also till I digge rounde aboute it and doge it to se
9 Kana ukazobereka muchero gore rinouya, zvakanaka! Kana usina, ipapo mungautema henyu.’”
whether it will beare frute: and if it beare not then after yt cut it doune
10 Jesu akanga achidzidzisa ari mune rimwe sinagoge nomusi weSabata,
And he taught in one of their sinagoges on ye saboth dayes.
11 uye ipapo pakanga pano mukadzi aiva akaremadzwa nomweya wakaipa kwamakore gumi namasere. Musana wake wakanga wakakokonyara uye akanga asingagoni zvachose kutwasuka.
And beholde ther was a woma which had a sprete of infirmite. xviii. yeares: and was bowed to gether and coulde not lifte vp hersilfe at all.
12 Jesu akati amuona, akamudana kuti auye mberi akati kwaari, “Mai, masunungurwa pachirwere chenyu.”
When Iesus sawe her he called her to him and sayde to her: woman thou arte delyvered from thy disease.
13 Ipapo akaisa maoko ake pamusoro wake, pakarepo musana wake ukatwasanuka akarumbidza Mwari.
And he layde his hondes on her and immediatly she was made strayght and glorified God.
14 Mukuru wesinagoge akatsamwa nokuti Jesu akanga aporesa mukadzi uyu nomusi weSabata, akati kuvanhu, “Pane mazuva matanhatu okushanda. Saka munofanira kuuya kuzoporeswa pamazuva iwayo, kwete nomusi weSabata.”
And the ruler of the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed and not on the saboth daye.
15 Ishe akamupindura achiti, “Imi vanyengeri! Ko, handiti mumwe nomumwe wenyu anosunungura nzombe kana mbongoro yake kubva mudanga, oenda nazvo kundonwa mvura nomusi weSabata here?
Then answered him the Lorde and sayd: Ypocrite doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall and leade him to the water?
16 Zvino mukadzi uyu, mwanasikana waAbhurahama, akanga akasungwa naSatani kwamakore gumi namasere, haaifanira kusunungurwa kubva pane zvakamusunga nomusi weSabata here?”
And ought not this doughter of Abraham whom Sathan hath bounde loo. xviii. yeares be lowsed from this bonde on the saboth daye?
17 Akati ataura izvozvo, vose vakanga vachipikisana naye vakanyadziswa, asi vanhu vakafadzwa nezvinhu zvinoshamisa zvaakanga achiita.
And when he thus sayde all his adversaries were ashamed and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes that were done by him.
18 Ipapo Jesu akavabvunza achiti, “Umambo hwaMwari hwakaita seiko? Ndingahuenzanisa neiko?
Then sayde he: What is the kyngdome of God lyke? or wherto shall I compare it?
19 Hwakaita setsanga yemasitadhi, yakatorwa nomunhu akandoisima mubindu rake. Yakakura ikava muti mukuru, uye shiri dzedenga dzakauya dzikamhara mumatavi awo.”
It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede which a man toke and sowed in his garden: and it grewe and wexed a greate tree and the foules of the ayer made nestes in the braunches of it.
20 Akabvunzazve akati, “Umambo hwaMwari ndingahufananidza neiko?
And agayne he sayde: wher vnto shall I lyken ye kyngdome of god?
21 Hwakafanana nembiriso yakatorwa nomukadzi akaivhenganisa noupfu hwefurau hwakawanda kusvikira yafutisa ganyiwa.”
it is lyke leve which a woman toke and hidde in thre busshels of floure tyll all was thorow levended.
22 Ipapo Jesu akafamba nomumaguta nomumisha achidzidzisa paakanga achienda kuJerusarema.
And he went thorow all maner of cities and tounes teachinge and iorneyinge towardes Ierusalem.
23 Mumwe akamubvunza akati, “Ishe, vanhu vashoma chete ndivo vachaponeswa here?” Iye akati kwavari,
Then sayde one vnto him: Lorde are ther feawe that shalbe saved? And he sayde vnto them:
24 “Rwisai chaizvo kuti mupinde napasuo rakamanikana, nokuti ndinoti vazhinji vachaedza kupinda asi havangagoni.
stryve with youre selves to enter in at ye strayte gate: For many I saye vnto you will seke to enter in and shall not be able.
25 Muridzi wemba akangodzimara asimuka akapfiga mukova, imi muchamira kunze muchigogodza uye muchiteterera, muchiti, ‘Ishe, tizarurireiwo mukova.’ “Asi achapindura achiti, ‘Handikuzivei, kana kwamunobva.’
When the good man of ye housse is rysen vp and hath shett to the dore ye shall beginne to stonde with out and to knocke at the dore sayinge: Lorde lorde open vnto vs: and he shall answer and saye vnto you: I knowe you not whence ye are.
26 “Ipapo muchati, ‘Taidya uye tainwa pamwe chete nemi, uye maidzidzisa munzira dzomumisha yedu.’
Then shall ye begin to saye. We have eaten in thy presence and dronke and thou hast taught in oure stretes.
27 “Asi iye achati, ‘Handikuzivei, kana kwamunobva. Ibvai kwandiri, imi mose vaiti vezvakaipa!’
And he shall saye: I tell you I knowe you not whence ye are: departe from me all ye workers of iniquite.
28 “Ipapo pachava nokuchema, nokurumanya kwameno, pamunoona Abhurahama, Isaka naJakobho navaprofita vose vari muumambo hwaMwari, asi imi pachenyu marasirwa kunze.
There shalbe wepinge and gnasshinge of teth when ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the prophetes in the kyngdom of God and youre selves thrust oute at dores.
29 Vanhu vachabva kumabvazuva nokumavirira, nokumusoro nezasi, uye vachagara pazvigaro zvavo pamabiko muumambo hwaMwari.
And they shall come from the eest and from the weest and from the northe and from the southe and shall syt doune in the kyngdome of God.
30 Zvirokwazvo, varipo vaya vokupedzisira vachazova vokutanga, uye vokutanga vachazova vokupedzisira.”
And beholde ther are last which shalbe fyrst: And ther are fyrst which shalbe last.
31 Panguva iyoyo vamwe vaFarisi vakauya kuna Jesu vakati kwaari, “Ibvai pano muende kumwewo. Herodhi anoda kukuurayai.”
The same daye there came certayne of the pharises and sayd vnto him: Get the out of the waye and departe hence: for Herode will kyll ye.
32 Akapindura akati, “Endai munoudza gava iro kuti, ‘Ndichadzinga madhimoni nokuporesa vanhu nhasi namangwana, uye pazuva retatu ndichapedzisa basa rangu.’
And he sayd vnto them. Goo ye and tell that foxe beholde I cast oute devyls and heale the people to daye and to morowe and the third daye I make an ende.
33 Zvisinei hazvo, ndinofanira kuramba ndichishanda mangwana nezuva rinotevera, nokuti zvirokwazvo hakuna muprofita angafira kunze kweJerusarema!
Neverthelesse I must walke todaye and tomorowe and the daye folowinge: For it cannot be that a Prophet perishe eny other where save at Ierusalem.
34 “Iwe Jerusarema, Jerusarema, iwe unouraya vaprofita uye uchitaka namabwe avo vakatumwa kwauri, kazhinji sei kandaidisa kuunganidza vana vako pamwe chete, sehuku inounganidza hukwana dzayo pasi pamapapiro ayo, asi ukaramba!
O Ierusalem Ierusalem which kyllest prophetes and stonest them that are sent to ye: how often wolde I have gadered thy childre to gedder as the hen gathereth her nest vnder her wynges but ye wolde not.
35 Tarira, imba yako yasiyiwa yava dongo. Ndinoti kwauri, hauchazondionizve kusvikira wati, ‘Akaropafadzwa iye anouya muzita raShe.’”
Beholde youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate. For I tell you ye shall not se me vntill the tyme come that ye shall saye blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde.