< Revhitiko 4 >

1 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
And the Lord said to Moses,
2 “Uti kuvana veIsraeri, ‘Kana munhu upi zvake akatadza nokusaziva akaita zvisingabvumirwi pamurayiro upi zvawo waJehovha,
Say to the children of Israel: These are the offerings of anyone who does wrong through error, doing any of the things which by the Lord's order are not to be done:
3 kana muprista akazodzwa, akatadza akauyisa mhosva pamusoro pavanhu, anofanira kuuya kuna Jehovha nehando diki isina kuremara sechibayiro chechivi, nokuda kwechivi chaakaita.
If the chief priest by doing wrong becomes a cause of sin to the people, then let him give to the Lord for the sin which he has done, an ox, without any mark, for a sin-offering.
4 Anofanira kupa hando diki pamusuo weTende Rokusangana pamberi paJehovha. Anofanira kuisa ruoko rwake pamusoro payo agoibaya pamberi paJehovha.
And he is to take the ox to the door of the Tent of meeting before the Lord; and put his hand on its head and put it to death before the Lord.
5 Ipapo muprista akazodzwa achatora rimwe reropa rehando iyi agoritakura agopinda naro muTende Rokusangana.
And the chief priest is to take some of its blood and take it to the Tent of meeting;
6 Anofanira kunyika munwe muropa agosasa rimwe racho kanomwe pamberi paJehovha; pamberi pechidzitiro chenzvimbo tsvene.
And the priest is to put his finger in the blood, shaking drops of it before the Lord seven times, in front of the veil of the holy place.
7 Muprista achatora rimwe ropa agoisa panyanga dzearitari yezvinonhuhwira zviri pamberi paJehovha muTende Rokusangana. Rimwe ropa rose acharidira mujinga mearitari yezvibayiro zvinopiswa pamusuo weTende Rokusangana.
And the priest is to put some of the blood on the horns of the altar on which perfume is burned before the Lord in the Tent of meeting, draining out all the rest of the blood of the ox at the base of the altar of burned offering which is at the door of the Tent of meeting.
8 Achabvisa mafuta anofukidza zvose zvomukati kana akabatana nazvo,
And he is to take away all the fat of the ox of the sin-offering; the fat covering the inside parts and all the fat of the inside parts,
9 itsvo mbiri namafuta ari padziri pedyo nechiuno nezvakafukidza chiropa, achazvibvisa pamwe chete neitsvo,
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away,
10 sokubviswa kunoitwa mafuta pahando inopiwa sechibayiro chokuwadzana. Ipapo muprista achazvipisa paaritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa.
As it is taken from the ox of the peace-offering; and it is to be burned by the priest on the altar of burned offerings.
11 Asi dehwe rehando, nyama yose pamwe chete nomusoro namakumbo, ura zvomukati namazvizvi,
And the skin of the ox and all its flesh, with its head and its legs and its inside parts and its waste,
12 zvinoreva kuti zvose zvehando, anofanira kuzvibudisa kunze kwemisasa panzvimbo yakacheneswa, panorasirwa madota agozvipisa pamoto wehuni padurunhuru.
All the ox, he is to take away outside the circle of the tents into a clean place where the burned waste is put, and there it is to be burned on wood with fire.
13 “‘Kana ungano yose yaIsraeri ikatadza nokusaziva ikaita zvisingatenderwi pamirayiro ipi zvayo yaJehovha, kunyange ungano isingazivi kuti chii chakaitika, vose vane mhosva.
And if all the people of Israel do wrong, without anyone's knowledge; if they have done any of the things which by the Lord's order are not to be done, causing sin to come on them;
14 Kana vakaziva chivi chavakaita, ungano ichapa hando diki sechipiriso chechivi vagouya nayo kuTende Rokusangana.
When the sin which they have done comes to light, then let all the people give an ox for a sin-offering, and take it before the Tent of meeting.
15 Vakuru veungano vanofanira kuisa maoko avo pamusoro wehando pamberi paJehovha uye hando ichabayiwa pamberi paJehovha.
And let the chiefs of the people put their hands on its head before the Lord, and put the ox to death before the Lord.
16 Ipapo muprista akazodzwa achatora rimwe ropa rehando agopinda naro muTende Rokusangana.
And the priest is to take some of its blood to the Tent of meeting;
17 Achanyika munwe wake muropa agorisasa pamberi paJehovha kanomwe, pamberi pechidzitiro.
And put his finger in the blood, shaking drops of the blood seven times before the Lord in front of the veil.
18 Anofanira kuisa rimwe ropa panyanga dzearitari iri pamberi paJehovha muTende Rokusangana. Rimwe ropa rose acharidururira mujinga mearitari yechibayiro chinopiswa pamusuo weTende Rokusangana.
And he is to put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the Lord in the Tent of meeting; and all the rest of the blood is to be drained out at the base of the altar of burned offering at the door of the Tent of meeting.
19 Achabvisa mafuta ose pairi agoapisa paaritari
And he is to take off all its fat, burning it on the altar.
20 agoita nehando iyi zvaakaita nehando yechipiriso chezvivi. Nenzira iyi muprista anofanira kuvayananisira, uye vacharegererwa.
Let him do with the ox as he did with the ox of the sin-offering; and the priest will take away their sin and they will have forgiveness.
21 Ipapo achaenda nehando kunze kwomusasa agoipisa sokupisa kwaakaita hando yokutanga. Ichi ndicho chipiriso chezvivi cheungano yavanhu.
Then let the ox be taken away outside the tent-circle, that it may be burned as the other ox was burned; it is the sin-offering for all the people.
22 “‘Kana mutungamiri akatadza nokusaziva, akaita zvinorambidzwa pamirayiro ipi zvayo yaJehovha Mwari wake, ane mhosva.
If a ruler does wrong, and in error does any of the things which, by the order of the Lord his God, are not to be done, causing sin to come on him;
23 Kana akaziviswa chivi chaakaita, anofanira kuuya nechipiriso chake chenhongo yembudzi isina kuremara.
When the sin which he has done is made clear to him, let him give for his offering a goat, a male without any mark.
24 Anofanira kuisa ruoko rwake pamusoro wembudzi agoibayira panzvimbo panobayirwa chipiriso chinopiswa pamberi paJehovha. Ichi chipiriso chezvivi.
And he is to put his hand on the head of the goat and put it to death in the place where they put to death the burned offering before the Lord: it is a sin-offering.
25 Ipapo muprista achatora rimwe ropa rechibayiro chezvivi nomunwe wake agoriisa panyanga dzearitari yechibayiro chinopiswa agodurura rimwe rose mujinga mearitari.
And the priest is to take some of the blood of the offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burned offering, draining out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar of burned offering.
26 Achapisa mafuta ose paaritari sokupisa kwaakaita mafuta echibayiro chokuwadzana. Nenzira iyi muprista achayananisira munhu pazvivi zvake uye acharegererwa.
And all the fat of it is to be burned on the altar like the fat of the peace-offering; and the priest will take away his sin and he will have forgiveness.
27 “‘Kana nhengo yeungano yavanhu ikatadza nokusaziva uye ikaita zvisingabvumirwi mumurayiro upi noupi waJehovha, ine mhosva.
And if any one of the common people does wrong in error, doing any of the things which the Lord has given orders are not to be done, causing sin to come on him;
28 Kana akaziviswa chivi chaakaita, anofanira kuuya nechibayiro chake chechivi chaakaita mbudzi hadzi isina kuremara.
When the sin which he has done is made clear to him, then he is to give for his offering a goat, a female without any mark, for the sin which he has done.
29 Anofanira kuisa ruoko rwake pamusoro wechibayiro chechivi agochiuraya panzvimbo yechipiriso chinopiswa.
And he is to put his hand on the head of the sin-offering and put it to death in the place where they put to death the burned offering.
30 Ipapo muprista achatora rimwe ropa nomunwe wake agoriisa panyanga dzearitari yechibayiro chinopiswa agodira rimwe ropa rose mujinga mearitari.
And the priest is to take some of the blood with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burned offering, and all the rest of its blood is to be drained out at the base of the altar.
31 Achabvisa mafuta ose sokubviswa kunoitwa mafuta pachibayiro chokuwadzana uye muprista achazvipisa paaritari sezvinonhuhwira zvinofadza kuna Jehovha. Nenzira iyi muprista achamuyananisira uye acharegererwa.
And let all its fat be taken away, as the fat is taken away from the peace-offerings, and let it be burned on the altar by the priest for a sweet smell to the Lord; and the priest will take away his sin and he will have forgiveness.
32 “‘Kana akauya negwayana rechipiriso chake chezvivi, anofanira kuuya nesheshe isina kuremara.
And if he gives a lamb as his sin-offering, let it be a female without any mark;
33 Anofanira kuisa ruoko rwake pamusoro waro agoribaya sechibayiro chezvivi panzvimbo inobayirwa chipiriso chinopiswa.
And he is to put his hand on the head of the offering and put it to death for a sin-offering in the place where they put to death the burned offering.
34 Ipapo muprista achatora rimwe ropa racho nomunwe wake agoriisa panyanga dzearitari yechibayiro chinopiswa agodurura rimwe ropa rose mujinga mearitari.
And the priest is to take some of the blood of the offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burned offering, and all the rest of the blood is to be drained out at the base of the altar;
35 Achabvisa mafuta ose sokubviswa kunoitwa mafuta pagwayana rechibayiro chokuwadzana, uye muprista achazvipisa paaritari pamusoro pezvipiriso zvinoitwa kuna Mwari nomoto. Nenzira iyi muprista achamuyananisira pachivi chaakaita, uye acharegererwa.
And let him take away all its fat, as the fat is taken away from the lamb of the peace-offerings; and let it be burned by the priest on the altar among the offerings made by fire to the Lord: and the priest will take away his sin and he will have forgiveness.

< Revhitiko 4 >