< Revhitiko 24 >

1 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
The Lord told Moses,
2 “Rayira vaIsraeri kuti vauye kwauri namafuta akaisvonaka amaorivhi akasvinwa, omwenje, kuitira kuti mwenje irambe ichibvira nguva dzose.
“Order the Israelites to bring you pure, pressed olive oil for the lamps, so they will always stay lit.
3 Kunze kwechidzitiro cheChipupuriro muTende Rokusangana, Aroni anofanira kuchengetedza mwenje iyi pamberi paJehovha kubva manheru kusvikira kwaedza, nguva dzose. Uyu unofanira kuva murayiro unogara nokusingaperi kuzvizvarwa zvichauya.
From evening until morning Aaron is to constantly look after the lamps continually before the Lord, outside the veil of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting. This regulation is for all time and for all future generations.
4 Mwenje iri pachigadziko chomwenje chegoridhe rakaisvonaka chiri pamberi paJehovha inofanira kuchengetedzwa nguva dzose.
He is to constantly look after the lamps placed on the pure gold lampstand before the Lord.
5 “Torai upfu hwakatsetseka mugobika zvingwa gumi nezviviri muchishandisa zvikamu zviviri kubva mugumi zveefa pachingwa chimwe nechimwe.
Using the best flour bake twelve loaves, with two-tenths of an ephah of flour per loaf.
6 Zviisei mumitsara miviri, zvitanhatu mumutsara mumwe nomumwe, patafura yegoridhe rakaisvonaka pamberi paJehovha.
Place them in two piles, six in each pile, on the table made of pure gold that stands before the Lord.
7 Pamutsetse mumwe nomumwe isai zvinonhuhwira zvive chirangaridzo chinomirira chingwa uye zvive chipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto.
Place pure frankincense beside each pile to go with the bread to act as the ‘reminder part,’ a food offering to the Lord.
8 Chingwa ichi chinofanira kuiswa pamberi paJehovha nguva nenguva, Sabata neSabata zvakamirira vaIsraeri sesungano inogara nokusingaperi.
Every Sabbath day the bread shall be placed before the Lord, given by the Israelites as an ongoing sign of the eternal agreement.
9 NdechaAroni navanakomana vake, vanofanira kuchidyira munzvimbo tsvene, nokuti ichi chikamu chitsvene-tsvene chezvipiriso zvavo zvenguva nenguva zvinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto.”
It is for Aaron and his descendants. They are to eat it in a holy place; for they must treat it as a most holy part of the food offerings given to the Lord. It is their share of the food offerings for all time.”
10 Zvino mwanakomana wavamwe mai vechiIsraeri uye baba vake vari vechiIjipita, akafamba pakati pavana vaIsraeri, uye mwanakomana womukadzi muIsraeri akarwa nomurume muIsraeri mumusasa.
One day a man who had an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father went into the Israelite camp and had a fight with an Israelite.
11 Mwanakomana womukadzi muIsraeri akatuka Zita raJehovha nechituko; naizvozvo vakauya naye kuna Mozisi. (Zita ramai vake rainzi Sheromiti, mwanasikana waDhibhiri worudzi rwaDhani.)
The Israelite woman's son cursed the name of the Lord. So they took him before Moses. (His mother's name was Shelomith, daughter of Dibri, from the tribe of Dan.)
12 Vakamuisa mutorongo kusvikira kuda kwaJehovha kwaiswa pachena kwavari.
They detained him until it was clear what the Lord wanted them to do about it.
13 Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
The Lord told Moses,
14 “Tora mutuki uende naye kunze kwomusasa. Vose vakamunzwa vanofanira kuisa maoko avo pamusoro wake uye ungano yose inofanira kumutaka namabwe.
“Take the man who cursed me outside the camp. Have all who heard him curse put their hands on his head; then have everyone stone him to death.
15 Uti kuvaIsraeri, ‘Kana munhu upi zvake akatuka Mwari wake achava nemhosva;
Tell the Israelites that anyone who curses their God will be punished for their sin.
16 ani naani anotuka zita raJehovha anofanira kuurayiwa. Ungano yose inofanira kumutaka namabwe. Kunyange ari mutorwa kana chizvarwa chenyu, akatuka Zita raJehovha anofanira kuurayiwa.
Anyone who curses the name of the Lord must to be executed. All of you must stone them to death, whether they are a foreigner who lives with you or an Israelite. If they curse my name, they must be executed.
17 “‘Ani naani anouraya munhu, anofanira kuurayiwa.
Anyone who kills someone else must be executed.
18 Munhu wose anouraya chipfuwo chomumwe munhu anofanira kuripa, upenyu hunotsiviwa noupenyu.
Anyone who kills an animal has to replace it—a life for a life.
19 Kana munhu akakuvadza muvakidzani wake, zvose zvaaita zvinofanira kuitwa kwaari.
If anyone injures someone else, whatever they've done must be done to them:
20 Kutyora kunotsiviwa nokutyora, ziso rinotsiviwa neziso, zino rinotsiviwa nezino. Sezvaakuvadza mumwe saka naiye anofanira kukuvadzwa.
a broken bone for a broken bone, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Whatever way they injured the victim, the same must be done to them.
21 Ani naani anouraya mhuka anofanira kuripa asi ani naani anouraya munhu anofanira kuurayiwa.
Anyone who kills an animal has to replace it, but anyone who kills someone else must be executed.
22 Munofanira kuva nomutemo mumwe chete pamutorwa napachizvarwa chemo. Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.’”
The same laws apply to foreigners who live with you as to Israelites, for I am the Lord your God.”
23 Ipapo Mozisi akataura navaIsraeri, vakatora mutuki vakaenda naye kunze kwomusasa, vakamutaka namabwe akafa. VaIsraeri vakaita sezvakarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.
Moses told this to the Israelites, and they took the man who cursed the Lord outside the camp and stoned him to death. The Israelites did what the Lord ordered Moses to do.

< Revhitiko 24 >