< Revhitiko 10 >

1 Zvino Nadhabhi naAbhihu, vanakomana vaAroni vakatora, mumwe nomumwe, hadyana yake yezvinonhuhwira, vakaisamo moto, vakaisawo zvinonhuhwira, vakaisa moto usingabvumirwi pamberi paJehovha zvaakanga asina kuvarayira.
And the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, each take his censer, and put fire in them, and put incense on it, and bring strange fire near before YHWH, which He has not commanded them;
2 Saka naizvozvo moto wakabuda kubva pamberi paJehovha ukavapisa vose ndokubva vafa pamberi paJehovha.
and fire goes out from before YHWH and consumes them, and they die before YHWH.
3 Ipapo Mozisi akati kuna Aroni, “Izvi ndizvo zvakataurwa naJehovha paakati: “‘Pakati peavo vachaswedera kwandiri ndicharatidza utsvene hwangu, pamberi pavanhu vose ndichakudzwa.’” Aroni akaramba anyerere.
And Moses says to Aaron, “It [is] that which YHWH has spoken, saying, By those drawing near to Me I am sanctified, and in the face of all the people I am honored”; and Aaron is silent.
4 Mozisi akadana Mishaeri naErizafani, vanakomana vaUzieri, babamunini vaAroni, akati kwavari, “Uyai pano mutakure madzikoma enyu muende navo kunze kwomusasa vabve pamberi penzvimbo tsvene.”
And Moses calls to Mishael and to Elzaphan, sons of Uzziel, uncle of Aaron, and says to them, “Come near, carry your brothers from the front of the holy place to the outside of the camp”;
5 Saka vakauya vakavatakura vachakapfeka hanzu dzavo vakaenda navo kunze kwomusasa sezvazvakanga zvarayirwa naMozisi.
and they come near, and carry them in their coats to the outside of the camp, as Moses has spoken.
6 Ipapo Mozisi akati kuna Aroni navanakomana vake, Ereazari naItamari, “Musarega bvudzi renyu risina kukamwa uye musabvarura nguo dzenyu nokuti mungafa, Mwari akatsamwira ungano yose. Asi hama dzenyu, imba yose yaIsraeri, vanogona kuchema avo vakaparadzwa nomoto naJehovha.
And Moses says to Aaron and his sons, to Eleazar and to Ithamar, “You do not uncover your heads, and you do not tear your garments, that you do not die, and He is angry on all the congregation; as for your brothers, the whole house of Israel, they lament the burning which YHWH has kindled;
7 Musabva pamusuo weTende Rokusangana nokuti mungafa nokuti mafuta aJehovha okuzodza ari pamuri.” Saka vakaita sezvakataurwa naMozisi.
and you do not go out from the opening of the Tent of Meeting, lest you die, for the anointing oil of YHWH [is] on you”; and they do according to the word of Moses.
8 Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Aroni,
And YHWH speaks to Aaron, saying,
9 “Iwe navanakomana vako hamufaniri kunwa waini kana zvimwe zvinwiwa zvakaviriswa pose pose pamunopinda muTende Rokusangana nokuti mungafa. Uyu mutemo usingaperi kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvinotevera.
“You do not drink wine and strong drink, you and your sons with you, in your going into the Tent of Meeting, and you do not die—a continuous statute throughout your generations,
10 Munofanira kuisa mutsauko pakati pezvitsvene nezvisingakoshi, pakati pezvakachena nezvisina kuchena.
so as to make a separation between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the pure;
11 Uye munofanira kudzidzisa vaIsraeri mirayiro yose yavakapiwa naJehovha kubudikidza naMozisi.”
and to teach the sons of Israel all the statutes which YHWH has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.”
12 Mozisi akati kuna Aroni navanakomana vake vakanga vasara, Ereazari naItamari, “Torai chipiriso chezviyo kubva pazvipiriso zvakaitirwa Jehovha nomoto, zvakagadzirwa pasina mbiriso mugochiisa parutivi pearitari nokuti chitsvene-tsvene.
And Moses speaks to Aaron and his sons, to Eleazar and to Ithamar, who are left, “Take the present that is left from the fire-offerings of YHWH, and eat it unleavened near the altar, for it [is] most holy,
13 Zvidyei munzvimbo tsvene, nokuti mugove wenyu nomugove wavanakomana venyu, wezvipiriso zvinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto, nokuti ndakarayirwa saizvozvo.
and you have eaten it in the holy place, for it [is] your portion, and the portion of your sons, from the fire-offerings of YHWH; for so I have been commanded.
14 Asi iwe navanakomana vako navanasikana vako, munogona kudya chityu chakaninirwa nebandauko rakakumikidzwa. Zvidyei munzvimbo yakacheneswa; izvi zvakapiwa kwauri navana vako somugove wenyu wezvipiriso zvokuwadzana zvavana vaIsraeri.
And you eat the breast of the wave-offering and the leg of the raised-offering in a clean place, you, and your sons, and your daughters with you; they have been given for your portion and the portion of your sons, out of the sacrifices of peace-offerings of the sons of Israel;
15 Bandauko rakakumikidzwa nechityu chakaninirwa zvinofanirwa kuuyiswa namafuta nezvipiriso zvinoitwa nomoto, kuti zvininirwe pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira. Uyu uchava mugove wamuchagara muchiwana navana venyu sezvakarayirwa naJehovha.”
the leg of the raised-offering, and breast of the wave-offering, besides fire-offerings of the fat, they bring in to wave [as] a wave-offering before YHWH, and it has been to you, and to your sons with you, by a continuous statute, as YHWH has commanded.”
16 Mozisi akati abvunza nezvembudzi yechipiriso chechivi akawana yatopiswa, akatsamwira Ereazari naItamari vanakomana vaAroni vakanga vasara akabvunza akati,
And Moses has diligently sought the goat of the sin-offering, and behold, it is burned, and he is angry against Eleazar and against Ithamar, sons of Aaron, who are left, saying,
17 “Sei musina kudyira chipiriso chechivi munzvimbo tsvene? Chitsvene-tsvene, chakapiwa kwamuri kuti chibvise mhosva yeungano nokuvayananisira pamberi paJehovha.
“Why have you not eaten the sin-offering in the holy place, for it [is] most holy—and He has given it to you to take away the iniquity of the congregation, to make atonement for them before YHWH?
18 Sezvo ropa racho risina kuuyiswa kuNzvimbo Tsvene, maifanira kudyira mbudzi munharaunda yenzvimbo tsvene, sezvandakarayira.”
Behold, its blood has not been brought into the holy place within; eating you eat it in the holy place, as I have commanded.”
19 Aroni akapindura Mozisi achiti, “Nhasi vabayira chipiriso chavo chechivi nechipiriso chavo chinopiswa pamberi paJehovha asi zvinhu zvakaita seizvi zvaitika kwandiri. Jehovha aidai afara here dai ndadya chipiriso chechivi nhasi?”
And Aaron speaks to Moses, “Behold, today they have brought their sin-offering and their burnt-offering near before YHWH; and [things] like these meet me, yet I have eaten a sin-offering today; is it good in the eyes of YHWH?”
20 Mozisi paakanzwa izvi akagutsikana.
And Moses listens, and it is good in his eyes.

< Revhitiko 10 >