< Kuungudza kwaJeremia 3 >
1 Ndini munhu akaona kutambudzika neshamhu yehasha dzake.
I am a man who has seen misery under the rod of Yahweh's fury.
2 Akandidzingira kure akaita kuti ndifambe murima panzvimbo yomuchiedza;
He drove me away and caused me to walk in darkness rather than light.
3 zvirokwazvo, akashandura ruoko rwake kuti rundirwise nguva nenguva, zuva rose.
Surely he turned his hand against me again and again, the whole day long.
4 Akasakadza ganda rangu nenyama yangu uye akavhuna mapfupa angu.
He made my flesh and my skin waste away; he broke my bones.
5 Akandikomba akandipoteredza neshungu nokurwadziswa.
He built up siege works against me, and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship.
6 Akandigarisa murima savanhu vakafa kare kare.
He made me live in dark places, like those who died long ago.
7 Akandipfigira kuti ndisapunyuka, akandiremedza nengetani.
He built a wall around me and I cannot escape. He made my chains heavy
8 Kunyange ndikadana kana kuridza mhere kuti ndibatsirwe, anopfigira munyengetero wangu kunze.
and though I call out and cry for help, he shut out my prayer.
9 Akadzivira nzira yangu namatombo; akaminamisa nzira dzangu.
He blocked my path with a wall of hewn stone; he made my paths crooked.
10 Sebere rakavandira, seshumba yakavanda,
He is like a bear waiting to ambush me, a lion in hiding;
11 akandikwekweredza kubva munzira uye akandibvarura-bvarura akandisiya ndisina mubatsiri.
he turned aside my paths, he has made me desolate.
12 Akawembura uta hwake akandiita chinhu chinonangwa nemiseve yake.
He bent his bow and set me as a target for his arrow.
13 Akabaya mwoyo wangu nemiseve yaibva mugoba rake.
He pierced my kidneys with the arrows of his quiver.
14 Ndakava chiseko chavanhu vangu vose; vakandihomera nenziyo pazuva rose.
I became a laughingstock to all my people, the object of their taunting all day long.
15 Akandigutsa nemiriwo inovava, uye akandinwisa nduru.
He filled me with bitterness and forced me to drink wormwood.
16 Akagura mazino angu nerukangarabwe; akanditsokodzera muguruva.
He has made my teeth grind with gravel, and he made me cower in the ashes.
17 Ndakatorerwa rugare; ndakakanganwa kuti kubudirira chii.
My soul is deprived of peace; I have forgotten what happiness is.
18 Naizvozvo ndinoti, “Kubwinya kwangu kwaenda, uye nezvose zvandanga ndakatarisira kuna Jehovha.”
So I say, “My endurance has perished and so has my hope in Yahweh.”
19 Ndinorangarira kutambudzika kwangu nokudzungaira kwangu, kurwadziwa uye nenduru.
Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and bitterness.
20 Ndinozvirangarira kwazvo, uye mweya wangu wasuruvara mukati mangu.
I continually remember it and I am bowed down within me.
21 Asi izvi ndinozvirangarira mupfungwa uye naizvozvo ndine tariro:
But I call this to mind and therefore I have hope:
22 Nokuda kwerudo rukuru rwaJehovha, hatina kuparadzwa, nokuti tsitsi dzake hadzitongoperi.
The steadfast love of Yahweh never ceases and his compassions never end,
23 Itsva mangwanani oga oga, kutendeka kwenyu kukuru.
they are new every morning; your faithfulness is great.
24 Ndinoti kumwoyo wangu, “Jehovha ndiye mugove wangu; naizvozvo ndichamumirira.”
“Yahweh is my inheritance,” I said, therefore I will hope in him.
25 Jehovha akanaka kuna avo vanovimba naye, kumunhu anomutsvaka;
Yahweh is good to those who wait for him, to the one who seeks him.
26 chinhu chakanaka kumirira ruponeso rwaJehovha unyerere.
It is good to wait silently for the salvation of Yahweh.
27 Chinhu chakanaka kuti munhu atakure joko achiri mudiki.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
28 Ngaagare ari oga anyerere, nokuti Jehovha ndiye akariturika paari.
Let him sit alone in silence, when it is laid upon him.
29 Ngaavige chiso chake muguruva, zvimwe tariro ichiripo.
Let him put his mouth in the dust—there may yet be hope.
30 Ngaape dama rake kumunhu anomurova, uye ngaazadzwe nenyadzi.
Let him offer his cheek to the one who strikes him, and let him be filled to the full with reproach.
31 Nokuti vanhu havangaraswi naIshe nokusingaperi.
For the Lord will not reject us forever,
32 Kunyange achiuyisa kusuwa, achanzwira hake tsitsi, rukuru sei rudo rwake rusingaperi.
but though he causes grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love.
33 Nokuti haafariri kuuyisa kurwadziwa kana kusuwa kuvana vavanhu.
For he does not afflict from his heart or torment the children of mankind.
34 Kutsikira pasi petsoka vasungwa vose venyika,
To crush underfoot all the prisoners of the earth,
35 kurambira munhu kodzero yake pamberi peWokumusoro-soro,
to deny a man justice in the presence of the Most High,
36 kutadzisa munhu kuwana kururamisirwa kwake ko, Ishe haangaoni zvinhu zvakadai here?
to deny justice to a person—the Lord would not approve such things!
37 Ndiani angataura akaita kuti zviitike kana Ishe asina kuzvirayira?
Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord decreed it?
38 Ko, hazvibvi mumuromo weWokumusoro-soro here zvose zvakaipa nezvinhu zvakanaka zvinouya?
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and the good come?
39 Ko, munhu mupenyu anonyunyutirei kana arangwa nokuda kwezvivi zvake?
How can any person alive complain? How can a person complain about the punishment for his sins?
40 Ngatinzverei nzira dzedu uye ngatidziedzei, uyewo ngatidzokerei kuna Jehovha.
Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to Yahweh.
41 Ngatisimudzei mwoyo yedu namaoko edu kuna Mwari ari kudenga, tigoti:
Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in the heavens:
42 “Takatadza uye takakumukirai uye imi hamuna kukanganwira.
“We have transgressed and rebelled, and you have not forgiven.
43 “Makazvifukidza nokutsamwa mukatidzingirira; makauraya musinganzwiri ngoni.
You have covered yourself with anger and pursued us, you have killed and you have not spared.
44 Makazvifukidza negore kuti kurege kuva nomunyengetero ungasvikako.
You have covered yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can pass through.
45 Makatiita marara netsvina pakati pendudzi.
You have made us like filthy scum and refuse among the nations.
46 “Vavengi vedu vose vakashama miromo yavo kwazvo kuti vatituke.
All our enemies curse us,
47 Takawirwa nokutya uye takateyiwa nehunza, kuparara nokuparadzwa kukuru.”
panic and pitfall have come upon us, ruin and destruction.
48 Hova dzemisodzi dzinoyerera kubva mumaziso angu, nokuti vanhu vangu vaparadzwa.
My eyes flow with streams of tears because my people are destroyed.
49 Meso angu acharamba achiyerera misodzi, pasina zvinoyamura,
My eyes will shed tears without ceasing, without relief,
50 kusvikira Jehovha aringira pasi kubva kudenga akaona.
until Yahweh from heaven looks down and sees.
51 Zvandinoona zvinochemedza mweya wangu, nokuda kwavakadzi vose veguta rangu.
My eyes cause me grief because of all the daughters of my city.
52 Avo vakanga vari vavengi vangu ini pasina chikonzero vakandivhima seshiri.
I have been hunted like a bird by those who were my enemies; they hunted me without a reason.
53 Vakaedza kundiuraya mugomba uye vakapotsera matombo kwandiri;
They cast me into a pit and they threw a stone on me,
54 mvura zhinji yakafukidza musoro wangu, uye ndakafunga kuti ndava pedyo nokufa.
and they caused waters to overflow, covering my head. I said, 'I have been cut off!'
55 Ndakadana zita renyu, imi Jehovha, ndiri mugomba rakadzika.
I called on your name, Yahweh, from the depths of the pit.
56 Makanzwa kukumbira kwangu: “Regai kudzivira nzeve dzenyu pandinochemera rubatsiro.”
You heard my voice when I said, 'Do not close your ear to my cry for help.'
57 Makaswedera pedyo pandakakudanai, mukati, “Usatya.”
You came near on the day I called on you; you said, 'Do not fear.'
58 Haiwa Ishe, makandireverera mhaka yangu; makadzikinura upenyu hwangu.
Lord, you defended my case, you saved my life!
59 Makaona imi Jehovha, zvakaipa zvandakaitirwa. Nditongerei mhaka yangu!
Yahweh, you have seen the wrong they have done to me; judge my case.
60 Makaona udzamu hwokutsva kwavo, idzo rangano dzavo dzose pamusoro pangu.
You have seen their insults, all their plots against me—
61 Haiwa Jehovha, makanzwa kutuka kwavo, idzo rangano dzavo dzose pamusoro pangu,
You have heard their scorn, Yahweh, and all their plans regarding me.
62 dzinozevezerwa nokungurumwa navavengi vangu pamusoro pangu zuva rose.
The lips and the accusations of my enemies come against me all the day.
63 Tarirai kwavari! Vakagara kana kumira, vanondituka nenziyo dzavo.
Look at how they sit and then rise up; they mock me with their songs.
64 Varipidzirei zvakavafanira, imi Jehovha, zvakaitwa namaoko avo.
Pay back to them, Yahweh, according to what they have done.
65 Isai chidziro pamwoyo yavo, uye kutuka kwenyu ngakuve pamusoro pavo!
You will let their hearts be shameless! May your condemnation be upon them!
66 Vadzinganisei makatsamwa muvaparadze, vabve pasi pamatenga aJehovha.
You pursue them in anger and destroy them from under the heavens, Yahweh!”