< Vatongi 8 >

1 Zvino vaEfuremu vakabvunza Gidheoni vakati, “Makatibatireiko zvakadai? Makaregerei kutidana pamakaenda kundorwa navaMidhiani?” Uye vakamutsoropodza zvikuru.
Then the men of Ephraim asked Gideon, “Why have you treated us like this? Why didn't you call us when you went to attack the Midianite?” They argued furiously with him.
2 Asi akavapindura akati, “Ko, chii chandaita kuti ndizvienzanise nemi? Handiti zvakanongwa zvamazambiringa aEfuremu zviri nani kupfuura mukohwo uzere wamazambiringa aAbhiezeri?
“Now what have I achieved in comparison to you?” Gideon replied. “Even Ephraim's left-over grapes are better than Abiezer's whole grape harvest!
3 Mwari akaisa Orebhi naZeebhi, vatungamiri vavaMidhiani mumaoko enyu. Ko, ini ndaizokwanisa kuitei kuti ndienzaniswe nemi?” Ipapo, kutsamwa kwavo pamusoro pake kwakaserera.
God handed over to you Oreb and Zeeb, the two Midianite commanders. What have I managed to achieve in comparison to you?” When he told them this their animosity towards him died down.
4 Gidheoni navanhu vake mazana matatu, vakaramba vachingotevera, vakasvika kurwizi Jorodhani uye vakaruyambuka havo, asi vakanga vaneta kwazvo.
Then Gideon crossed the Jordan with his three hundred men. Even though they were exhausted they continued the chase.
5 Akati kuvarume veSukoti, “Ipai henyu mauto angu chingwa; vaneta, uye ndichiri kutevera Zebha naZarumuna, madzimambo eMidhiani.”
When they got to Succoth, Gideon asked the people there, “Please provide some bread to the men with me because they're worn out—I'm pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, the Midianite kings.”
6 Asi machinda eSukoti akati, “Matova namaoko aZebha naZarumuna mumaoko enyu here? Ko, tingapirei chingwa kumauto enyu?”
But the Succoth town leaders replied, “Why should we give your army bread when you haven't even captured Zebah and Zalmunna yet?”
7 Ipapo Gidheoni akapindura akati, “Nokuda kwaizvozvo, Jehovha paanongoisa Zebha naZarumuna muruoko rwangu, ini ndichabvambura nyama yenyu neminzwa yomurenje uye norukato.”
“In that case, once the Lord has handed Zebah and Zalmunna over to me, I'll return and thrash you with thorns and briers from the desert!” Gideon replied.
8 Kubva ipapo akaenda kuPenieri vakaita chikumbiro chimwe chetecho, asi naivowo vakapindura sezvakaita varume veSukoti.
He left and went to Penuel and asked them the same thing, but the people of Penuel answered the same way as the people of Succoth.
9 Saka iye akati kuvarume vePenieri, “Pandinodzoka ndakunda, ndichakoromora shongwe iyi.”
So he told them, “When I return victorious, I'll demolish this tower!”
10 Zvino Zebha naZarumuna vakanga vari muKarikori vaine hondo yavarume zviuru gumi nezvishanu, vose vakanga vasara pahondo yavanhu vokumabvazuva; varume vomunondo zviuru makumi maviri vakanga vafa.
Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor with their armies of around fifteen thousand men. These were all who remained of the armies of the people of the East—one hundred and twenty thousand swordsmen had already been killed.
11 Gidheoni akakwidza nenzira yavaigara mumatende kumabvazuva kweNobha neJogibheha vakandokunda hondo yakanga isina chayakatarisira.
Gideon took the caravan route to the east of Nobah and Jogbehah, and he attacked their army, catching them offguard.
12 Zebha naZarumuna, madzimambo maviri eMidhiani, vakatiza, asi akavatevera akavabata, akakunda hondo yavo yose.
Zebah and Zalmunna ran away, but he chased after the two Midianite kings and captured them, defeating the whole of their terrified army.
13 Gidheoni mwanakomana waJoashi akadzoka kubva kuhondo napaMupata weHeresi.
Then Gideon, son of Joash, returned from the battle through the Heres Pass.
14 Akabata jaya rokuSukoti uye akaribvunza, uye jaya rikanyora pasi mazita amachinda makumi manomwe navanomwe vokuSukoti, vakuru veguta.
There he captured a young man from Succoth and questioned him. The man wrote down for him the names of the seventy-seven leaders and elders of Succoth.
15 Ipapo Gidheoni akasvika akati kuvarume veSukoti, “Havano vanaZebha naZarumuna, vaya vamakandiseka muchiti, ‘Ko, watova namaoko aZebha naZarumuna kare here? Tinopireiko chingwa kuvanhu vako vaneta ava?’”
Gideon went and said to the Sukkoth town leaders, “Here are Zebah and Zalmunna, the ones you taunted me about when you said, ‘Why should we give your exhausted army bread when you haven't even captured Zebah and Zalmunna yet?’”
16 Akatora vakuru veguta akadzidzisa varume veSukoti chidzidzo nenzira yokuvaranga neminzwa yomurenje uye norukato.
So he took the town elders of Succoth and taught them a lesson using thorns and briers from the desert.
17 Akakoromorawo shongwe yePenieri uye akauraya varume vomuguta.
He also demolished the tower of Peniel and killed the men of the town.
18 Ipapo akabvunza Zebha naZarumuna akati, “Varume vamakauraya paTabhori vakanga vakadiniko?” Vakapindura vakati, “Varume vakaita semi, mumwe nomumwe airatidzika somwanakomana wamambo.”
Then Gideon asked Zebah and Zalmunna, “What were they like, the men you killed at Tabor?” “They looked like you,” they answered. “Each of them had the stature of a prince.”
19 Gidheoni akati, “Ivavo vakanga vari vanunʼuna vangu vanakomana vamai vangu chaivo. Zvirokwazvo naJehovha mupenyu, dai makanga mavaponesa, ini handaizokuurayai.”
“Those were my brothers, my mother's sons,” Gideon burst out. “As the Lord lives, if you had let them live, I wouldn't kill you!”
20 Akatendeukira kuna Jeta mwanakomana wake mukuru, akati, “Vauraye!” Asi Jeta haana kuvhomora munondo wake, nokuti akanga achiri mukomana uye aitya.
He told Jether, his oldest son, “Go on, kill them!” But the boy refused to draw his sword, because he was young and afraid.
21 Zebha naZarumuna vakati, “Uyai muzviite imi. ‘Munhu sezvaari ndizvo zvakaita simba rake.’” Saka Gidheoni akaswedera akavauraya, uye akatora zvishongo kubva mumitsipa yengamera dzavo.
Zebah and Zalmunna said to Gideon, “Come on, you do it! Show yourself a man and kill us!” So Gideon went over and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and he took the crescent-shaped ornaments from the necks of their camels.
22 VaIsraeri vakati kuna Gidheoni, “Titonge iwe, mwanakomana wako nomuzukuru wako nokuti wakatiponesa kubva muruoko rwavaMidhiani.”
Then the Israelites said to Gideon, “You must become our ruler, you, your son, and your grandson; because you've saved us from the Midianites.”
23 Asi Gidheoni akati kwavari, “Ini handingakutongei, uye mwanakomana wangu haangakutongei. Jehovha ndiye achakutongai.”
“I won't be your ruler, and my son won't either,” Gideon replied. “The Lord will be your ruler.”
24 Uye akati, “Ndine chikumbiro chimwe chete, chokuti mumwe nomumwe wenyu andipe mhete yomunzeve kubva pamugove wezvamakapamba.” (Yakanga iri tsika yavaIshumaeri yokushonga mhete dzegoridhe dzomunzeve.)
Then Gideon said, “I have a request to ask of you: that each of you give me an earring from your plunder.” (Their enemies were Ishmaelites and wore gold earrings.)
25 Vakapindura vakati, “Tichafara kudzipa kwamuri.” Saka vakawaridza nguo pasi, uye murume mumwe nomumwe akakanda mhete yezvaakapamba pamusoro payo.
“We'll happily give them to you,” they replied. They spread out a cloak, and each of them threw on it earrings from their plunder.
26 Uremu hwemhete dzegoridhe dzaakakumbira hwakasvika mashekeri chiuru chimwe namazana manomwe, pasingaverengwi zvishongo, uketani, nguo dzepepuru dzaipfekwa namadzimambo eMidhiani kana uketani hwakanga huri pamitsipa yengamera dzavo.
The weight of the earrings he'd asked for was 1,700 shekels, not including the ornaments, the pendants, and the purple garments worn by the Midianite kings or the chains that were round their camels' necks.
27 Gidheoni akaita nazvo efodhi yegoridhe iyo yaakaisa muOfira, guta rake. VaIsraeri vose vakaita ufeve nokuinamata ipapo, uye yakava musungo kuna Gidheoni nokumhuri yake.
From the gold Gideon made an ephod, which he placed in his hometown of Ophrah. All Israel prostituted themselves there by worshiping it as an idol, and it became a trap to Gideon and his family.
28 Naizvozvo vaMidhiani vakakundwa pamberi pavaIsraeri uye havana kuzosimudzazve musoro wavo. Pamazuva okurarama kwaGidheoni, nyika yakava norugare kwamakore makumi mana.
This is how the Midianites was subjugated before the Israelites and did not gain power again. So the land was at peace for forty years during the lifetime of Gideon.
29 Jerubhi-Bhaari mwanakomana waJoashi akadzokerazve kundogara kumusha kwake.
Jerub-baal, son of Joash, went home, living his own house.
30 Akanga ana vanakomana vake chaivo makumi manomwe, nokuti akanga ana vakadzi vazhinji.
Gideon had seventy sons, all his own, because he had many wives.
31 Murongo wake, aigara muShekemu, akamuberekerawo mwanakomana, akamutumidza kuti Abhimereki.
His concubine, who lived in Shechem, also had a son. He named him Abimelech.
32 Gidheoni mwanakomana waJoashi akafa akwegura zvikuru uye akavigwa muguva rababa vake Joashi muOfira ravaAbhiezeri.
Gideon, son of Joash, died at a good old age and was buried in the tomb of his father Joash, in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
33 Gidheoni akati achangofa, vaIsraeri vakafevazve vakatevera vaBhaari. Vakamisa Bhaari Bheriti samwari wavo uye
But as soon as Gideon died, the Israelites went back to prostituting themselves, worshiping before the Baals. They made Baal-berith their god.
34 havana kurangarira Jehovha Mwari wavo, akanga avanunura kubva mumaoko avavengi vavo kumativi ose.
They forgot about the Lord their God, who had saved them from all their enemies that surrounded them.
35 Vakatadza kuitira mhuri yaJerubhi-Bhaari (iye Gidheoni) zvakanaka pazvinhu zvose zvakanaka zvaakanga avaitira.
They did not show any respect to the family of Jerub-baal (Gideon) for all the good he had done for Israel.

< Vatongi 8 >