< Joshua 9 >

1 Zvino madzimambo ose aigara kumavirira kweJorodhani navaiva munyika yamakomo, mujinga mamakomo kumadokero, mumahombekombe ose eGungwa Guru kusvikira kuRebhanoni (madzimambo avaHiti, navaAmori, navaKenani, navaPerizi, navaHivhi navaJebhusi) vakanzwa nezvazvo.
All the kings west of the Jordan heard what had happened. These included the kings of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites who lived in the hill country, the lowlands, and along the coast as far as Lebanon.
2 Vakaungana pamwe chete kuti varwisane naJoshua navaIsraeri.
So they gathered to fight together as a united army against Joshua and the Israelites.
3 Asi vanhu veGibheoni pavakanzwa zvakanga zvaitwa Jeriko neAi naJoshua,
But when the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai,
4 vakafunga zano: Vakaenda senhume nembongoro dzavo dzakatakura masaga akasakara nehomwe dzewaini dzakasakara, dzakatsemuka dzikasonanidzwazve.
they decided on a cunning plan. They sent messengers to Joshua, their donkeys wearing worn-out saddles and carrying old wineskins that were torn and patched.
5 Varume vakapfeka shangu dzakasakara. Zvingwa zvose zvembuva yavo zvakanga zvakaoma nokuvhuvha.
They put on worn sandals that had been mended and wore old clothes. All their bread was dry and moldy.
6 Ipapo vakaenda kuna Joshua mumusasa paGirigari ndokubva vati kwaari nokuvarume veIsraeri, “Tabva kunyika iri kure; zvino itai sungano nesu.”
They went to Joshua at the camp in Gilgal and told him and the men of Israel, “We have come from a land far away, so please make a treaty with us.”
7 Zvino varume veIsraeri vakati kuvaHivhi, “Asi zvichida munogara pedyo nesu. Tingagoita sungano nemi sei?”
But the Israelites said to the Hivites, “Maybe you live close by. If you do, we cannot make a treaty with you.”
8 Ivo ndokuti kuna Joshua, “Tiri varanda venyu.” Asi Joshua akavabvunza achiti, “Ndimi vanaani uye munobvepi?”
“We are your servants,” they replied. “But who are you? Where do you come from?” Joshua asked.
9 Ivo vakati kwaari, “Varanda venyu vabva kunyika iri kure kure nokuda kwomukurumbira waJehovha Mwari wenyu. Nokuti takanzwa nezvake: zvose zvaakaita muIjipiti,
“Your servants have come from a land far away,” they replied. “For we have heard of the reputation of the Lord your God, and reports of all that he did in Egypt,
10 uye nezvose zvaakaita kumadzimambo maviri avaAmoni kumabvazuva eJorodhani nokuna Sihoni mambo weHeshibhoni, naOgi mambo weBhashani, aitonga muAshitaroti.
and what he did to the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan—to Sihon, king of Heshbon, and Og, king of Bashan, who ruled in Ashtaroth.
11 Zvino vakuru vedu navagari vose vomunyika yedu vakati kwatiri, ‘Torai mbuva yerwendo rwenyu; muende munosangana navo muti kwavari, “Tiri varanda venyu; itai sungano nesu.”’
So our leaders and everyone who lives in our land told us: Take what you need with you for the journey. Go and meet with them, and tell them, ‘We are your servants. Please make a treaty with us.’
12 Zvingwa zvedu izvi zvakanga zvichidziya patakazvitora mudzimba dzedu zuva ratakasimuka tichiuya kuno. Asi zvino chionai kuoma nokuvhuvha kwazvaita.
Look at this bread. It was warm when we took it from our houses on the day we set out to come here. But now it's dry and moldy, as you can see.
13 Uye homwe dzewaini idzi dzaiva itsva patakadzizadza, asi chionai kubvaruka kwadzaita. Uye mbatya dzedu neshangu dzedu zvasakara nokuda kworwendo rurefu refu.”
These wineskins were new when we filled them, but look at them now—they're split and damaged. These clothes of ours and our sandals are all worn out because the journey took so long.”
14 Varume veIsraeri vakaravira mbuva yavo asi havana kubvunza Jehovha.
The Israelites tried some of the food. However, they did not consult the Lord.
15 Ipapo Joshua akaita sungano yorugare navo kuti vavarege vari vapenyu, uye vakuru veungano vakaisimbisa nemhiko.
Then Joshua made a treaty with them, promising to spare their lives, and the leaders of the assembly swore an oath to guarantee it.
16 Zvino mushure mamazuva matatu vaita sungano navaGibheoni, vaIsraeri vakanzwa kuti vakanga vari vavakidzani, vagere pedyo navo.
Three days after they had made the treaty, the Israelites learned that the Gibeonites lived nearby, right among them!
17 Naizvozvo vaIsraeri vakasimuka vakasvika mumaguta avo zuva rechitatu: aiti Gibheoni, neKefira, neBheroti, neKiriati Jearimi.
The Israelites left to go to the Gibeonite towns, and arrived there on the third day. The towns were Gibeon, Kephirah, Beeroth and Kiriath Jearim.
18 Asi vaIsraeri havana kuvarwisa, nokuti vakuru veungano vakanga vaita mhiko kwavari naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri. Ungano yose yakapopotera vatungamiri,
But the Israelites did not attack them because of the treaty sworn by the leaders of the assembly in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel. At this all the Israelites protested against the leaders.
19 asi vatungamiri vose vakapindura vachiti, “Takapika kwavari naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, zvino hatigoni kuita chinhu kwavari.
But the leaders replied to the people, “We swore to them by the Lord, the God of Israel, so we cannot lay a hand on them now.
20 Izvi ndizvo zvatichaita kwavari: Tichavarega vari vapenyu, kuitira kuti kutsamwa kwaMwari kurege kutiwira nokuda kwokuputsa mhiko yatakapika kwavari.”
So this is what we're going to do to them. We'll let them live, so that we won't be punished for breaking the oath that we swore to them.”
21 Vakaenderera mberi vachiti, “Varegei vari vapenyu, asi ngavave vatemi vehuni navacheri vemvura veungano yose.” Naizvozvo zvakanga zvarehwa navatungamiri zvakaitwa.
The leaders concluded, “Let them live.” So the Gibeonites became woodcutters and water-carriers in service to the entire assembly, as the Israelite leaders had ordered.
22 Ipapo Joshua akadana vaGibheoni akati kwavari, “Sei makatinyengedza muchiti, ‘Tinogara kure kure nemi,’ asi imi muchigara pedyo nesu?
Then Joshua summoned the Gibeonites and asked them, “Why did you trick us? You told us, ‘We live a long way from you,’ but you live right next door to us!
23 Naizvozvo mava vanhu vakatukwa: Hamuchazofi makarega kuva vatemi vehuni navacheri vemvura veimba yaMwari wangu.”
Consequently you are under a curse. From now on you shall forever be servants, woodcutters and water-carriers for the house of my God.”
24 Ivo vakapindura Joshua vachiti, “Varanda venyu vakanga vaudzwa pachena kuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akanga arayira Mozisi muranda wake sei kuti akupei nyika yose nokuparadza vose vageremo pamberi penyu. Naizvozvo taityira upenyu hwedu nokuda kwenyu, zvino ndicho chikonzero takaita izvi.
They answered Joshua, “We your servants were told very clearly that the Lord your God had ordered Moses to give you all this land, and that all its inhabitants were to be wiped out before you. So we really feared for our lives because of you. That's why we did what we did.
25 Zvino tava mumaoko enyu. Itai kwatiri chero zvamunoona zvakanaka uye zvakarurama.”
Now we're in your hands. Do to us what you think is right and just.”
26 Naizvozvo Joshua akavaponesa kubva kuvaIsraeri, ivo vakasavauraya.
Joshua did as he had said. He saved them from the Israelites, so that they did not kill them.
27 Zuva iroro Joshua akaita vaGibheoni vatemi vehuni navacheri vemvura yeungano neyearitari yaJehovha panzvimbo yaizosarudzwa naJehovha. Uye ndizvo zvavari kusvikira nanhasi.
That day Joshua made them woodcutters and water-carriers in service to the entire assembly and for the altar of the Lord wherever the Lord should choose. That is what they do right up to this very day.

< Joshua 9 >