< Johani 5 >

1 Shure kwaizvozvo, Jesu akakwira kuJerusarema kumutambo wavaJudha.
After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2 Zvino muJerusarema mune dziva riri pedyo neSuo raMakwai, rinonzi Bhetesdha nechiHebheru, uye rakapoteredzwa namabiravira mashanu.
Now there is in Jerusalem a pool near the Sheep-gate, called in the Hebrew, Bethesda.
3 Imomo vanhu vazhinji vakaremara vaisivatamo, mapofu, zvirema navakafa mitezo.
It has five colonnades. In these there used to lie a great crowd of sick people - blind, lame, paralyzed.
4 Nguva nenguva mutumwa waShe aiburukiramo achibvongodza mvura. Munhu aitanga kupinda mudziva shure kwenguva ipi zvayo yainge yabvongodzwa mvura aiporeswa pachirwere chipi zvacho chaainge anacho.
5 Mumwe murume akanga arimo akanga arwara kwamakore makumi matatu namasere.
And there was one man there for thirty-eight years in his infirmity.
6 Jesu akati amuona avete imomo, uye aiziva kuti akanga aita mararamiro iwayo kwenguva refu, akamubvunza akati, “Unoda kuporeswa here?”
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to get well?"
7 Murwere akati, “Ishe, handina munhu anondibatsira kuti ndipinde mudziva mvura painenge yabvongodzwa. Ndichiri kuedza kupinda, mumwe anonditangira.”
"Sir," answered the sick man, "I have no man to put me into the pool whenever the water is troubled; and while I am trying to come, some one else steps down before me."
8 Ipapo Jesu akati kwaari, “Simuka! Tora rukukwe rwako ufambe.”
"Rise," said Jesus, "take up your bed and go walking away."
9 Pakarepo murume uyu akaporeswa; akatora rukukwe rwake akafamba. Zuva rakaitika izvi raiva reSabata.
Instantly the man became well, and he took up his bed and started to walk. Now it was Sabbath on that day;
10 Naizvozvo vaJudha vakati kumurume uya akanga aporeswa, “Nhasi iSabata; murayiro unokurambidza kuti utakure rukukwe rwako.”
so the Jews kept saying to the man who had been cured. "It is the Sabbath Day; it is not lawful for you to carry your bed."
11 Asi iye akapindura akati, “Murume andiporesa ati kwandiri, ‘Takura rukukwe rwako ufambe.’”
He replied, "The man who healed me told me to take up my bed and walk."
12 Saka vakamubvunza vakati, “Ndianiko murume uyu akutaurira kuti urutakure ufambe?”
"Who is it," they asked, "that said to you, ‘take up your bed and go walking away’?"
13 Murume uya akanga aporeswa akanga asingazivi kuti ainge ari ani, nokuti Jesu akanga apinda mukati meungano yakanga iripo.
But he who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had moved away, as there was a crowd in that place.
14 Shure kwaizvozvo, Jesu akamuwana ari mutemberi uye akati kwaari, “Tarira, wapora. Usatadzazve kuti urege kuwirwa nechimwe chinhu chakaipisisa.”
Afterward Jesus found him in the Temple, and said to him. "Look! You have become well. Do not go on sinning, lest a worse thing befall you."
15 Murume akabva akaenda akandoudza vaJudha kuti ndiJesu akanga amuporesa.
The man went to and told the Jews that it was Jesus who made him well;
16 Saka nokuda kwokuti Jesu akanga achiita zvinhu izvi nomusi weSabata, vaJudha vakamutambudza.
and because of this the Jews began to persecute Jesus, because he had done it on the Sabbath.
17 Jesu akati kwavari, “Baba vangu vanoramba vari pabasa ravo kusvikira nhasi chaiye, uye neniwo, ndiri kushanda.”
But he answered them, "My Father has continued working until now, and I am working too."
18 Nokuda kwaizvozvi, vaJudha vakaedza zvakanyanya kwazvo kuti vamuuraye; nokuti akanga asingaputsi Sabata chete, asi akanga achitiwo Mwari ndiBaba vake, achizvienzanisa naMwari.
For this reason the Jews continued to seek the more eagerly to put him to death, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was actually speaking of God as his own Father, thus making himself of God’s equal.
19 Jesu akapindura akati, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, Mwanakomana haagoni kuita chinhu ari oga; anongogona kuita zvaanoona Baba vake vachiita, nokuti zvose zvinoitwa naBaba, Mwanakomana anozviitawo.
So Jesus answered them in these words. "In solemn truth I tell that the Son cannot do anything of himself, except what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does also.
20 Nokuti Baba vanoda Mwanakomana uye vanomuratidza zvose zvavanoita ivo. Hongu, kuti imi mushamiswe, vachamuratidza kunyange zvinhu zvikuru kwazvo kupfuura izvi.
"For the Father loves the Son, and shows him every thing that he himself is doing. And greater deeds than these will he show him, that you may wonder.
21 Nokuti sezvo Baba vachimutsa vakafa uye vachivapa upenyu, saizvozvo Mwanakomana anopa upenyu kuno uyo waanofarira kuti ape.
"For just as the Father raises the dead and makes them alive, even so the Son makes whom he will alive.
22 Pamusoro paizvozvo, Baba havatongi munhu, asi vakapa Mwanakomana kutonga kwose,
"The Father indeed does not judge any one, but has given all judgment to the Son,
23 kuti vose vakudze Mwanakomana sokukudza kwavanoita Baba. Uyo asingakudzi Mwanakomana, haakudzi Baba vakamutuma.
"in order that all may honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor Son, does not honor the Father who sent him.
24 “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, ani naani anonzwa shoko rangu uye achitenda uyo akandituma, ano upenyu husingaperi uye haachazotongwi, abva murufu uye aenda kuupenyu. (aiōnios g166)
"I tell you solemnly that he who listens to my messages and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life. He will not come under condemnation, but has passed out of death into life. (aiōnios g166)
25 Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, nguva inouya uye yatosvika zvino yokuti vakafa vachanzwa inzwi roMwanakomana waMwari uye avo vanonzwa vachararama.
"Solemnly I tell you that the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear shall live.
26 Nokuti sezvo Baba vano upenyu mavari, saizvozvowo vakapa Mwanakomana kuti ave noupenyu maari.
"For as the Father has life in himself, so also has he granted to the Son to have life in himself.
27 Uye vakamupa simba rokuti atonge nokuti ndiye Mwanakomana woMunhu.
"And he has given him authority to pronounce judgment, because he is Son of man.
28 “Musashamiswa pane izvi, kuti nguva inouya yokuti vose vari mumakuva avo vachanzwa inzwi rake
"Do not wonder at this, because an hour is coming in which all who are in their graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth again;
29 uye vachamuka; vose vakaita zvakanaka vachamuka vachienda kuupenyu, uye avo vakaita zvakaipa vachamuka vachienda kukutongwa.
"those who have done good into a resurrection of life, and those who have practised evil to a resurrection of condemnation.
30 Ini ndoga handigoni kuita chinhu; ndinongotonga sezvandinenge ndanzwa, uye kutonga kwangu kwakarurama, nokuti handitsvaki kuzvifadza asi iye akandituma.
"I can of my own self do nothing. As I listen, I judge, and my own judgment is just, because I am not seeking my own will, but the will of Him who sent me.
31 “Kana ndichizvipupurira, uchapupu hwangu hahuna maturo.
"If I bear testimony concerning myself, my testimony is not valid.
32 Pano mumwe anondipupurira, uye ndinoziva kuti uchapupu hwake pamusoro pangu ndohwechokwadi.
"Another bears testimony to me, and I know that the testimony which he bears concerning me is valid.
33 “Makatuma nhume kuna Johani naiye akapupurira chokwadi.
"You yourselves sent to John, and he has been and is a witness to the truth.
34 Hazvirevi kuti ndinogamuchira kupupura kwavanhu; asi ndareva izvi kuti muponeswe.
"(Though for myself I accept no witness from man; I only mention that you may be saved.)
35 Johani akanga ari mwenje waipfuta uye uchivhenekera, uye imi makasarudza kufara kwenguva duku muchiedza chake.
"That man was the Lamp-burning and shining - and you were willing for a time rejoice in his light.
36 “Ndino uchapupu hukuru kupfuura hwaJohani. Nokuti iro basa chairo randakapiwa naBaba kuti ndiripedze, uye randiri kuita, rinondipupurira kuti Baba vakandituma.
"But I have testimony greater than that of John; for the work which the Father has given me to bring to completion - the work which I am doing - bears testimony concerning me, that the Father has sent me.
37 Uye ivo Baba vakandituma vakapupura pachavo pamusoro pangu. Hamuna kutombonzwa inzwi ravo kana kuona chimiro chavo,
"And the Father who sent me has himself borne testimony concerning me. None of you has heard his at any time or seen him,
38 uye shoko ravo harigari mukati menyu, nokuti hamutendi iye waakatuma.
nor had his word dwelling within you, because you do not believe him whom he sent.
39 Munoshingaira kunzvera magwaro nokuti munofunga kuti maari mune upenyu husingaperi. Magwaro iwaya anopupura pamusoro pangu, (aiōnios g166)
"You are searching the Scriptures because you suppose that in tem you have eternal life; and though these are they that bear witness concerning me, (aiōnios g166)
40 asi imi munoramba kuuya kwandiri kuti muve noupenyu.
"you will not come to me that you may have life.
41 “Handigamuchiri kurumbidzwa kunobva kuvanhu,
"I am not receiving honor from men, but I know you,
42 asi ndinokuzivai. Ndinoziva kuti hamuna rudo rwaMwari mumwoyo yenyu.
"that you have not the love of God in yourselves.
43 Ndakauya muzita raBaba vangu, asi hamundigamuchiri; asi kana mumwewo zvake akauya muzita rake, muchamugamuchira.
"I am come in the name of my Father and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.
44 Mungatenda seiko kana muchikudzana pachenyu asi musingashingairiri kuwana kurumbidzwa kunobva kuna Mwari oga?
"How can you believe when you receive glory from, one another, and have no desire for the glory which comes from the only God?
45 “Asi musafunga kuti ndichakupomerai mhosva pamberi paBaba. Mupomeri wenyu ndiMozisi, wamunoisa tariro yenyu maari.
"Do not imagine that I shall accuse you to the Father. Moses is your accuser, on whom you build your hopes.
46 Dai maitenda Mozisi, mungadai maitendawo ini, nokuti akanyora nezvangu.
"For if you believed Moses you would believe me, for he wrote about me.
47 Asi sezvo musingatendi zvaakanyora, muchatenda seiko zvandinoreva?”
And if you do not believe his writings, how will you ever believe my words?"

< Johani 5 >