< Johani 15 >

1 “Ndini muzambiringa wechokwadi, uye Baba vangu murimi.
“I am the vine, the true one, and my Father is the vinedresser.
2 Davi rimwe nerimwe riri mandiri risingabereki vanoritema, asi davi rimwe nerimwe rinobereka michero vanorichekerera kuitira kuti rigozobereka michero yakawanda.
Any branch in me which does not produce fruit He lifts up, and every one producing fruit He prunes, so that it may produce more fruit.
3 Imi matonatswa nokuda kweshoko randataura kwamuri.
You are already clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.
4 Garai mandiri, uye ini ndichagara mamuri. Hakuna davi rinobereka michero riri roga; rinofanira kugara mumuzambiringa. Nemi hamungabereki zvibereko kunze kwokunge magara mandiri.
Abide in me and I in you. Just as a branch is incapable of producing fruit by itself, except it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me.
5 “Ini ndiri muzambiringa; imi muri matavi. Kana munhu akagara mandiri uye neni maari, achabereka zvibereko zvakawanda; kunze kwangu hamugoni kuita chinhu.
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. The one who abides in me and I in him, he is the one who produces much fruit, because apart from me you are incapable of doing anything.
6 Kana munhu asingagari mandiri, akaita sedavi rakarasirwa kure rikaoma; matavi akadaro anotorwa, okandwa mumoto agopiswa.
If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown out, like a branch, and dries up; well they gather such and throw them into the fire, and he is burned up.
7 Kana muchigara mandiri uye mashoko angu achigara mamuri, kumbirai zvose zvamunoda, uye muchazvipiwa.
If you abide in me and my sayings abide in you, you will ask whatever you desire and it will happen for you.
8 Baba vangu vanokudzwa naizvozvo kuti mubereke zvibereko zvakawanda, muchizviratidza kuti muri vadzidzi vangu.
My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit; and you will become disciples to me.
9 “Sezvo Baba vakandida, neniwo ndakakudai, zvino, chigarai murudo rwangu.
“Just as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you; abide in my love.
10 Kana muchiteerera mirayiro yangu, muchagara murudo rwangu, sezvandakateerera mirayiro yaBaba vangu uye ndikagara murudo rwavo.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love.
11 Ndakuudzai izvi kuitira kuti mufaro wangu uve mamuri uye kuti mufaro wenyu uve wakakwana.
I have spoken these things to you so that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full.
12 Murayiro wangu ndouyu: Dananai, sezvo ini ndakakudai.
This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you.
13 Hakuna munhu ano rudo rukuru kuno urwu, kuti munhu ape upenyu hwake nokuda kweshamwari dzake.
No one has greater love than this, that someone should lay down his life for his friends.
14 Muri shamwari dzangu kana muchiita zvandinokurayirai.
You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.
15 Handichakuidzii varanda, nokuti muranda haazivi zvinoitwa natenzi wake. Asi ndinokuidzai shamwari, nokuti zvose zvandakadzidza kubva kuna Baba vangu ndakakuzivisai.
“I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his owner is doing; rather I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I heard from my Father.
16 Imi hamuna kundisarudza, asi ndakakusarudzai uye ndikakugadzai kuti muende mugondobereka zvibereko, izvo zvibereko zvinogara. Ipapo Baba vachakupai zvose zvamuchakumbira muzita rangu.
It was not you who chose me but I who chose you, and I appointed you so that you should go and produce fruit, and that your fruit should endure, so that whatever you may ask the Father in my name He may give you.
17 Uyu ndiwo murayiro wangu: Dananai.
These things I command you so that you love one another.
18 “Kana nyika ichikuvengai, muyeuke kuti yakatanga kuvenga ini.
“When the world hates you, you can be sure that it has hated me first.
19 Dai manga muri venyika, ingadai ichikudai sezvainoda vayo. Zvino, hamusi venyika, asi ini ndakakusarudzai kuti mubude munyika. Ndokusaka nyika ichikuvengai.
If you were of the world, the world would be fond of its own. So because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, that is why the world hates you.
20 Rangarirai mashoko andakataura kwamuri anoti, ‘Hakuna muranda angava mukuru kuna tenzi wake.’ Kana vakatambudza ini, vachakutambudzaiwo imi. Kana vakateerera kudzidzisa kwangu, vachateererawo kudzidzisa kwenyu.
Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his owner.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.
21 Vachakubatai nenzira iyi nokuda kwezita rangu, nokuti havazivi Iye akandituma.
Now they will do all of these things to you because of my name, in that they do not know the One who sent me.
22 Dai ndakanga ndisina kuuya ndikataura kwavari, vangadai vasina mhosva yechivi ichi. Zvino, kunyange zvakadaro, havana chikonzero chokuita chivi chavo.
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be having sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 Uyo anondivenga anovengawo Baba vangu.
The one who hates me hates my Father too.
24 Dai ndanga ndisina kuita pakati pavo zvisina kutongoitwa nomunhu, vangadai vasina mhosva yechivi. Asi zvino vakaona zviratidzo izvi, asi vakandivenga ini naBaba vangu.
If I had not done among them the works that no one else has done, they would not be having sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25 Asi uku ndiko kuzadziswa kwezvakanyorwa muMurayiro wavo zvinoti: ‘Vakandivenga pasina chikonzero.’
However, this was so that the statement written in their law might be fulfilled, ‘They hated me without cause.’
26 “Kana Munyaradzi asvika, iye wandichatuma kwamuri achibva kuna Baba, iye Mweya wechokwadi anobuda achibva kuna Baba, achapupura nezvangu.
“Now when the Enabler comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of the Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify concerning me.
27 Nemiwo munofanira kupupura, nokuti makanga muneni kubva pakutanga.
And you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.

< Johani 15 >