< Johani 13 >
1 Mutambo wePasika wakanga uchigere kusvika. Jesu akanga achiziva kuti nguva yakanga yasvika yokuti iye abve panyika uye kuti aende kuna Baba. Sezvo akanga achida vake avo vakanga vari munyika, akavaratidza zvino kuzara kworudo rwake.
Before the Passover Festival began, Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave the world and go to the Father. He had loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them to the last.
2 Kudya kwamadekwana kwakanga kwava kugoverwa, uye dhiabhori akanga aisa mumwoyo maJudhasi Iskarioti, mwanakomana waSimoni, pfungwa yokuti apandukire Jesu.
The devil had already put the thought of betraying Jesus into the mind of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon;
3 Jesu akanga achiziva kuti Baba vakanga vaisa zvinhu zvose pasi pesimba rake, uye kuti akanga abva kuna Mwari uye kuti aidzokerazve kuna Mwari,
and at supper, Jesus – although knowing that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God, and was to return to God –
4 saka akasimuka pakudya, akabvisa nguo yake yokunze, uye akamonera tauro muchiuno chake.
rose from his place, and, taking off his upper garments, tied a towel around his waist.
5 Shure kwaizvozvo, akadira mvura mudhishi akatanga kushambidza tsoka dzavadzidzi vake, achidziomesa netauro rakanga rakamonerwa muchiuno chake.
He then poured some water into the basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel which was tied around him.
6 Akasvika pana Simoni Petro, iye akati kwaari, “Ishe muri kuda kushambidza tsoka dzangu here?”
When he came to Simon Peter, Peter said, “You, Master! Are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesu akapindura achiti, “Iwe hausi kuziva zvandiri kuita iye zvino, asi uchazvinzwisisa pashure.”
“You do not understand now what I am doing,” replied Jesus, “but you will learn by and by.”
8 Simoni Petro akati, “Kwete, imi hamungatongoshambidzi tsoka dzangu.” Jesu akapindura akati, “Kana ndikasakushambidza, hauna mugove neni.” (aiōn )
“You will never wash my feet!” exclaimed Peter. “Unless I wash you,” answered Jesus, “you have nothing in common with me.” (aiōn )
9 Ipapo Simoni Petro akati, “Ishe, ngadzirege kuva tsoka dzangu bedzi asi maoko angu nomusoro wanguwo!”
“Then, Master, not my feet only,” exclaimed Simon Peter, “but also my hands and my head.”
10 Jesu akapindura akati, “Munhu anenge amboshamba muviri wose, anongoda bedzi kushamba tsoka dzake, muviri wake wose wakachena. Imi makachena, kunyange zvazvo musiri mose vakachena.”
“He who has bathed,” replied Jesus, “has no need to wash, unless it be his feet, but is altogether clean; and you,” he said to the disciples, “are clean, yet not all of you.”
11 Nokuti aiziva kuti ndiani aizomupandukira, ndokusaka akati, havasi vose vakanga vakachena.
For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said ‘You are not all clean.’
12 Akati apedza kushambidza tsoka dzavo, akapfeka nguo dzake akadzokera panzvimbo yake. Akavabvunza akati, “Munonzwisisa here zvandaita kwamuri?
When he had washed their feet, and had put on his upper garments and taken his place, he spoke to them again. “Do you understand what I have been doing to you?” he asked.
13 Munondidaidza kuti ‘Mudzidzisi’ uye ndizvozvo chaizvo, nokuti ndizvo zvandiri.
“You yourselves call me ‘the teacher’ and ‘the Master’, and you are right, for I am both.
14 Zvino kana ini, Ishe wenyu noMudzidzisi wenyu, ndashambidza tsoka dzenyu, nemiwo munofanira kushambidzana tsoka dzenyu.
If I, then – ‘the Master’ and ‘the teacher’ – have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet;
15 Ndakupai muenzaniso kuti muite sezvandakuitirai imi.
for I have given you an example, so that you may do just as I have done to you.
16 Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, muranda haasi mukuru kuna tenzi wake, uye atumwa haasi mukuru kupfuura amutuma.
In truth I tell you, a servant is not greater than their master, neither is a messenger greater than the one who sends them.
17 Zvino zvamava kuziva zvinhu izvi, mucharopafadzwa kana mukazviita.
Now that you know these things, happy are you if you do them.
18 “Handirevi izvi kwamuri mose; ini ndinoziva avo vandakasarudza. Asi uku ndiko kuzadzisa Rugwaro runoti, ‘Uyo anogovana neni chingwa andisimudzira chitsitsinho chake kuti azorwa neni.’
I am not speaking about all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but this is in fulfillment of the words of scripture – ‘He that is eating my bread has lifted his heel against me.’
19 “Ndiri kukuudzai iye zvino zvisati zvaitika, kuitira kuti pazvinoitika mugozotenda kuti ndini Iye.
For the future I will tell you of things before they take place, so that, when they take place, you may believe that I am what I am.
20 Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, ani naani anogamuchira ini anogamuchira iye akandituma.”
In truth I tell you, the one who receives anyone that I send receives me; and the person who receives me receives him who sent me.”
21 Shure kwokutaura izvozvo, Jesu akatambudzika mumweya uye akapupura achiti, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, mumwe wenyu achandipandukira.”
After saying this, Jesus was much troubled, and said solemnly, “In truth I tell you that it is one of you who will betray me.”
22 Vadzidzi vake vakatarisana vachida kuziva kuti ndiani airehwa pakati pavo.
The disciples looked at one another, wondering whom he meant.
23 Mumwe wavo, mudzidzi aidikanwa naJesu, akanga akasendamira paari.
Next to Jesus, in the place on his right hand, was one of his disciples, whom he loved.
24 Simoni Petro akaninira kumudzidzi uyu akati, “Vabvunzei kuti vanoreva ani.”
So Simon Peter made signs to that disciple, and whispered, “Tell me who it is that he means.”
25 Akasendamirazve pana Jesu, akamubvunza akati, “Ishe, ndianiko?”
Being in this position, that disciple leant back on Jesus’ shoulder, and asked him, “Who is it, Master?”
26 Jesu akati, “Ndiye wandichapa chimedu chechingwa kana ndachiseva mundiro.” Ipapo, akaseva chimedu chechingwa, akachipa kuna Judhasi Iskarioti, mwanakomana waSimoni.
“It is the one,” answered Jesus, “to whom I will give a piece of bread after dipping it in the dish.” And, when Jesus had dipped the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot;
27 Judhasi achangodya chingwa ichi, Satani akabva apinda maari. Jesu akati kuna Judhasi, “Zvaunoda kuita, ita nokukurumidza,”
and it was then, after he had received it, that Satan took possession of him. So Jesus said to him, “Do at once what you are going to do.”
28 asi hapana munhu akanga ari pakudya akanzwisisa kuti sei Jesu akanga ataura izvozvo kwaari.
But no one at the table understood why he said this to Judas.
29 Sezvo Judhasi aiva mubati wemari, vamwe vakafunga kuti Jesu aimuudza kuti andotenga zvimwe zvaidikanwa pamutambo, kana kupa varombo chimwe chinhu.
Some thought that, as Judas kept the purse, Jesus meant that he was to buy some things needed for the Festival, or to give something to the poor.
30 Judhasi akati achangodya chingwa, akabuda panze. Uye hwaiva usiku.
After taking the piece of bread, Judas went out immediately; and it was night.
31 Akati aenda, Jesu akati, “Zvino Mwanakomana woMunhu akudzwa uye Mwari akudzwa maari.
When Judas had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been exalted, and God has been exalted through him;
32 Kana Mwari akudzwa maari, Mwari achakudza Mwanakomana maari uye achamukudza pakarepo.
and God will exalt him with himself – yes, he will exalt him forthwith.
33 “Vana vangu, ndichava nemi kwechinguva chiduku chete. Muchanditsvaka, uye sezvandaudza vaJudha, saizvozvo ndinokuudzai zvino kuti: Kwandinoenda, imi hamugoni kuuyako.
My children, I am to be with you but a little while longer. You will look for me; and what I said to the people – ‘You cannot come where I am going’ – I now say to you.
34 “Ndinokupai murayiro mutsva wokuti: Dananai. Sezvo ndakakudai, saizvozvo munofanira kudanana.
I give you a new commandment – love one another; love one another as I have loved you.
35 Nokuda kwaizvozvo, vanhu vose vachaziva kuti muri vadzidzi vangu kana mune rudo pakati penyu.”
It is by this that everyone will recognize you as my disciples – by your loving one another.”
36 Simoni Petro akamubvunza akati, “Ishe, muri kuendepiko?” Jesu akapindura akati, “Kwandinoenda, imi hamugoni kutevera, asi muchazotevera pashure.”
“Where are you going, Master?” asked Peter. “I am going where you cannot now follow me,” answered Jesus, “but you will follow me later.”
37 Petro akati, “Ishe seiko ndisingakwanisi kukuteverai iye zvino? Ndichakufirai ini.”
“Why cannot I follow you now, Master?” asked Peter. “I will lay down my life for you.”
38 Ipapo Jesu akapindura akati, “Uchandifira here? Ndinokuudza chokwadi kuti, jongwe risati rarira, uchandiramba katatu!”
“Will you lay down your life for me?” replied Jesus. “In truth I tell you, the cock will not crow until you have disowned me three times.