< Jobho 7 >

1 “Ko, munhu haashandi zvakaoma panyika here? Ko, mazuva ake haana kuita seomushandi here?
Is there not an appointed time to man vpon earth? and are not his dayes as the dayes of an hyreling?
2 Somuranda anoshuva mimvuri yamadekwana, kana mushandi akamirira kwazvo mubayiro wake,
As a seruant longeth for the shadowe, and as an hyreling looketh for the ende of his worke,
3 saizvozvo ndakagoverwa mwedzi isina maturo, uye usiku hwokutambudzika hwakagoverwa kwandiri.
So haue I had as an inheritance the moneths of vanitie, and painefull nights haue bene appointed vnto me.
4 Pandinovata pasi ndinofunga kuti, ‘Ndichamuka riniko?’ Usiku hunononoka, uye ndinoshanduka-shanduka kusvikira mambakwedza.
If I layed me downe, I sayde, When shall I arise? and measuring the euening I am euen full with tossing to and from vnto the dawning of the day.
5 Muviri wangu wakafukidzwa nehonye uye nemaronda, ganda rangu rakatsemuka uye raora.
My flesh is clothed with wormes and filthinesse of the dust: my skinne is rent, and become horrible.
6 “Mazuva angu ari kukurumidza kufamba kukunda chokurukisa chomuruki, uye anosvika kumagumo asina tariro.
My dayes are swifter then a weauers shittle, and they are spent without hope.
7 Rangarirai henyu, imi Mwari, kuti upenyu hwangu hunongova mweya wokufema; meso angu haachazoonizve mufaro.
Remember that my life is but a wind, and that mine eye shall not returne to see pleasure.
8 Ziso rinondiona zvino harichazondionizve; muchanditsvaka, asi handichazovapozve.
The eye that hath seene me, shall see me no more: thine eyes are vpon me, and I shall be no longer.
9 Sokunyangarika kunoita gore ndokuenda, saizvozvo uyo anoburukira kubwiro haadzokizve. (Sheol h7585)
As the cloude vanisheth and goeth away, so he that goeth downe to the graue, shall come vp no more. (Sheol h7585)
10 Haachazouyi kumba kwakezve; nzvimbo yake haichazomuzivizve.
He shall returne no more to his house, neither shall his place knowe him any more.
11 “Naizvozvo handinganyarari; ndichataura pakurwadza kwomweya wangu, ndichanyunyuta mushungu dzomwoyo wangu,
Therefore I will not spare my mouth, but will speake in the trouble of my spirite, and muse in the bitternesse of my minde.
12 Ko, ndiri gungwa kanhi, kana chikara chokwakadzika, zvamunondiisa pasi pomurindi?
Am I a sea or a whalefish, that thou keepest me in warde?
13 Pandinofunga kuti mubhedha wangu uchandivaraidza, uye kuti mubhedha wangu uchadzikamisa kunyunyuta kwangu,
When I say, My couch shall relieue me, and my bed shall bring comfort in my meditation,
14 ipapo munondityisidzira nezviroto uye munondivhundutsa nezviratidzo,
Then fearest thou me with dreames, and astonishest me with visions.
15 zvokuti ndinosarudza kuti ndidzipwe ndife hangu, pachinzvimbo chomuviri wangu uno.
Therefore my soule chuseth rather to be strangled and to die, then to be in my bones.
16 Ndinozvidza upenyu hwangu, handidi kurarama nokusingaperi. Ndiregei nokuti mazuva angu haana zvaanoreva.
I abhorre it, I shall not liue alway: spare me then, for my dayes are but vanitie.
17 “Munhu chiiko zvamunomukoshesa kudai, zvamunomurangarira zvakadai,
What is man, that thou doest magnifie him, and that thou settest thine heart vpon him?
18 zvamunomunzvera mangwanani ose uye muchimuedza nguva dzose?
And doest visite him euery morning, and tryest him euery moment?
19 Hamusi kuzombotarirawo kudivi here, kana kumbondisiyawo ndakadaro kwechinguva?
Howe long will it be yer thou depart from me? thou wilt not let me alone whiles I may swallowe my spettle.
20 Kana ndakatadza, ndakaiteiko kwamuri, imi mutariri wavanhu? Makaitireiko kuti ini ndive munhu wamunovavarira? Ko, ini ndava mutoro kwamuri here?
I haue sinned, what shall I do vnto thee? O thou preseruer of me, why hast thou set me as a marke against thee, so that I am a burden vnto my selfe?
21 Nemhaka yeiko musingandikanganwiri mhaka dzangu uye musingandiregereri zvivi zvangu? Nokuti ndichavata muguruva nokukurumidza. Muchanditsvaka, asi handichazovapozve.”
And why doest thou not pardon my trespasse? and take away mine iniquitie? for nowe shall I sleepe in the dust, and if thou seekest me in the morning, I shall not be found.

< Jobho 7 >