< Jobho 38 >
1 Ipapo Jehovha akapindura Jobho ari mudutu akati:
and to answer LORD [obj] Job (from *Q(K)*) ([the] tempest *Q(k)*) and to say
2 “Ndianiko uyu anodzimaidza zano rangu namashoko asina zivo?
who? this to darken counsel in/on/with speech without knowledge
3 Chizvishingisa somurume; ini ndichakubvunza, uye iwe uchandipindura.
to gird please like/as great man loin your and to ask you and to know me
4 “Iwe wakanga uripi pandakaisa nheyo dzenyika? Ndiudze, kana uchinzwisisa.
where? to be in/on/with to found I land: country/planet to tell if to know understanding
5 Ndianiko akatara miganhu yacho? Zvirokwazvo unozviziva! Ndianiko akaiyera nerwodzi?
who? to set: make measurement her for to know or who? to stretch upon her line
6 Ko, nheyo dzayo dzakanga dzimire pai, kana kuti ndianiko akaisa ibwe rapakona,
upon what? socket her to sink or who? to shoot stone corner her
7 panguva yaiimba nyeredzi dzamangwanani pamwe chete, uye vanakomana vaMwari vose vachipembera nomufaro?
in/on/with to sing unitedness star morning and to shout all son: child God
8 “Ndianiko akapfigira gungwa mikova parakatsemuka richibva muchizvaro,
and to fence in/on/with door sea in/on/with to burst/come out he from womb to come out: produce
9 pandakaita makore kuti ave nguo yaro, uye ndikariputira murima guru,
in/on/with to set: make I cloud clothing his and cloud swaddling his
10 pandakariisira miganhu yaro, uye ndikaisa makonhi aro namazariro panzvimbo yawo,
and to break upon him statute: allotment my and to set: make bar and door
11 pandakati, ‘Apa ndipo paunosvika uye haungapfuuri; pano ndipo panoguma kuzvikudza kwamafungu ako’?
and to say till here to come (in): come and not to add and here to set: appoint in/on/with pride heap: wave your
12 “Wakambopa mutemo kumangwanani here, kana kuratidza mambakwedza nzvimbo yawo,
from day your to command morning (to know [the] dawn *Q(K)*) place his
13 kuti abate mipendero yenyika, uye azungunuse vakaipa kuti vabve mairi?
to/for to grasp in/on/with wing [the] land: country/planet and to shake wicked from her
14 Nyika inoumbika sevhu pasi pechisimbiso; mamiriro ayo anoita senguo.
to overturn like/as homer signet and to stand like clothing
15 Vakaipa vanonyimwa chiedza chavo, uye ruoko rwavo rwakasimudzwa rwavhunika.
and to withhold from wicked light their and arm to exalt to break
16 “Wakamboshanyira zvitubu zvegungwa here, kana kufamba kwakanyarara kwokwakadzika?
to come (in): come till spring sea and in/on/with search abyss to go: walk
17 Ko, masuo orufu wakamboaratidzwa here? Wakamboona masuo omumvuri worufu here?
to reveal: reveal to/for you gate death and gate shadow to see: see
18 Wati wanzwisisa upamhi hwenzvimbo dzenyika here? Ndiudze kana uchiziva zvose izvi.
to understand till breadth land: country/planet to tell if to know all her
19 “Ko, nzira inoenda kunogara chiedza ndeipi? Ko, rima rinogarepi?
where? this [the] way: direction to dwell light and darkness where? this place his
20 Ungagona kuzviisa kunzvimbo yazvo here? Unoziva nzira inoenda kwazvinogara here?
for to take: take him to(wards) border: area his and for to understand path house: home his
21 Zvirokwazvo iwe unoziva, nokuti wakanga waberekwa kare! Wararama kwamakore mazhinji kwazvo.
to know for then to beget and number day your many
22 “Wakambopinda mudura rechando here, kana kuona dura rechimvuramabwe,
to come (in): come to(wards) treasure snow and treasure hail to see: see
23 izvo zvandakachengetera nguva dzokutambudzika, mazuva ehondo neokurwa?
which to withhold to/for time distress to/for day battle and battle
24 Ko, nzira inoenda kunogoverwa mheni ndeipi, kana nzvimbo inoparadzirwa mhepo dzokumabvazuva pamusoro penyika?
where? this [the] way: direction to divide light to scatter east upon land: country/planet
25 Ndianiko anodziura mugero wemvura zhinji, nenzira yechimvuramabwe,
who? to divide to/for flood conduit and way: road to/for lightning voice: thunder
26 kuti zvidiridze nyika isingagarwi nomunhu, gwenga risina munhu mariri,
to/for to rain upon land: country/planet not man: anyone wilderness not man in/on/with him
27 kugutsa nyika yakaparadzwa nokuita kuti imere uswa?
to/for to satisfy devastation and desolation and to/for to spring exit grass
28 Ko, mvura ina baba here? Ndianiko baba vemadonhwe edova?
there to/for rain father or who? to beget drop dew
29 Chando chinobva muchizvaro chaaniko? Ndianiko anobereka mazaya echando achibva kudenga,
from belly: womb who? to come out: come [the] ice and frost heaven who? to beget him
30 panooma mvura ikaita sedombo, pamusoro pokwakadzika pachioma nechando?
like/as stone water to hide and face: surface abyss to capture
31 “Ungagona kusunga nyeredzi dzeChimutanhatu here? Iwe ungasunungura mabote eOrioni here?
to conspire bond Pleiades or cord Orion to open
32 Ungabudisa mapoka enyeredzi panguva yadzo here, kana kutungamirira Akuturo navana vayo?
to come out: send Mazzaroth in/on/with time his and Bear upon son: child her to lead them
33 Unoziva mitemo yokumatenga here? Ungagona kumisa umambo hwaMwari pamusoro penyika here?
to know statute heaven if: surely no to set: make rule his in/on/with land: country/planet
34 “Ko, iwe ungasvitsa inzwi rako kumakore here, uye ugozvifukidza namafashamu emvura?
to exalt to/for cloud voice your and abundance water to cover you
35 Ko, iwe unotuma mheni panzira yayo here? Ko, zvinodzoka kuzokuzivisa iwe here kuti isu tiri pano?
to send: depart lightning and to go: went and to say to/for you look! we
36 Ndianiko akaisa uchenjeri mumwoyo, kana kupa kunzwisisa kundangariro?
who? to set: put in/on/with inner parts wisdom or who? to give: give to/for heart understanding
37 Ndianiko ane uchenjeri hwokuverenga makore? Ndianiko angagona kuteura matende emvura okudenga,
who? to recount cloud in/on/with wisdom and bag heaven who? to lie down: lay down
38 kana guruva raoma, uye mavhinga enyika anamatirana?
in/on/with to pour: pour dust to/for casting and clod to cleave
39 “Ko, iwe ungavhimira shumbakadzi chokudya here, uye ungagutsa shumba panzara yadzo here,
to hunt to/for lion prey and living thing lion to fill
40 kana dzichitsivama mumapako adzo kana kuti dzakavandira mudenhere?
for to bow in/on/with habitation to dwell in/on/with booth upon ambush
41 Ndianiko anopa gunguo zvokudya kana vana varo vachichema kuna Mwari, uye vachidzungaira pose pose nokushayiwa zvokudya?
who? to establish: prepare to/for raven food his for (youth his *Q(K)*) to(wards) God to cry to go astray to/for without food