< Jobho 34 >

1 Ipapo Erihu akati:
Then Elihu continued,
2 “Inzwai mashoko angu, imi vanhu vakachenjera; nditeererei, imi vanhu vedzidzo.
“Listen to my words, you men who say you are wise; pay attention to what I'm saying you who think you know.
3 Nokuti nzeve inoedza mazwi sokuravira kunoita rurimi chokudya.
The ear distinguishes words just as the palate distinguishes foods.
4 Ngatinzverei pachedu kuti chakarurama ndechipi; ngatidzidzei pamwe chete kuti chakanaka ndechipi.
Let us discern for ourselves what is right: let us decide among ourselves what is good.
5 “Jobho anoti, ‘Handina mhosva, asi Mwari anoramba kundiruramisira.
Job said, ‘I am innocent, and God has denied me justice.
6 Kunyange ndakarurama, ndinonzi ndiri murevi wenhema; kunyange ndisina mhaka, museve wake unobaya ronda risingarapiki.’
Even though I'm right, I'm treated like a liar; I am dying from my wounds, even though I've done nothing wrong.’
7 Ndianiko munhu akaita saJobho, anonwa kushorwa semvura?
Has there ever been a man like Job with such a thirst for ridiculing others?
8 Anofambidzana navanoita zvakaipa; anowirirana navanhu vakaipa.
He keeps company with wicked people; he associates with those who do evil.
9 Nokuti anoti, ‘Munhu haana chaanobatsirwa nacho, paanoedza kufadza Mwari.’
He's even said, ‘What benefit is there in being God's friend?’
10 “Saka nditeererei, imi vanhu vokunzwisisa. Mwari haangatongoiti zvakaipa, Wamasimba Ose haangatongokanganisi.
So listen to me, you men of understanding! It's impossible for God to do evil and the Almighty to do wrong.
11 Anoripira munhu pane zvaanenge aita; anoisa pamusoro pake zvakakodzera mafambiro ake.
He pays people back for what they've done, and treats them as they deserve.
12 Hazvingatongogoni kuti Mwari angaita zvakaipa, kuti Wamasimba Ose angaminamisa kururamisira.
It's absolutely sure that God doesn't act wickedly; the Almighty would never pervert justice.
13 Ndianiko akamugadza pamusoro penyika? Ndianiko akamuita mutariri wepasi pose?
Who put him in charge of the earth? Who gave him the responsibility for all the world?
14 Kana kwaiva kufunga kwake, uye akatora mweya wake nokufema kwake,
If he were to withdraw his spirit, if he were to take back his breath,
15 marudzi ose avanhu aiparara pamwe chete, uye munhu aizodzokerazve kuguruva.
all living things would immediately die and human beings would return to dust.
16 “Kana uchinzwisisa teerera izvi; chinzwa zvandinoreva.
If you have understanding then hear this; pay attention to what I'm saying.
17 Ko, munhu anovenga kururamisira angatonga here? Ko, muchapomera akarurama uye ane simba here?
Do you really think someone who hated justice could govern? Are you going to condemn Almighty God who always does what is right?
18 Ko, haazi iye anoti kumadzimambo, ‘Hamubatsiri imi,’ uye kumakurukota, ‘Makaipa imi,’
He's the one who tells kings, ‘You're useless!’ or says to nobles, ‘You're wicked!’
19 asingaitiri machinda zvakanaka nokuti machinda, uye asingaitiri zvakanaka vapfumi kupfuura varombo, nokuti vose ibasa ramaoko ake?
He doesn't think more of the rich than the poor, for they are all people he himself made.
20 Vanofa kamwe kamwe, pakati pousiku; vanhu vanovhundutswa vagoparara; vane simba vanobviswa zvisingaitwi noruoko rwomunhu.
They die in a moment; at midnight they shudder and pass away; the mighty are gone without effort.
21 “Meso ake ari panzira dzavanhu; anoona nhambwe imwe neimwe yavo.
For he watches what they're doing and sees everywhere they go.
22 Hakuna nzvimbo ine rima, hakuna mumvuri wakadzama, pangavanda vaiti vezvakaipa.
There is no darkness so deep where people who do evil can hide themselves from him.
23 Mwari haanei nezvokuedzazve vanhu, kuti vauye vamire pamberi pake vagotongwa.
God doesn't need to examine anyone in any greater detail that they should come before him for judgment.
24 Anoparadza vane simba asina kumbobvunza, agogadza vamwe panzvimbo yavo.
He brings down the mighty without needing an investigation; he sets up others in their place.
25 Nokuti anocherechedza mabasa avo, anovabvisa usiku uye vanopwanyiwa.
Knowing what they've done he overthrows them in a night and destroys them.
26 Anovaranga nokuda kwokuipa kwavo, pavanoonekwa nomunhu wose,
He strikes them down for their wickedness in public where they can be seen
27 nokuti vakatsauka pakumutevera uye havana kuva nehanya kana neimwe yenzira dzake.
because they turned away from following him, disregarding all his ways.
28 Vakakonzera kuchema kwavarombo kuti kusvike pamberi pake, zvokuti akanzwa kuchema kwavanoshayiwa.
They made the poor call out to him, and he heard the cries of the oppressed.
29 Asi kana akaramba anyerere ndiani angamupa mhosva? Kana akavanza chiso chake, ndianiko angamuona? Zvakadaro iye ari pamusoro pazvose, munhu nendudzi,
Yet if God wants to remain silent, who can condemn him? If he chooses to hide his face, who can see him? Whether it concerns a nation or an individual,
30 kuti abvise munhu asina umwari pakutonga, kuti asaisira vanhu misungo.
a person who rejects God should not rule so they don't mislead people.
31 “Ngatiti munhu oti kuna Mwari, ‘Ndine mhaka asi handichatadzazve.
If you were to say to God, ‘I have sinned, but I won't do bad things any more.
32 Ndidzidzisei zvandisingagoni kuona; kana ndakaita zvakaipa, handichazviitizve.’
Show me what I cannot see. If I have done wrong, I won't do it again,’
33 Ko, Mwari angafanira kukupa mubayiro sezvaunoda iwe here, zvaunoramba kutendeuka? Unofanira kusarudza iwe, kwete ini; saka nditaurire zvaunoziva.
then should God reward you for following your own opinions since you have rejected his? You're the one who has to choose, not me! Tell us what you think.
34 “Imi vanhu vokunzwisisa taurai, vanhu vakachenjera munondinzwa muti kwandiri,
For people who understand—those who are wise who have heard what I said—will tell me,
35 ‘Jobho anotaura asina zivo; mashoko ake haana uchenjeri.’
‘Job doesn't know what he's talking about. What he says doesn't make any sense.’
36 Haiwa, dai Jobho aedzwa kusvikira pakupedzisira, nokuti anopindura somunhu akaipa!
If only Job were thoroughly condemned because he speaks like evil people do.
37 Pachivi chake anowedzera kumukira; anouchira maoko ake pakati pedu sezvisina basa, uye anowedzera mashoko ake okurwa naMwari.”
Now he has added rebellion to his sins; he claps his hands at us, making long speeches full of accusations against God.”

< Jobho 34 >