< Jobho 30 >

1 “Asi zvino vanondiseka, varume vaduku kwandiri, vane madzibaba andaishora zvokuti handaivaisa pakati pembwa dzinofudza makwai angu.
And now - they have laughed on me [people] young more than me to days whom I rejected fathers their to put with [the] dogs of flock my.
2 Ko, simba ramaoko avo raizondibatsirei, sezvo simba ravo rakanga rapera?
Also [the] strength of hands their why? to me on them it had perished vigor.
3 Vapererwa nokuda kwokushayiwa uye nenzara, vakadzivaira usiku munyika yakaoma, mumatongo nomunyika yakaparara.
In poverty and in hunger barren the [ones who] gnaw a dry region yesterday of ruin and desolation.
4 Vakaunganidza miriwo inovavira kubva mumakwenzi, uye zvokudya zvavo zvakanga zviri mudzi womuti womurara.
Those [who] pluck off mallow on bush[es] and [the] root of broom plants [for] food their.
5 Vakabviswa pakati pavanhu vokwavo, vachitukwa kunge vakanga vari mbavha.
From [the] community they are driven away people shout on them like thief.
6 Vakamanikidzwa kuti vagare mukati mehova dzakaoma, pakati pamatombo nomumakomba, muvhu.
On [the] slope of wadis to dwell holes of [the] ground and rocks.
7 Vakarira samakwai pakati pamakwenzi, uye vakamanikidzana pasi porukato.
Between bushes they bray under nettle[s] they are joined together.
8 Vakanga vari vanhu vakazvidzika vasina zita, vakadzingwa kubva munyika.
Sons of a fool also sons of not a name they have been scourged from the land.
9 “Uye zvino vanakomana vavo vanondiseka munziyo; ndava shumo pakati pavo.
And now taunt song their I have become and I have become for them a word.
10 Vanondisema uye vanomira kure neni; havazezi kundipfira mate kumeso.
They abhor me they are distant from me and from face my not they have withheld spittle.
11 Sezvo zvino Mwari akatsudunura uta hwangu uye akanditambudza, havazvidzori pamberi pangu.
For (string my *Q(K)*) he has loosened and he has afflicted me and [the] halter from before me they have sent away.
12 Kurudyi rwangu rudzi runondirwisa; vanoisira makumbo angu misungo, vanovaka michinjiziri yokurwa neni.
On [the] right [side] a brood they arise feet my they have sent away and they have piled up on me [the] paths of disaster their.
13 Vanoparadza mugwagwa wangu; vanobudirira pakundiparadza, pasina munhu anovabatsira.
They have torn down pathway my to destruction my they benefit not a helper [belongs] to them.
14 Vanofamba zvavo kunge vanopinda napakakoromoka; pakati pamatongo vanongopinda zvavo.
Like a breach wide they come under devastation they have rolled themselves.
15 Zvinotyisa zvinondibata; kukudzwa kwangu kwabviswa sokunge nemhepo, kuchengetedzeka kwangu kwapera segore.
It has been turned on me sudden terror it pursues like the wind dignity my and like a cloud it has passed away prosperity my.
16 “Uye zvino upenyu hwangu hwava kuguma; mazuva okutambudzika anondibata.
And now on me it pours itself out life my they seize me days of affliction.
17 Usiku hunobaya mapfupa angu; zvinondiruma-ruma zvinorwadza hazvizorori.
Night bones my he has pierced from on me and gnawing [pains] my not they rest!
18 Nesimba rake guru Mwari anova chipfeko kwandiri; anondisunga somutsipa wenguo yangu.
With greatness of strength it disguises itself clothing my like [the] mouth of tunic my he girds about me.
19 Anondikanda mumatope, uye ndava seguruva namadota.
He has thrown me to the mud and I have become like like dust and ash[es].
20 “Ndinochema kwamuri, imi Mwari, asi hamundipinduri; ndinosimuka, asi munongonditarisa zvenyu.
I cry for help to you and not you answer me I have stood and you have considered carefully me.
21 Munondishandukira noutsinye; munondirova nesimba roruoko rwenyu.
You change yourself into [one] cruel to me with [the] might of hand your you are hostile to me.
22 Munondibvuta mondidzingira pamberi pemhepo; munonditenderedza mudutu.
You lift up me to [the] wind you make ride me and you dissolve me (success. *Q(K)*)
23 Ndinoziva kuti muchandiburutsa muchindiendesa kurufu, kunzvimbo yakatsaurirwa vapenyu vose.
For I know death you will bring me and a house of appointed meeting for every living [thing].
24 “Zvirokwazvo, hakuna munhu anobata munhu ari kushushikana paanochemera rubatsiro pakutambudzika kwake.
Surely not on a heap of ruins anyone stretches out a hand or in disaster his to them a cry for help.
25 Ko, handina kuchema nokuda kwevaitambura here? Ko, mweya wangu hauna kuva neshungu pamusoro pavarombo here?
Not did I weep for [the] hard of day was it grieved? self my for the needy [person].
26 Kunyange zvakadaro, pandakanga ndakarindira zvakanaka, zvakaipa zvakasvika; pandakatarisira chiedza, ipapo rima rakasvika.
If good I waited for and it came evil and I waited for light and it came darkness.
27 Kumonyoroka kwoura hwangu hakumbomiri; mazuva okutambudzika anondivinga.
Inward parts my they have been made to boil and not they have been still they have confronted me days of affliction.
28 Ndinodzungaira ndichisvibiswa, asi kwete nezuva; ndinosimuka pakati peungano ndichichemera rubatsiro.
Being dark I have gone about with not sun I have stood in the assembly I cry out for help.
29 Ndava hama yamakava, neshamwari yamazizi.
A brother I have become of jackals and a companion of daughters of an ostrich.
30 Ganda rangu riri kusviba uye riri kufunuka; muviri wangu unopisa nefivha.
Skin my it has become black from on me and bone my it has burned from heat.
31 Mbira dzangu dzava kungoridza nziyo dzokuchema, uye nyere yangu nziyo dzokuungudza.
And it has become mourning harp my and flute my [the] sound of weepers.

< Jobho 30 >