< Jobho 3 >

1 Shure kwaizvozvo, Jobho akashamisa muromo wake ndokutuka zuva rokuberekwa kwake.
Then, opening his mouth, and cursing the day of his birth,
2 Akati:
Job made answer and said,
3 “Zuva rokuberekwa kwangu ngariparare, uye nousiku hwakanzi, ‘Kwaberekwa mwanakomana!’
Let destruction take the day of my birth, and the night on which it was said, A man child has come into the world.
4 Zuva iroro ngarishanduke rive rima; Mwari wokudenga ngaarege kuva nehanya naro; Chiedza ngachirege kuvhenekera pamusoro paro.
That day — let it be dark; let not God take note of it from on high, and let not the light be shining on it;
5 Rima nomumvuri wakasviba ngazviritore zvakare; gore ngarigare pamusoro paro; kusviba ngakufukidze chiedza charo.
Let the dark and the black night take it for themselves; let it be covered with a cloud; let the dark shades of day send fear on it.
6 Usiku uhwo rima guru ngaribate; ngahurege kuverengwa pakati pamazuva egore kana kunyorwa pamwedzi ipi zvayo.
That night — let the thick dark take it; let it not have joy among the days of the year; let it not come into the number of the months.
7 Usiku uhwo ngahushaye chibereko; ngaparege kunzwika kupembera kwomufaro mahuri.
As for that night, let it have no fruit; let no voice of joy be sounded in it;
8 Vanotuka mazuva ngavatuke zuva iro, vaya vakagadzirira kumutsa Chikara Chikuru cheGungwa.
Let it be cursed by those who put a curse on the day; who are ready to make Leviathan awake.
9 Nyeredzi dzahwo dzamangwanani ngadzisvibe; ngahumirire chiedza chamasikati pasina uye ngahurege kuona hwerazuva hwamambakwedza;
Let its morning stars be dark; let it be looking for light, but may it not have any; let it not see the eyes of the dawn.
10 nokuti hahuna kundipfigira mikova yechizvaro kuti huvanze dambudziko pamberi pangu.
Because it did not keep the doors of my mother's body shut, so that trouble might be veiled from my eyes.
11 “Ko, ndakaregererei kufa pakuberekwa kwangu, nokufa pandaibuda mudumbu?
Why did death not take me when I came out of my mother's body, why did I not, when I came out, give up my last breath?
12 Mabvi akavapo seiko kuti andigamuchire namazamu kuti ndinwe?
Why did the knees take me, or why the breasts that they might give me milk?
13 Nokuti zvino ndingadai ndakavata murugare; ndingadai ndivete uye ndakazorora
For then I might have gone to my rest in quiet, and in sleep have been in peace,
14 namadzimambo namakurukota enyika, vakazvivakira nzvimbo dzava matongo zvino,
With kings and the wise ones of the earth, who put up great houses for themselves;
15 navatongi vakanga vane goridhe, vakazadza dzimba dzavo nesirivha.
Or with rulers who had gold, and whose houses were full of silver;
16 Kana kuti sei ndisina kuvigwa muvhu somwana asina kusvika, somucheche asina kumboona chiedza chezuva?
Or as a child dead at birth I might never have come into existence; like young children who have not seen the light.
17 Ikoko vakaipa vanorega kutambudza, uye ikoko vakaneta vakazorora.
There the passions of the evil are over, and those whose strength has come to an end have rest.
18 Nhapwa dzinofarirawo rugare rwadzo; havachanzwizve kudanidzira kwomuchairi wenhapwa.
There the prisoners are at peace together; the voice of the overseer comes not again to their ears.
19 Vaduku navakuru variko, uye nhapwa yakasunungurwa kubva pana tenzi wayo.
The small and the great are there, and the servant is free from his master.
20 “Chiedza chinopirweiko vaya vari kusurukirwa, uye upenyu kune ane shungu pamwoyo,
Why does he give light to him who is in trouble, and life to the bitter in soul;
21 kuna vaya vanoshuva kufa irwo rusingauyi, vanorutsvaka kupfuura pfuma yakavanzika,
To those whose desire is for death, but it comes not; who are searching for it more than for secret wealth;
22 vazere nomufaro uye vanofara pavanosvika muguva?
Who are glad with great joy, and full of delight when they come to their last resting-place;
23 Upenyu hunopirweiko munhu ane nzira yakavanzika, iye akakomberedzwa naMwari noruzhowa?
To a man whose way is veiled, and who is shut in by God?
24 Nokuti mafemo anosvika kwandiri pachinzvimbo chezvokudya, kugomera kwangu kunodururwa semvura.
In place of my food I have grief, and cries of sorrow come from me like water.
25 Zvandaitya zvakandivinga; zvandaizeza zvaitika kwandiri.
For I have a fear and it comes on me, and my heart is greatly troubled.
26 Handina rugare, handina runyararo; handina zororo, asi nhamo chete.”
I have no peace, no quiet, and no rest; nothing but pain comes on me.

< Jobho 3 >