< Jobho 24 >

1 “Seiko Wamasimba Ose asingatari nguva dzokutonga? Seiko avo vanomuziva vachitarisira mazuva akadai pasina?
Wherefore from the Mighty One Times have not been hidden, And those knowing Him have not seen His days.
2 Vanhu vanobvisa mabwe omuganhu; vanofudza makwai avakaba.
The borders they reach, A drove they have taken violently away, Yea, they do evil.
3 Vanotinha mbongoro dzenherera, uye vanotora nzombe yechirikadzi vachiita rubatso.
The ass of the fatherless they lead away, They take in pledge the ox of the widow,
4 Vanodzinga vanoshayiwa kubva panzira, uye vanomanikidza varombo vose venyika kundovanda.
They turn aside the needy from the way, Together have hid the poor of the earth.
5 Sezvinoita mbizi murenje, varombo vanobuda vachienda kumabasa avo, okukwara-kwara zvokudya; gwenga rinopa vana varo zvokudya.
Lo, wild asses in a wilderness, They have gone out about their work, Seeking early for prey, A mixture for himself — food for young ones.
6 Vanosunganidza uswa mumasango, uye vanononga mazambiringa muminda yavakaipa.
In a field his provender they reap, And the vineyard of the wicked they glean.
7 Vashaya nguo, vagovata usiku hwose vasina zvavakapfeka uye vanoshayiwa zvokufuka muchando.
The naked they cause to lodge Without clothing. And there is no covering in the cold.
8 Vanototeswa nemvura inonaya mumakomo, uye vanombundikira matombo nokuda kwokushayiwa pokuvanda.
From the inundation of hills they are wet, And without a refuge — have embraced a rock.
9 Mwana nherera anobvutwa kubva pazamu; mwana mucheche womurombo anotorwa nokuda kwechikwereti.
They take violently away From the breast the orphan, And on the poor they lay a pledge.
10 Nokushayiwa zvokufuka, vanongofamba-famba havo vasina kupfeka; vanotakura zvisote, asi vane nzara.
Naked, they have gone without clothing, And hungry — have taken away a sheaf.
11 Vanopwanya maorivhi pakati pemihoronga; vanotsika zvisviniro zvewaini, asi vanofa nenyota.
Between their walls they make oil, Wine-presses they have trodden, and thirst.
12 Kugomera kwavanhu vanofa kunonzwika muguta, uye mweya yavakakuvadzwa inochema kuti ibatsirwe. Asi Mwari haana munhu waanopa mhosva.
Because of enmity men do groan, And the soul of pierced ones doth cry, And God doth not give praise.
13 “Varipo vanomukira chiedza, vasingambozivi nzira dzacho kana kugara mumakwara acho.
They have been among rebellious ones of light, They have not discerned His ways, Nor abode in His paths.
14 Panongovira zuva, muurayi anobva amuka, uye anouraya varombo navanoshayiwa; panguva dzousiku anonyahwaira sembavha.
At the light doth the murderer rise, He doth slay the poor and needy, And in the night he is as a thief.
15 Ziso remhombwe rinomirira rubvunzavaeni; anofunga achiti, ‘Hakuna ziso richandiona,’ uye anogara akavanza chiso chake.
And the eye of an adulterer Hath observed the twilight, Saying, 'No eye doth behold me.' And he putteth the face in secret.
16 Vanhu vanopaza dzimba murima, asi masikati vanozvipfigira mukati madzo; havana chokuita nechiedza.
He hath dug in the darkness — houses; By day they shut themselves up, They have not known light.
17 Kwavari vose zvavo, rima guru ndiwo mangwanani avo; vanoita ushamwari nokutyisa kwerima.
When together, morning [is] to them death shade, When he discerneth the terrors of death shade.
18 “Nyamba ivo ifuro riri pamusoro pemvura; mugove wavo wenyika wakatukwa, zvokuti hakuna munhu achaenda kuminda yemizambiringa.
Light he [is] on the face of the waters, Vilified is their portion in the earth, He turneth not the way of vineyards.
19 Kupisa nokuoma sezvakunobvisa chando chanyunguduka, saizvozvo guva rinobvuta vaya vakatadza. (Sheol h7585)
Drought — also heat — consume snow-waters, Sheol [those who] have sinned. (Sheol h7585)
20 Chizvaro chinovakanganwa, honye inovadya; vanhu vakaipa havacharangarirwizve asi vakavhunwa somuti.
Forget him doth the womb, Sweeten [on] him doth the worm, No more is he remembered, And broken as a tree is wickedness.
21 Vanovandira mukadzi asingabereki, asina mwana, uye havaitiri chirikadzi tsitsi.
Treating evil the barren [who] beareth not, And [to] the widow he doth no good,
22 Asi Mwari anokwekweredza vane simba nesimba rake; kunyange vakasimbiswa, havana chokwadi noupenyu hwavo.
And hath drawn the mighty by his power, He riseth, and none believeth in life.
23 Angavarega zvavo vakazorora vachifungidzira kuti vakachengetedzwa; asi meso ake ari panzira dzavo.
He giveth to him confidence, and he is supported, And his eyes [are] on their ways.
24 Vanosimudzirwa kwechinguva chiduku, gare gare vaenda; vanodukupiswa vagounganidzwa savamwe vose, vanochekwa sehura dzezviyo.
High they were [for] a little, and they are not, And they have been brought low. As all [others] they are shut up, And as the head of an ear of corn cut off.
25 “Kana zvisina kudaro, ndiani anganditi ndinoreva nhema, agoshayisa mashoko angu simba?”
And if not now, who doth prove me a liar, And doth make of nothing my word?

< Jobho 24 >