< Jeremia 36 >

1 Mugore rechina raJehoyakimi mwanakomana waJosia mambo weJudha, shoko iri rakauya kuna Jeremia richibva kuna Jehovha, richiti,
And these are the words of the book which Jeremias sent from Jerusalem to the elders of the captivity, and to the priests, and to the false prophets, even an epistle to Babylon for the captivity, and to all the people;
2 “Tora rugwaro rwakapetwa unyoremo mashoko ose andakataura kwauri pamusoro peIsraeri, napamusoro peJudha nedzimwe ndudzi dzose kubvira panguva yandakatanga kutaura kwauri panguva yokutonga kwaJosia kusvikira iye zvino.
(after the departure of Jechonias the king and the queen, and the eunuchs, and every freeman, and bondman, and artificer, out of Jerusalem; )
3 Zvimwe vanhu veJudha vakanzwa pamusoro penjodzi imwe neimwe yandakaronga kuisa pamusoro pavo, vangadzoka mumwe nomumwe wavo kubva pazvakaipa zvake; ipapo ndichavakanganwira zvakaipa zvavo nechivi chavo.”
by the hand of Eleasan son of Saphan, and Gamarias son of Chelcias, (whom Sedekias king of Juda sent to the king of Babylon to Babylon) saying,
4 Saka Jeremia akadana Bharuki mwanakomana waNeria, naJeremia, paaimuverengera mashoko ose akanga ataurwa naJehovha kwaari, Bharuki ainge achianyora murugwaro rwakapetwa.
Thus said the Lord God of Israel concerning the captivity which I caused to be carried away from Jerusalem;
5 Ipapo Jeremia akataurira Bharuki kuti, “Ini ndakadziviswa, handigoni kuenda kutemberi yaJehovha.
Build you houses, and inhabit [them]; and plant gardens, and eat the fruits thereof;
6 Saka iwe enda kuimba yaJehovha pazuva rokutsanya undoverengera vanhu mashoko aJehovha awakanyora murugwaro rwakapetwa ini ndichikutaurira. Uverengere vanhu vose veJudha vanouya vachibva kumaguta avo.
and take you wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, and be multiplied, and be not diminished.
7 Zvimwe vanganyengetera kuna Jehovha uye mumwe nomumwe wavo akadzoka kubva panzira dzake dzakaipa, nokuti kutsamwa nehasha dzakarehwa naJehovha pamusoro pavanhu ava kukuru.”
And seek the peace of the land into which I have carried you captive, and you shall pray to the Lord for the people: for in its peace you shall [have] peace.
8 Bharuki mwanakomana waNeria akaita zvose zvaakataurirwa nomuprofita Jeremia kuti aite; akaverenga mashoko aJehovha kubva murugwaro rwakapetwa, ari patemberi yaJehovha.
For thus says the Lord; Let not the false prophets that are amongst you persuade you, and let not your diviners persuade you, and listen not to your dreams which you dream.
9 Mumwedzi wepfumbamwe wegore rechishanu raJehoyakimi mwanakomana waJosia mambo weJudha, nguva yokutsanya pamberi paJehovha yakadanidzirwa kuvanhu vose muJerusarema navose vakanga vabva kumaguta eJudha.
For they prophesy to you unrighteous [words] in my name; and I sent them not.
10 Bharuki akaverengera vanhu vose mashoko aJeremia aiva murugwaro rwakapetwa, ari mumba maJehovha, mukamuri raGemaria mwanakomana waShafani munyori, raiva muruvazhe rwokumusoro pamuromo weSuo Idzva retemberi yaJehovha.
For thus said the Lord; When seventy years shall be on the point of being accomplished at Babylon, I will visit you, and will confirm my words to you, to bring back your people to this place.
11 Mikaya mwanakomana waGemaria, mwanakomana waShafani, akati anzwa mashoko ose aJehovha aibva murugwaro rwakapetwa,
And I will devise for you a device of peace, and not evil, to bestow upon you these [good things].
12 akaburuka akaenda kukamuri romunyori mumuzinda wamambo, makanga mugere machinda ose, aiti: Erishama munyori, Dheraya mwanakomana waShemaya, Erinatani mwanakomana waAkibhori, Gemaria mwanakomana waShafani, Zedhekia mwanakomana waHanania, nemamwe machinda ose.
And do you pray to me, and I will listen to you: and do you earnestly seek me, and you shall find me;
13 Mushure mokunge Mikaya avaudza zvose zvaakanga anzwa Bharuki achiverengera vanhu kubva murugwaro rwakapetwa,
for you shall seek me with your whole heart.
14 machinda ose akatuma Jehudhi mwanakomana waNetamia, mwanakomana waSheremia, mwanakomana waKushi, kundoti kuna Bharuki, “Tora rugwaro rwakapetwa rwawaverengera vanhu, ugouya kuno.” Saka Bharuki mwanakomana waNeria akaenda kwavari norugwaro rwakapetwa muruoko rwake.
And I will appear to you:
15 Ivo vakati kwaari, “Tapota, gara pasi utiverengerewo.” Saka Bharuki akavaverengera.
whereas you said, The Lord has appointed for us prophets in Babylon:
16 Vakati vanzwa mashoko ose aya, vakatarisana vachitya ndokuti kuna Bharuki, “Tinofanira kuzivisa mashoko ose aya kuna mambo.”
17 Ipapo vakabvunza Bharuki, vakati, “Tiudze, wakanyora sei izvi zvose? Jeremia ndiye akakutaurira here?”
18 Bharuki akapindura akati, “Hongu, akanditaurira mashoko ose aya, ini ndikaanyora neingi murugwaro rwakapetwa.”
19 Ipapo machinda akati kuna Bharuki, “Iwe naJeremia endai munovanda. Ngakurege kuva nomunhu anoziva kwamunenge muri.”
20 Vakati vaisa rugwaro rwakapetwa mukamuri yomunyori Erishama, vakaenda kuna mambo muruvazhe ndokumuzivisa mashoko ose.
21 Mambo akatuma Jehudhi kundotora rugwaro rwakapetwa, Jehudhi ndokurutora mukamuri yaErishama munyori ndokuverengera mambo namachinda ose akanga amire parutivi rwake.
Thus says the Lord concerning Achiab, and concerning Sedekias; Behold, I [will] deliver them into the hands of the king of Babylon; and he shall strike them in your sight.
22 Wakanga uri mwedzi wepfumbamwe uye mambo akanga akagara muimba yakavakirwa nguva yechando, moto uchipfuta mumbaura yaiva pamberi pake.
And they shall make of them a curse in all the captivity of Juda in Babylon, saying, The Lord do to you as he did to Sedekias, and as he did to Achiab, whom the king of Babylon fried in the fire;
23 Jehudhi aiti kana apedza kuverenga zvikamu zvitatu kana zvina zvorugwaro rwakapetwa, mambo aibva azvicheka nebanga ozvikanda mumbaura, kusvikira gwaro rose rapiswa mumoto.
because of the iniquity which they wrought in Israel, and [because] they committed adultery with the wives of their fellow-citizens; and spoke a word in my name, which I did not command them [to speak], and I am witness, says the Lord.
24 Mambo navaranda vake vose vakanzwa mashoko aya ose havana kumboratidza kutya, kana kubvarura nguo dzavo.
And to Samaeas the Aelamite you shall say,
25 Kunyange hazvo Erinatani, Dheraya, naGemaria vakakurudzira mambo kuti arege kupisa rugwaro rwakapetwa haana kuda kuvanzwa.
I sent you not in my name: and to Sophonias the priest the son of Maasaeas say you,
26 Pachinzvimbo chezvo, mambo akarayira Jerameeri, mwanakomana wamambo, naSeraya mwanakomana waAzirieri naSheremia mwanakomana waAbhudhieri kuti asunge Bharuki munyori naJeremia muprofita. Asi Jehovha akanga avaviga.
The Lord has made you priest in the place of Jodae the priest, to be ruler in the house of the Lord over every prophet, and to every madman, and you shall put them in prison, and into the dungeon.
27 Mambo akati apisa rugwaro rwakapetwa rwaiva namashoko akanga anyorwa naBharuki achitaurirwa naJeremia, shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Jeremia, richiti,
And now therefore have you reviled together Jeremias of Anathoth, who prophesied to you?
28 “Tora rumwe rugwaro rwakapetwa unyore pamusoro parwo mashoko ose akanga ari parugwaro rwokutanga rwuya rwakapiswa naJehoyakimi mambo weJudha.
Did he not send for this purpose? for in the course of this month he sent to you to Babylon, saying, It is far off: build you houses, and inhabit [them]; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.
29 Uyezve uudze Jehoyakimi mambo weJudha, kuti, ‘Zvanzi naJehovha: Wakapisa rugwaro rwuya uchiti, “Wakanyorerei parwuri uchiti zvirokwazvo mambo weBhabhironi achauya kuzoparadza nyika ino nokuparadza zvose vanhu nezvipfuwo?”
And Sophonias read the book in the ears of Jeremias.
30 Naizvozvo, zvanzi naJehovha pamusoro paJehoyakimi mambo weJudha: Haangawani mumwe achagara pachigaro choushe chaDhavhidhi; mutumbi wake uchakandwa kunze kunopisa masikati uye kune chando usiku.
Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, saying,
31 Ndichamuranga navana vake uye navaranda vake nokuda kwezvakaipa zvavo; ndichauyisa pamusoro pavo navose vanogara muJerusarema navanhu veJudha njodzi imwe neimwe yandakareva pamusoro pavo, nokuti havana kuteerera.’”
Send to the captivity, saying, Thus says the Lord concerning Samaeas the Aelamite, Since Samaeas has prophesied to you, and I sent him not, and he has made you to trust in iniquity,
32 Saka Jeremia akatora rumwe rugwaro rwakapetwa ndokurupa kuna Bharuki munyori, mwanakomana waNeria, Bharuki ndokunyora pamusoro parwo mashoko ose orugwaro rwakanga rwapiswa naJehoyakimi, mambo weJudha, Jeremia achimutaurira. Mashoko akawanda akafanana nawo akawedzerwa.
therefore thus says the Lord; Behold, I will visit Samaeas, and his family: and there shall not be a man of them in the midst of you to see the good which I will do to you: they shall not see [it].

< Jeremia 36 >