< Jeremia 3 >

1 “Kana murume akaramba mukadzi wake, iye akamusiya hake akandowanikwa nomumwe murume, murume uyu angadzokerazve kwaari here? Ko, nyika haingasvibiswi here? Asi iwe wakararama sechifeve navadiwa vazhinji, zvino ungadzokera kwandiri here?” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
They say, If a man puts away his wife and she goes from him and becomes another man's, will he go back to her again? will not that land have been made unclean? but though you have been acting like a loose woman with a number of lovers, will you now come back to me? says the Lord.
2 “Tarira kunzvimbo dzakakwirira dzisina miti uone. Iripo here nzvimbo yausina kumboitira ufeve? Mujinga menzira wakagaramo wakamirira zvikomba, wakagara kunge vanhu vouragu vari murenje. Wakasvibisa nyika noufeve hwako uye nezvakaipa zvako.
Let your eyes be lifted up to the open hilltops, and see; where have you not been taken by your lovers? You have been seated waiting for them by the wayside like an Arabian in the waste land; you have made the land unclean with your loose ways and your evil-doing.
3 Naizvozvo wakanyimwa mvura inopfunha, uye nemvura yomuchirimo haina kunaya.
So the showers have been kept back, and there has been no spring rain; still your brow is the brow of a loose woman, you will not let yourself be shamed.
4 Ko, handiti uchangobva pakundidana here uchiti, ‘Baba vangu, shamwari yangu kubva pauduku hwangu,
Will you not, from this time, make your prayer to me, crying, My father, you are the friend of my early years?
5 muchagara makatsamwa here? Kutsamwa kwenyu kucharamba kuripo nokusingaperi here?’ Aya ndiwo matauriro ako, asi unoita zvakaipa zvose zvaunogona kuita.”
Will he be angry for ever? will he keep his wrath to the end? These things you have said, and have done evil and have had your way.
6 Panguva yokutonga kwaMambo Josia, Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Waona here zvaitwa naIsraeri wokusatendeka? Ari kuenda pamusoro pezvikomo zvose zvakakwirira nepasi pemiti yose yakapfumvutira achindoita ufevepo.
And the Lord said to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen what Israel, turning away from me, has done? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every branching tree, acting like a loose woman there.
7 Ndakafunga kuti mushure mokuita kwake izvi zvose, achadzokera kwandiri asi iye haana, uye mununʼuna wake Judha wokusatendeka akazviona.
And I said, After she has done all these things she will come back to me; but she did not. And her false sister Judah saw it.
8 Ndakapa Israeri wokusatendeka tsamba yokurambana ndikamudzinga nokuda kwoufeve hwake. Kunyange zvakadaro ndakaona kuti Judha mununʼuna wake wokusatenda haatyi; naiyewo akabuda akandoita ufeve.
And though she saw that, because Israel, turning away from me, had been untrue to me, I had put her away and given her a statement in writing ending the relation between us, still Judah, her false sister, had no fear, but went and did the same.
9 Nokuti ufeve hwaIsraeri hahuna zvahwakareva kwaari, akasvibisa nyika nokufeva namabwe namatanda.
So that through all her loose behaviour the land became unclean, and she was untrue, giving herself to stones and trees.
10 Kunyange izvi zvakadaro, mununʼuna wake Judha wokusatendeka haana kudzokera kwandiri nomwoyo wake wose, asi kunyengera chete,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
But for all this, her false sister Judah has not come back to me with all her heart, but with deceit, says the Lord.
11 Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Israeri wokusatenda akarurama kukunda Judha wokusatendeka.
And the Lord said to me, Israel in her turning away is seen to be more upright than false Judah.
12 Enda undoparidza shoko iri kurutivi rwokumusoro uchiti, “‘Dzokai imi Israeri vokusatenda,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, ‘Handichazorambi ndakafinyamisa chiso changu kwamuri, nokuti ndizere nengoni,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, ‘handingarambi ndakatsamwa nokusingaperi.
Go, and give out these words to the north, and say, Come back, O Israel, though you have been turned away from me, says the Lord; my face will not be against you in wrath: for I am full of mercy, says the Lord, I will not be angry for ever.
13 Imi zivai mhosva yenyu chete, kuti makamukira Jehovha Mwari wenyu, mukafadza vamwari vavatorwa muri pasi pomuti mumwe nomumwe wakapfumvutira, uye hamuna kunditeerera,’” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
Only be conscious of your sin, the evil you have done against the Lord your God; you have gone with strange men under every branching tree, giving no attention to my voice, says the Lord.
14 “Dzokai, imi vanhu vokusatenda,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “nokuti ndini murume wenyu. Ndichakusarudzai, ndichatora mumwe chete kubva kune rimwe guta, uye vaviri kubva kuno rumwe rudzi, ndigokuuyisai kuZioni.
Come back, O children who are turned away, says the Lord; for I am a husband to you, and I will take you, one from a town and two from a family, and will make you come to Zion;
15 Ipapo ndichakupai vafudzi vanofadza mwoyo wangu, ivo vachakutungamirirai noruzivo nokunzwisisa.
And I will give you keepers, pleasing to my heart, who will give you your food with knowledge and wisdom.
16 Mumazuva iwayo, pamunenge mawanda zvikuru munyika,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “vanhu havangazoti, ‘Areka yesungano yaJehovha.’ Hazvingazopindi mundangariro dzavo kana kurangarirwa; havazoishuvi, havangagadziri imwezve.
And it will come about, when your numbers are increased in the land, in those days, says the Lord, that they will no longer say, The ark of the agreement of the Lord: it will not come into their minds, they will not have any memory of it, or be conscious of the loss of it, and it will not be made again.
17 Panguva iyoyo vachatumidza Jerusarema kuti Chigaro choUshe chaJehovha, uye ndudzi dzose dzichaungana muJerusarema kuzokudza zita raJehovha. Havachazoteverizve kusindimara kwemwoyo yavo yakaipa.
At that time Jerusalem will be named the seat of the Lord's kingdom; and all the nations will come together to it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: and no longer will their steps be guided by the purposes of their evil hearts.
18 Mumazuva iwayo imba yaJudha ichabatana neimba yaIsraeri, uye vose pamwe chete vachauya vachibva kunyika yokumusoro vachienda kunyika yandakapa madzibaba enyu kuti ive nhaka.
In those days the family of Judah will go with the family of Israel, and they will come together out of the land of the north into the land which I gave for a heritage to your fathers.
19 “Ini pachangu ndakati, “‘Ndichafara sei pakukubatai savanakomana vangu uye ndichikupai nyika inoyevedza, iyo nhaka yakaisvonaka yorudzi rupi zvarwo.’ Ndakafunga kuti muchanditi ‘Baba’ mukasazotsauka pakunditevera.
But I said, How am I to put you among the children, and give you a desired land, a heritage of glory among the armies of the nations? and I said, You are to say to me, My father; and not be turned away from me.
20 Asi sezvinoita mukadzi asina kutendeka kumurume wake, saizvozvo makanga musina kutendeka kwandiri, imi imba yaIsraeri,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
Truly, as a wife is false to her husband, so have you been false to me, O Israel, says the Lord.
21 Kuchema kunonzwika panzvimbo dzakakwirira dzisina miti, iko kuchema nokuteterera kwavanhu veIsraeri, nokuti vakaminamisa nzira dzavo uye vakakanganwa Jehovha Mwari wavo.
A voice is sounding on the open hilltops, the weeping and the prayers of the children of Israel; because their way is twisted, they have not kept the Lord their God in mind.
22 “Dzokai, imi vanhu vokusatenda; ndichakurapai pakudzokera kwenyu shure.” “Hongu, tichauya kwamuri, nokuti imi muri Jehovha Mwari wedu.
Come back, you children who have been turned away, and I will take away your desire for wandering. See, we have come to you, for you are the Lord our God.
23 Zvirokwazvo mheremhere youfeve iri pazvikomo, napamakomo unyengeri; zvirokwazvo muna Jehovha Mwari wedu ndimo mune ruponeso rwaIsraeri.
Truly, the hills, and the noise of an army on the mountains, are a false hope: truly, in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.
24 Kubva pauduku hwedu nyadzi dzakadya zvibereko zvamabasa amadzibaba edu, makwai avo, nemombe dzavo, vanakomana navanasikana vavo.
But the Baal has taken all the work of our fathers from our earliest days; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
25 Ngativatei pasi munyadzi dzedu, uye kunyara kwedu ngakutifukidze. Takatadzira Jehovha Mwari wedu, isu tose namadzibaba edu; kubva pauduku hwedu kusvikira nhasi hatina kuteerera Jehovha Mwari wedu.”
Let us be stretched on the earth in our downfall, covering ourselves with our shame: for we have been sinners against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our earliest years even till this day: and we have not given ear to the voice of the Lord our God.

< Jeremia 3 >