< Jeremia 10 >

1 Inzwai zvinoreva Jehovha kwamuri, imi imba yaIsraeri.
Hear the word that Jehovah speaketh unto you, house of Israel.
2 Zvanzi naJehovha: “Regai kudzidza tsika dzendudzi kana kuvhundutswa nezviratidzo zviri kudenga kunyange hazvo ndudzi dzichivhundutswa nazvo.
Thus saith Jehovah: Learn not the way of the nations, and be not dismayed at the signs of the heavens; for the nations are dismayed at them.
3 Nokuti tsika dzavanhu hadzina maturo; vanotema muti musango, muvezi ouveza nembezo.
For the statutes of the peoples are vanity; for [it is] a tree cut out of the forest, worked with a chisel by the hands of the artizan;
4 Vanoushongedza nesirivha negoridhe; vanourovera nenyundo nezvipikiri kuti urege kuzungunuka.
they deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5 Sedukununu kumucheto womunda wamavise, zvifananidzo zvavo hazvigoni kutaura; zvinofanira kutotakurwa nokuti hazvigoni kufamba. Musazvitya; hazvigoni kukukuvadzai, uye hazvina nebasa rose.”
They are as a palm-column of turned work, and they speak not; they are carried, for they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
6 Hakuna akafanana nemi, imi Jehovha; muri mukuru, uye zita renyu iguru pasimba.
There is none like unto thee, Jehovah; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
7 Ndianiko angarega kukutyai, imi Mambo wendudzi? Izvi ndizvo zvakakufanirai. Pakati pavakachenjera vose vendudzi nomuushe hwavo hwose, hakuna akafanana nemi.
Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? For to thee doth it appertain; for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee.
8 Vose havana njere uye mapenzi; vanodzidziswa nezvifananidzo zvamatanda zvisingabatsiri.
But they are one and all senseless and foolish; the teaching of vanities is a stock.
9 Sirivha yakapfurwa inotorwa kubva kuTashishi negoridhe richibva kuUfazi. Zvakaitwa nemhizha uye nomupfuri wegoridhe, zvopfekedzwa zvino nguo dzomucheka webhuruu nowepepuru, zvose zvinoitwa navabati vano umhizha.
Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the artizan and of the hands of the founder; blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of skilful [men].
10 Asi Jehovha ndiye Mwari wechokwadi; ndiye Mwari mupenyu, mambo wokusingaperi. Kana iye atsamwa, nyika inodedera; ndudzi hadzigoni kumira pamberi pehasha dzake.
But Jehovah Elohim is truth; he is the living God, and the King of eternity. At his wrath the earth trembleth, and the nations cannot abide his indignation.
11 “Muvaudze kuti, ‘Vamwari ava, vasina kuita matenga nenyika, vachaparara panyika nepasi pamatenga.’”
Thus shall ye say unto them: The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, these shall perish from the earth, and from under the heavens.
12 Asi Mwari akaita nyika nesimba rake, akateya nyika nouchenjeri hwake, uye akatambanudza matenga nokunzwisisa kwake.
He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
13 Paanotinhira, mvura zhinji iri mumatenga inoita mubvumo; anoita kuti makore asimuke kubva kumigumo yenyika. Anotuma mheni pamwe nemvura, uye anouyisa mhepo kubva mumatura ake.
When he uttereth his voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the end of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasuries.
14 Mumwe nomumwe haafungi uye haana zivo; mupfuri mumwe nomumwe wegoridhe anonyadziswa nezvifananidzo zvake. Zvifananidzo zvake ndezvenhema; hazvina mweya mazviri.
Every man is become brutish, bereft of knowledge; every founder is put to shame by the graven image, for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
15 Hazvina maturo, zvinhu zvokutuka; kutongwa kwazvo pakunosvika, zvose zvichaparara.
They are vanity, a work of delusion: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.
16 Iye anenge ari mugove waJakobho haana kufanana nazvo, nokuti ndiye Muiti wezvinhu zvose, kusanganisa naIsraeri, rudzi rwenhaka yake, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ndiro zita rake.
The portion of Jacob is not like them; for it is he that hath formed all [things], and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: Jehovah of hosts is his name.
17 Unganidzai nhumbi dzenyu mubve munyika, imi makakombwa.
Gather up thy baggage out of the land, O inhabitress of the fortress.
18 Nokuti zvanzi naJehovha: “Panguva ino ndichapotsera kure avo vanogara munyika ino; Ndichauyisa nhamo pamusoro pavo kuti vagotapwa.”
For thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I will this time sling out the inhabitants of the land, and will distress them, that they may be found.
19 Ndine nhamo nokuda kwokukuvara kwangu! Ronda rangu harirapiki! Asi ndakati, “Uku kurwara ndokwangu, uye ndinofanira kukutakura.”
Woe is me, for my wound! My stroke is hard to heal, and I had said, Yea, this is [my] grief, and I will bear it.
20 Tende rangu raparadzwa; mabote aro ose adamburwa. Vanakomana vangu vabva kwandiri uye havachipozve; hakuna asara zvino kuti amise tende rangu kana kumisa dumba rangu.
My tent is despoiled, and all my cords are broken; my children are gone forth from me, and they are not; there is none to stretch forth my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.
21 Vafudzi havana njere, uye havabvunzi Jehovha; saka havabudiriri uye makwai avo ose apararira.
For the shepherds are become brutish, and have not sought Jehovah; therefore have they not acted wisely, and all their flock is scattered.
22 Inzwai! Chiziviso chiri kuuya, bope guru richabva kunyika yokumusoro! Richaita kuti maguta eJudha aparare, agarwe namakava.
The voice of a rumour! Behold, it cometh, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah a desolation, a dwelling-place of jackals.
23 Haiwa Jehovha, ndinoziva kuti upenyu hwomunhu hahusi hwake; hazvizi kumunhu kuti aruramise nzira dzake.
I know, Jehovah, that the way of man is not his own; it is not in a man that walketh to direct his steps.
24 Ndirangei, Jehovha, asi chete nokururamisira, kwete mukutsamwa kwenyu, kuti murege kundiparadza zvachose.
Jehovah, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.
25 Dururirai kutsamwa kwenyu pamusoro pendudzi dzisingakurangarirei, pamusoro pavanhu vasingadani kuzita renyu. Nokuti vakadya Jakobho; vakamudya zvachose, uye vakaparadza nyika yake.
Pour out thy fury upon the nations that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name; for they have eaten up Jacob, yea, they have eaten him up and consumed him, and have laid waste his dwelling-place.

< Jeremia 10 >