< Isaya 57 >

1 Vakarurama vanoparara, uye hakuna anofunga izvi mumwoyo make; vanhu vanoda Mwari vanobviswa, uye hakuna anonzwisisa kuti vakarurama vanobviswa kuti vanunurwe kubva pane zvakaipa.
The upright man goes to his death, and no one gives a thought to it; and god-fearing men are taken away, and no one is troubled by it; for the upright man is taken away because of evil-doing, and goes into peace.
2 Vose vanofamba mukururama vanopinda murugare, vanowana zororo pavanovata murufu.
They are at rest in their last resting-places, every one going straight before him.
3 “Asi imi, uyai pano, imi vanakomana vomuroyi, imi chibereko chemhombwe nezvifeve!
But come near, you sons of her who is wise in secret arts, the seed of her who is false to her husband, and of the loose woman.
4 Muri kuseka aniko? Ndiani wamunohomera uye wamunobudisira rurimi rwenyu? Ko, hamusi chibereko chemhandu here, nechizvarwa chavanoreva nhema?
Of whom do you make sport? against whom is your mouth open wide and your tongue put out? are you not uncontrolled children, a false seed,
5 Munotsva noruchiva pakati pemiti yemuouki napasi pomuti mumwe nomumwe wakapfumvutira; munobayira vana venyu mumipata napasi pamapazi akarembera.
You who are burning with evil desire among the oaks, under every green tree; putting children to death in the valleys, under the cracks of the rocks?
6 Zvifananidzo zviri pakati pamatombo anotsvedzerera emipata ndiwo mugove wenyu; izvozvo, ndiwo mugove wenyu. Hongu, wakadururira chipiriso chokunwa kwazviri, uye ukapa chipiriso chezviyo. Ko, ini muchagona kundiripira zvinhu izvi here?
Among the smooth stones of the valley is your heritage; they, even they, are your part: even to them have you made a drink offering and a meal offering. Is it possible for such things to be overlooked by me?
7 Wakawaridza nhoo pakakwirira napachikomo chirefu; ikoko wakakwira kundobayira zvibayiro.
You have put your bed on a high mountain: there you went up to make your offering.
8 Seri kwamakonhi ako nezvivivo zvako wakaisa chirangaridzo chavamwari vako. Uchindisiya ini, wakafukura mubhedha wako, wakakwira pauri ukaushamisa kwazvo; wakaita sungano naavo vane mibhedha yaunoda, uye wakatarisa kusasimira kwavo.
And on the back of the doors and on the pillars you have put your sign: for you have been false to me with another; you have made your bed wide, and made an agreement with them; you had a desire for their bed where you saw it
9 Wakaenda kuna Moreki namafuta omuorivhi ukawedzera zvinonhuhwira zvako. Wakatumira nhume dzako kure; wakaburukira kuguva chaiko! (Sheol h7585)
And you went to Melech with oil and much perfume, and you sent your representatives far off, and went as low as the underworld. (Sheol h7585)
10 Wakaneteswa nenzira dzako dzose, asi hauna kumboti, ‘Hazvina maturo.’ Wakawana kuvandudzwa kwesimba rako, nokudaro hauna kuziya.
You were tired with your long journeys; but you did not say, There is no hope: you got new strength, and so you were not feeble.
11 “Ndianiko wawakatya uye ukavhunduka zvokuti wakazoreva nhema kwandiri, uye hauna kumbondirangarira kana kumbozvifunga izvi mumwoyo mako? Hakuzi kuti ndakaramba ndakanyarara iwe ukasanditya here?
And of whom were you in fear, so that you were false, and did not keep me in mind, or give thought to it? Have I not been quiet, keeping myself secret, and so you were not in fear of me?
12 Ndichaisa pachena kururama kwako namabasa ako, uye hazvizombokubatsiri.
I will make clear what your righteousness is like and your works; you will have no profit in them.
13 Paunochemera rubatsiro, zvifananidzo zvawakaunganidza ngazvikubatsire! Mhepo ichazvikukura zvose, mweya wokungofema zvawo uchazvifuridzira kure. Asi munhu anondiita utiziro hwake achagara nhaka yenyika, uye gomo rangu dzvene richava rake.”
Your false gods will not keep you safe in answer to your cry; but the wind will take them, they will be gone like a breath: but he who puts his hope in me will take the land, and will have my holy mountain as his heritage.
14 Uye zvichazonzi: “Vakai, vakai, gadzirai mugwagwa! Bvisai zvipinganidzo munzira yavanhu vangu.”
And I will say, Make it high, make it high, get ready the way, take the stones out of the way of my people.
15 Nokuti zvanzi naIye akakwirira ari kumusoro, iye anorarama nokusingaperi, ane zita dzvene: “Ndinogara pakakwirira panzvimbo tsvene, asi naiyewo ane mweya wakapwanyika uye anozvininipisa, kuti ndimutsiridze mweya yavanozvininipisa uye ndimutsiridze mwoyo yavakapwanyika.
For this is the word of him who is high and lifted up, whose resting-place is eternal, whose name is Holy: my resting-place is in the high and holy place, and with him who is crushed and poor in spirit, to give life to the spirit of the poor, and to make strong the heart of the crushed.
16 Handichapi mhosva nokusingaperi, kana kugara ndakatsamwa, nokuti ipapo mweya yavanhu ingaziya pamberi pangu, kufema kwomunhu wandakasika.
For I will not give punishment for ever, or be angry without end: for from me breath goes out; and I it was who made the souls.
17 Ndakatsamwiswa nechivi chake chokukara; ndakamuranga, ndikavanza chiso changu mukutsamwa kwangu, asi akaramba ari munzira dzaaida.
I was quickly angry with his evil ways, and sent punishment on him, veiling my face in wrath: and he went on, turning his heart from me.
18 Ndakaona nzira dzake, asi ndichamuporesa; ndichamutungamirira uye ndichamunyaradza,
I have seen his ways, and I will make him well: I will give him rest, comforting him and his people who are sad.
19 ndichisika rumbidzo pamiromo yavanochema muIsraeri. Rugare, rugare kuna vari kure navari pedyo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. “Uye ndichavaporesa.”
I will give the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace, to him who is near and to him who is far off, says the Lord; and I will make him well.
20 Asi vakaipa vakafanana negungwa rinozungunuka, risingagoni kuzorora, rina mafungu anorasa marara namatope.
But the evil-doers are like the troubled sea, for which there is no rest, and its waters send up earth and waste.
21 Mwari wangu anoti, “Vakaipa havana rugare.”
There is no peace, says my God, for the evil-doers.

< Isaya 57 >