< Isaya 56 >

1 Zvanzi naJehovha: “Chengetedzai kururamisira mugoita zvakanaka, nokuti ruponeso rwangu rwava pedyo, uye kururama kwangu kuchakurumidza kuratidzwa.
Thus saith Jehovah: Keep ye justice, and practise righteousness; For the coming of my salvation is near, And my deliverance is soon to be revealed.
2 Akaropafadzwa munhu anoita izvi, munhu anozvibatisisa, anochengeta Sabata asingarisvibisi, uye anodzivisa ruoko rwake kuita chinhu chakaipa.”
Happy the man that doeth this, And the son of man that holdeth it fast; That keepeth the sabbath, and profaneth it not, And restraineth his hand from doing evil.
3 Mutorwa akanamatira kuna Jehovha ngaarege kuti, “Zvirokwazvo Jehovha achandiparadzanisa navanhu vake.” Uye nomuyunaki ngaarege kugununʼuna achiti, “Ndinongova zvangu muti wakaoma.”
And let not the stranger that joineth himself to Jehovah say, Jehovah hath wholly separated me from his people. And let not the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree!
4 Nokuti zvanzi naJehovha: “Kuvayunaki vanochengeta maSabata angu, vanosarudza zvinondifadza, uye vanobatirira pasungano yangu,
For thus saith Jehovah concerning the eunuchs: They that keep my sabbaths, And take pleasure in doing my will, And hold fast my covenant,
5 kwavari ndichapa, mukati metemberi yangu namasvingo ayo, chirangaridzo nezita riri nani kupfuura vanakomana navanasikana; ndichavapa zita risingaperi, risingazoparadzwi.
To them will I give in my house, and within my walls, a portion and a name, Better than of sons and daughters; An everlasting name will I give them, That shall never fade away.
6 Uye vatorwa vakazvipira kuna Jehovha kuti vamushumire, kuti vade zita raJehovha, uye vamunamate, vose vanochengeta Sabata vasingarisvibisi vachibatisisa sungano yangu,
The strangers, also, that join themselves to Jehovah, to serve him, To love the name of Jehovah, and to be his servants. Every one that keepeth the sabbath, and profaneth it not, And holdeth fast my covenant,
7 ivava ndichavauyisa kugomo rangu dzvene ndigovapa mufaro muimba yangu yokunyengetera. Zvipiriso zvavo zvinopiswa nezvibayiro zvichagamuchirwa paaritari yangu; nokuti imba yangu ichanzi imba yokunyengetera yendudzi dzose.”
Them will I bring to my holy mountain, And I will make them rejoice in my house of prayer; Their burnt-offerings and sacrifices shall be accepted on mine altar; For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.
8 Ishe Jehovha anoti, iye anounganidza vakatapwa vaIsraeri, “Ndichaunganidzazve vamwe kwavari, tisingaverengeri avo vakaunganidzwa kare.”
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, That gathereth the outcasts of Israel; Yet will I gather others to him, Besides those that are already gathered.
9 Uyai, imi mose zvikara zvesango, uyai mudye, imi mose zvikara zvesango!
Come, all ye beasts of the field, Yea, all ye beasts of the forest, to devour!
10 Nharirire dzeIsraeri mapofu, vose vanoshayiwa zivo; vose imbwa dzisingahukuri, hadzigoni kuhukura; dzinovata pose pose dzichingorota, dzinofarira kuvata.
His watchmen are all blind; they know nothing; They are all dumb dogs, that cannot bark, Dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber;
11 Imbwa dzinokara zvikuru; dzisingamboguti. Vafudzi vanoshayiwa kunzwisisa: vose vanotsaukira kunzira yavo pachavo, mumwe nomumwe anotsvaka zvinomupfumisa.
Yet are they greedy dogs that cannot be satisfied; The shepherds themselves will not attend; They all turn aside to their own way, Every one of them to their own gain.
12 Mumwe nomumwe anodanidzira achiti, “Uyai, regai nditore waini! Regai tinwe tigute nedoro! Uye mangwana achafanana nanhasi, kana kutopfuura.”
“Come on, let me bring wine, And let us fill ourselves with strong drink, And to-morrow shall be as to-day, And even much more abundant.”

< Isaya 56 >