< Isaya 41 >
1 “Nyararai pamberi pangu, imi zviwi! Ndudzi ngadzivandudze simba radzo! Ngadziswedere mberi dzitaure; ngatisanganei pamwe chete panzvimbo inotongerwa mhaka.
“Listen before me in silence, you coastlands; let the nations renew their strength; let them come near and speak; let us come near together to argue a dispute.
2 “Ndianiko akamutsa mumwe kubva kumabvazuva, akamudana nokururama kuushumiri hwake? Anopa ndudzi kwaari, uye anoisa madzimambo pasi pake. Anovashandura vagova guruva nomunondo wake, vagova hundi inopepereswa nemhepo nouta hwake.
Who has stirred up one from the east, calling him in righteousness to his service? He hands nations over to him and helps him subdue kings. He turns them to dust with his sword, like windblown stubble with his bow.
3 Anovadzinganisa agopfuurira mberi asina vanga, nenzira yaasina kumbotsika netsoka dzake kare.
He pursues them and passes by safely, by a swift path that his feet scarcely touch.
4 Ndiani akabata basa iri akaripedza, akadana zvizvarwa kubva pakutanga? Ini, Jehovha, iye wokutanga wavo newokupedzisira, ndini iye.”
Who has performed and accomplished these deeds? Who has summoned the generations from the beginning? I, Yahweh, the first, and with the last ones, I am he.
5 Zviwi zvakazviona zvikatya; magumo enyika anodedera. Vanoswedera uye vagouya mberi;
The isles have seen and are afraid; the ends of the earth tremble; they approach and come.
6 mumwe nomumwe anobatsira wokwake, achiti kuhama yake, “Simba!”
Everyone helps his neighbor, and every one says to one another, 'Be encouraged.'
7 Mhizha inokurudzira mupfuri wegoridhe, uye iye anotsetsenura nenyundo anokurudzira uyo anorova panhera. Anoti kune chakanamwa nomoto, “Ichi chakanaka.” Anoroverera chifananidzo pasi nechipikiri kuti chisazungunuka.
So the carpenter encourages the goldsmith, and he who works with the hammer encourages him who works with an anvil, saying of the welding, 'It is good.' They fasten it with nails so it will not topple over.
8 “Asi iwe, Israeri, muranda wangu, Jakobho, wandakasarudza, imi vana vaAbhurahama, shamwari yangu,
But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend,
9 ndakakutora kubva kumagumo enyika, ndikakudana kubva kumakona ayo ari kure. Ndakati kwauri, ‘Uri muranda wangu,’ ndakakusarudza uye handina kukuramba.
you whom I am bringing back from the ends of the earth, and whom I called from the far away places, and to whom I said, 'You are my servant;' I have chosen you and not rejected you.
10 Naizvozvo usatya, nokuti ndinewe; usavhunduka, nokuti ndini Mwari wako. Ndichakusimbisa uye ndichakubatsira; ndichakutsigira noruoko rwangu rworudyi rwokururama.
Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and I will help you, and I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
11 “Vose vanokutsamwira zvirokwazvo vachanyadziswa uye vachanyara; vose vanokakavadzana newe vachava sechinhu chisipo uye vachaparara.
See, they will be ashamed and disgraced, all who have been angry with you; they will be as nothing and will perish, those who oppose you.
12 Kunyange ukatsvaka vavengi vako, hauzovawani. Avo vanorwa newe vachava sechinhu chisipo chose.
You will seek and will not find those who contended with you; those who warred against you will be like nothing, absolutely nothing.
13 Nokuti ndini Jehovha, Mwari wako, anobata ruoko rwako rworudyi achiti kwauri, Usatya; ndichakubatsira.
For I, Yahweh your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Do not fear; I am helping you.'
14 Usatya Jakobho iwe honye, iwe mudiki Israeri, nokuti ini iyeni ndichakubatsira,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, Mudzikinuri wako, Mutsvene waIsraeri.
Do not fear, Jacob you worm, and you men of Israel; I will help you—this is Yahweh's declaration, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
15 “Tarira, ndichakuita mupuro, mutsva unopinza, una meno mazhinji. Uchapura makomo ugoapwanya, uye uchaderedza zvikomo zvikava hundi.
Look, I am making you like a sharp threshing sledge, new and two-edged; you will thresh the mountains and crush them; you will make the hills like chaff.
16 Uchaapepeta, achatorwa nemhepo, uye chamupupuri chichaaparadzira. Asi iwe uchafara muna Jehovha, uye uchazvirumbidza muMutsvene waIsraeri.
You will winnow them, and the wind will carry them away; the wind will scatter them. You will rejoice in Yahweh, you will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
17 “Varombo navanoshaya vanotsvaka mvura asi hakuna; ndimi dzavo dzaoma nenyota. Asi ini Jehovha ndichavapindura; ini, Mwari waIsraeri, handizovasiya.
The oppressed and needy look for water, but there is none, and their tongues are parched for thirst; I, Yahweh, will respond to their prayers; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
18 Ndichaita kuti nzizi dziyerere pamitunhu isina miti, namatsime pakati pemipata. Ndichashandura gwenga rikava madziva emvura, nenyika yakaoma ikava matsime.
I will make streams to flow down the slopes, and springs in the middle of the valleys; I will make the desert into a pool of water, and the dry land into springs of water.
19 Ndichaisa mugwenga musidhari nomuakasiya, mumite nomuorivhi. Ndichaisa mipaini musango, misipuresi nemifiri pamwe chete,
In the wilderness I will set the cedar, the acacia, and the myrtle, and the olive tree. I will set the cypress in the desert plain, with the pines and the cypress box trees.
20 kuitira kuti vanhu vaone uye vagoziva, varangarire vagonzwisisa, kuti ruoko rwaJehovha rwakaita izvozvi, kuti Mutsvene waIsraeri ndiye akazvisika.
I will do this so that the people may see, recognize, and understand together, that the hand of Yahweh has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.
21 “Sumai mhaka yenyu,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. “Uyai namashoko enyu akasimba,” ndizvo zvinotaura Mambo waJakobho.
“Present your case,” says Yahweh, “present your best arguments for your idols,” says the King of Jacob.
22 “Uyai nezvifananidzo zvenyu zvitiudze zvichaitika. Tiudzei zvinhu zvakare kuti zvaiva zvipi, kuti zvimwe tizviongorore tigoziva magumo azvo. Kana kuti tizivisei, zvinhu zvichaitika,
Let them bring us their own arguments; have them come forward and declare to us what will happen, so we may know these things well. Have them tell us of earlier predictive declarations, so we can reflect on them and know how they were fulfilled.
23 tiudzei kuti ramangwana rinei, kuti tizive kana imi muri vanamwari. Itai chimwe chinhu, chingava chakanaka kana chakaipa, kuitira kuti tigoshamiswa tigozadzwa nokutya.
Tell things about the future, that we may know if you are gods; do something good or evil, that we may be frightened and impressed.
24 Asi imi hamusi chinhu, uye mabasa enyu haana maturo chose; anokusarudzai anonyangadza.
See, you idols are nothing and your deeds are nothing; the one who chooses you is detestable.
25 “Ndamutsa mumwe anobva kumusoro, zvino ari kuuya, mumwe anobva kumabvazuva anodana kuzita rangu. Iye anotsika pamusoro pavabati kunge anotsika dope, kuita sokunge muumbi wehari anokanya ivhu.
I have raised up one from the north, and he comes; from the sun's rising I summon him who calls on my name, and he will trample the rulers like mud, like a potter who is treading on the clay.
26 Ndianiko akazvireva kubva pakutanga, kuti zvimwe, tingaziva, kana kuti zvichigere kuitika, kuti zvimwe tigoti, ‘Akanga anatsa?’ Hapana akataura izvozvi, hapana akataura kuti zvichauya, hapana akanzwa kana shoko kubva kwamuri.
Who announced this from the beginning, that we might know? Before this time, that we may say, “He is right”? Indeed none of them decreed it, yes, none heard you say anything.
27 Ndini akava wokutanga kuudza Zioni kuti, ‘Tarira, ava vari pano!’ Ndakapa kuJerusarema nhume yamashoko akanaka.
I first said to Zion, “Look here they are;” I sent a herald to Jerusalem.
28 Ndinotarisa asi hapana munhu, hapana pakati pavo anopa zano, hapana anondipindura pandinovabvunza.
When I look, there is no one, not one among them who can give good advice, who, when I ask, can answer a word.
29 Tarirai, vose inhema dzoga! Mabasa avo haana maturo; zvifananidzo zvavo imhepo nenyonganiso.
Look, all of them are nothing, and their deeds are nothing; their cast metal figures are wind and emptiness.