< Isaya 30 >

1 “Vane nhamo vana vakasindimara,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “kuna avo vanoita urongwa husati huri hwangu, vanoita sungano, asi vasingaiti noMweya wangu, vachiunganidza chivi pamusoro pechivi;
Woe to the rebellious children, saith Jehovah, Who form plans, and not from me, And make covenants without my spirit, That they may add sin to sin!
2 vanoenda kuIjipiti vasina kundibvunza; vanotsvaka rubatsiro rworudziviriro rwaFaro, vanotsvaka utiziro kumumvuri weIjipiti.
Who go down into Egypt, Without inquiring at my mouth, To seek refuge in Pharaoh's protection, And to trust in the shadow of Egypt!
3 Asi kudzivirira kwaFaro kuchava kunyadziswa kwenyu, mumvuri weIjipiti uchakuvigirai kunyadziswa,
The protection of Pharaoh shall be your shame; Your trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.
4 kunyange vaine machinda muZoani uye nhume dzavo dzasvika muHanesi,
For their princes are at Zoan, Their ambassadors have arrived at Hanes.
5 mumwe nomumwe wavo achanyadziswa nokuda kwavanhu vasina betsero kwavari, vasingavavigiri rubatsiro kana ruyamuro, asi kunyadziswa chete nokuzvidzwa.”
But they are all ashamed of a people that do not profit them; That are no help and no profit, But only a shame and a reproach.
6 Chirevo pamusoro pemhuka dzeNegevhi: nomunyika yenhamo namatambudziko, yeshumba neshumbakadzi, yemvumbi nenyoka dzine hasha uye dzinobhururuka, nhume dzinotakura pfuma yadzo pamusoro pembongoro, noupfumi hwadzo pamusoro penyundwa dzengamera, dzichihuendesa kurudzi rusingabatsiri,
The loaded beasts go southward. Through a land of anguish and distress, Whence come forth the lioness, and the fierce lion, The viper, and the flying fiery serpent; On the shoulders of young asses they carry their wealth, And on the bunches of camels their treasures, To a people that will not profit them!
7 kuIjipiti kuno rubatsiro rusina maturo chose. Naizvozvo ndinomutumidza zita rokuti Rahabhi Asina Chaanoita.
Vain and empty is the help of Egypt; Wherefore I call her, The Blusterer that sitteth still.
8 Chienda iye zvino, unovanyorera pahwendefa izvozvo, uzvinyore murugwaro, kuti pamazuva anouya chigova chapupu nokusingaperi.
Go now, write this on a tablet before them; Note it down upon a book, That it may remain for future times, A testimony forever!
9 Ava ndivo vanhu vakapanduka, vana vokunyengera, vana vasingadi kunzwa kurayira kwaJehovha.
For this is a rebellious people, false children; Children who will not hear the law of Jehovah;
10 Vanoti kuvaoni, “Regai kuonazve zviratidzo!” nokuvaprofita, “Regai kutipazve zviratidzo zvezvakanaka! Tiudzei zvinhu zvinofadza, muprofite zvinonyengera.
Who say to the seers, “See not!” And to the prophets, “Prophesy not right things; Speak to us smooth things, Prophesy falsehood!
11 Siyai nzira iyi, ibvai mugwara iri, murege kuita kuti timisidzane noMutsvene waIsraeri!”
Turn aside from the way, Depart from the path, Remove from our sight the Holy One of Israel!”
12 Naizvozvo zvanzi naMutsvene waIsraeri: “Nokuti makaramba shoko rangu iri, mukasendamira pakumanikidza uye mukavimba nokunyengera,
Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel: Since ye despise this word, And trust in oppression and perverseness, And lean thereon,
13 chivi ichi chichava kwamuri sorusvingo, rwakatsemuka nokufutunuka, runoondomoka pakarepo uye nokukurumidza.
Therefore shall this iniquity be to you Like a breach ready to give way, That swelleth out in a high wall, Whose fall cometh suddenly, in an instant.
14 Ruchaputsika kuita zvimedu zvimedu sehari, yakaputswa noutsinye zvokuti pakati pezvimedu zvayo hapana kuwanikwa chaenga chakasara, chokugoka mazimbe omoto pachoto kana chokuchera nacho mvura kubva muchitubu.”
It is broken like a potter's vessel, Which is dashed in pieces and not spared, So that among its fragments not a sherd is found to take up fire from the hearth, Or to dip water from the cistern.
15 Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha, Mutsvene waIsraeri: “Mukutendeuka nezororo ndimo mune ruponeso rwenyu, murunyararo nomukuvimba ndimo mune simba renyu, asi imi makaramba chimwe chazvo.
For thus said the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel: By a return and by rest shall ye be saved; In quietness and confidence is your strength;
16 Imi makati, ‘Kwete, tichatiza takatasva mabhiza.’ Naizvozvo muchatiza! Imi makati, ‘Tichatasva mabhiza anomhanya kwazvo.’ Naizvozvo vadzinganisi venyu vachamhanya kwazvo!
But ye would not. Ye said, “No! we will bound along upon horses”; Truly ye shall bound along in flight. “We will ride upon swift coursers”; But they shall be swift that pursue you.
17 Chiuru chimwe chete chichatiza nokuvhundutsa kwomumwe chete; imi mose muchatiza kuvhundutsa kwavashanu, kusvikira masara maita sedanda romureza riri pamusoro pegomo, kuita somureza pamusoro pechikomo.”
A thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one, And ten thousand at the rebuke of five, Till what remains of you shall be as a beacon on the top of a mountain, As a banner upon a hill.
18 Asi Jehovha anoshuva kukuitirai nyasha; anosimuka kuti akuratidzei tsitsi. Nokuti Jehovha ndiMwari wokururamisira. Vakaropafadzwa vose vanomurindira!
And yet will Jehovah wait to be gracious to you, And yet will he arise to have mercy upon you; For Jehovah is a righteous God; Happy are all they who wait for him!
19 Haiwa imi vanhu veZioni, vanogara muJerusarema, hamuchazochemizve. Achava nenyasha sei pamunochemera rubatsiro! Achingozvinzwa, achakupindurai.
For, O people of Zion, that dwellest in Jerusalem, Thou shalt not always weep! He will be very gracious to thee at the voice of thy cry; No sooner shall he hear it, than he will answer thee.
20 Kunyange Ishe achikupai chingwa chenhamo nemvura yokutambudzika, vadzidzi venyu havachazovanzwizve; muchavaona nameso enyu pachenyu.
Though Jehovah hath given thee the bread of distress, and the water of affliction, Yet shall thy teachers be hidden from thee no more; But thine eyes shall see thy teachers.
21 Kunyange mukatendeukira kurudyi kana kuruboshwe, nzeve dzenyu dzichanzwa inzwi mumashure menyu, richiti, “Iyi ndiyo nzira, fambai mairi.”
And thine ears shall hear a voice behind thee, Saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it!” When ye turn aside to the right hand, or to the left.
22 Ipapo muchasvibisa zvifananidzo zvenyu zvakafukidzwa nesirivha nezviumbwa zvenyu zvakafukidzwa negoridhe; muchazvirasira kure somucheka wakasvibiswa neropa romukadzi ari kumwedzi kwake muchiti kwazviri, “Ibvai pano!”
Ye shall treat as defiled the silver coverings of your graven images, And the golden clothing of your molten images, Ye shall cast them away as an unclean thing; Away! shall ye say to them.
23 Achakutumiraiwo mvura yokumeresa mbeu dzamunodyara muvhu, uye zvokudya zvichabva munyika zvichange zvakanyatsosvika uye zvakawanda kwazvo. Pazuva iro, nzombe dzenyu dzichafura mumafuro akafaranuka.
Then will he give rain for thy seed, With which thou shalt sow the ground, And the bread-corn, the produce of the land, shall be rich and nourishing; Then shall thy cattle feed in large pastures.
24 Nzombe nembongoro dzinorima munda zvichadya mashanga noupfu, zvakaparadzirwa neforogo nefoshoro.
The oxen also, and the young asses, that till the ground, Shall eat well-seasoned provender, Which hath been winnowed with the shovel and the fan.
25 Pazuva rokuuraya kukuru, panowira shongwe pasi, hova dzemvura dzichayerera pamusoro pamakomo ose akakwirira napamusoro pezvikomo zvakareba.
And on every lofty mountain, And on every high hill, Shall be brooks and streams of water, In the day of the great slaughter, When the towers fall.
26 Mwedzi uchapenya sezuva, uye zuva richapenya kakapetwa kanomwe, kufanana nechiedza chamazuva manomwe azere, Jehovha paanosunga mavanga avanhu vake agorapa maronda aakavakuvadza nawo.
Then shall the light of the moon be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, [[As the light of seven days, ]] When Jehovah bindeth up the bruises of his people, And healeth the wound which they have received.
27 Tarirai, Zita raJehovha rasvika richibva kure, rine hasha dzinopfuta moto namakore outsi hwakasviba kuti ndo-o; miromo yake yakazara nokutsamwa, uye rurimi rwake moto unoparadza.
Behold, the name of Jehovah cometh from afar, His anger burneth, and violent is the flame, His lips are full of indignation, And his tongue like a devouring fire.
28 Kufema kwake kunofanana nokuyerera kwemvura ine simba zhinji, inokwira ichisvika mumutsipa. Anozungura ndudzi murusero rwokuparadza; anoisa mushaya dzavanhu matomu anovatsausa.
His breath is like an overflowing torrent, That reacheth even to the neck; He will toss the nation with the winnowing-fan of destruction; He will put a bridle upon the jaws of the people, that shall lead them astray.
29 Uye muchaimba sapausiku hwamunopemberera mutambo mutsvene; mwoyo yenyu ichafara sezvinoita vanhu vanokwira kugomo raJehovha, nokuDombo raIsraeri, vachiridza nyere.
But ye shall then sing as in the night of a solemn festival; Your heart shall be glad, like his who marcheth with the sound of the pipe To the mountain of Jehovah, to the rock of Israel.
30 Jehovha achaita kuti vanhu vanzwe inzwi rake roumambo, uye achaita kuti vaone ruoko rwake ruchiburuka pasi, nehasha zhinji nomoto wokuparadza, nokuputika kwamakore, kunaya kwemvura zhinji nechimvuramabwe.
Jehovah will cause his glorious voice to be heard, And the blow of his arm to be seen, With furious anger, and flames of devouring fire; With flood, and storm, and hailstones.
31 Inzwi raJehovha richaparadza vaAsiria; achavarova netsvimbo yake.
For by the voice of Jehovah shall the Assyrian be beaten down; He will smite him with the rod.
32 Shamhu yoga yoga yavacharohwa nayo naJehovha netsvimbo yake yokuranga, ichaenderana nerwiyo rwamakandira norudimbwa, paacharwa navo muhondo noruoko rwake.
And as often as the appointed rod shall strike, Which Jehovah shall lay heavily upon him, It shall be accompanied with tabrets and harps; And with fierce battles will he fight against him.
33 Tofeti yakanguri yagadzirira; yakagadzirirwa kare kugamuchira mambo. Gomba rayo romoto rakadzikiswa rikapamhamiswa, uye pane moto wakawanda nehuni zhinji; kufema kwaJehovha, sorukova runopfuta nesafuri, kuchazvitungidza.
For long hath the burning place been prepared; Yea, for the king hath it been made ready; The pile is made deep and broad; There is fire and wood in abundance; The breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, kindle it.

< Isaya 30 >