< Isaya 3 >

1 Tarirai zvino, Ishe Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ava kuda kutora zvose rutsigiro nomudonzvo, kubva kuJerusarema neJudha; rutsigiro rwose rwezvokudya norutsigiro rwose rwemvura,
For behold, the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, Is turning aside from Jerusalem and from Judah [Both] stay and staff: Every stay of bread and every stay of water;
2 mhare nomurwi, mutongi nomuprofita, muvuki nomukuru,
Mighty and man of war, judge and prophet, And diviner and elderly,
3 mukuru wamakumi mashanu nomunhu anokudzwa, gurukota nomurume weumhizha, nomuvuki anoziva.
Head of fifty, and accepted of faces, And counselor, and wise craftsmen, And discerning charmer.
4 Ndichaita kuti majaya ave vabati vavo; vana vadiki ndivo vachavatonga.
And I have made youths their heads, And sucklings rule over them.
5 Vanhu vachadzvinyirirana, munhu nomunhu, muvakidzani nomuvakidzani. Vadiki vachamukira vakuru, nounozvidza achamukira anokudzwa.
And the people has exacted—man on man, Even a man on his neighbor, The youths enlarge themselves against the aged, And the lightly esteemed against the honored.
6 Murume achabata mumwe wavanunʼuna vake paimba yababa vake achiti, “Ndiwe une nguo, chiva mutungamiri wedu; iva mutariri wedutu roungwandangwanda uhu!”
When one lays hold on his brother, Of the house of his father, [by] the garment, “Come, you are a ruler to us, And this ruin [is] under your hand.”
7 Asi pazuva iro achadanidzira achiti, “Handigoni kugadzirisa zvinhu. Handina chokudya kana chokufuka mumba mangu; musandiita mutungamiri wavanhu.”
He lifts up, in that day, saying, “I am not a binder up, And in my house is neither bread nor garment, You do not make me a ruler of the people.”
8 Jerusarema rozungunuka, Judha riri kuwa; mashoko avo nezviito zvavo zvinopesana naJehovha, vachizvidza kuvapo kwake kunobwinya.
For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, For their tongue and their doings [are] against YHWH, To provoke the eyes of His glory.
9 Zvinoonekwa pazviso zvavo zvinovapupurira; vanoburitsa chivi chavo pachena seSodhomu; havambochivanzi. Vane nhamo! Vanouyisa njodzi pamusoro pavo.
The appearance of their faces witnessed against them, And their sin, as Sodom, they declared, They have not hidden! Woe to their soul, For they have done evil to themselves.
10 Udzai vakarurama kuti zvichavanakira, nokuti vachanakirwa nezvibereko zvamabasa avo.
Say to the righteous that [it is] good, Because they eat the fruit of their doings.
11 Vane nhamo vakaipa! Njodzi yava kuda kuvawira! Vacharipirwa zvakabatwa namaoko avo.
Woe to the wicked—evil, Because the deed of his hand is done to him.
12 Vadiki vanomanikidza vanhu vangu, vakadzi vanovatonga. Haiwa, vanhu vangu, vatungamiri venyu vanokutsausai; vanokubvisai munzira.
My people—its exactors [are] sucklings, And women have ruled over it. My people—your eulogists are causing to err, And the way of your paths swallowed up.
13 Jehovha anotora nzvimbo yake muimba yokutonga; anosimuka kuti atonge vanhu.
YHWH has stood up to plead, And He is standing to judge the peoples.
14 Jehovha anopinda mukutonga vakuru navatungamiri vavanhu vake achiti, “Ndimi makaparadza munda wangu womuzambiringa; zvakapambwa zvinobva kuvarombo zviri mudzimba dzenyu.
YHWH enters into judgment With [the] elderly of His people, and its heads: “And you, you have consumed the vineyard, Plunder of the poor [is] in your houses.
15 Munoreveiko zvamunopwanya vanhu vangu, uye muchikuya zviso zvavarombo?” ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha Wamasimba Ose.
Why? Why do you [do this]? You bruise My people, And you grind the faces of the poor.” A declaration of the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, And YHWH says:
16 Jehovha anoti, “Vakadzi veZioni vanozvikudza, vanofamba vakamisa mitsipa yavo. Vachichonya nameso avo, uye vanofamba vachinzenzeta, vaine zvishongo zvinorira muzviziso zvamakumbo avo.
“Because that daughters of Zion have been haughty, And they walk stretching out the neck, And deceiving [with] the eyes, They go walking and mincing, And they make a jingling with their feet,
17 Naizvozvo Jehovha achauyisa maronda pamisoro yavakadzi veZioni; Jehovha achaitisa misoro yavo mhanza.”
The Lord has also scabbed The crown of the head of daughters of Zion, And YHWH exposes their simplicity.
18 Pazuva iro Jehovha achabvisa pazviziso zvamakumbo avo: mabhenguro, nezvishongo zvomusoro, neungetani hwomutsipa hunonʼaima,
In that day the Lord turns aside The beauty of the jingling ornaments, And of the embroidered works, And of the crescents,
19 nemhete dzenzeve, nezvingetani zvomumaoko, namavhoiri
Of the pendants, and the bracelets, and the veils,
20 nezvishongo zvebvudzi, nezvingetani zvomuzviziso zvamakumbo, nemasikavha, namabhodhoro amafuta anonhuhwira, namazango,
Of the headdresses, and the ornaments of the legs, And of the bands, And of the perfume boxes, and the amulets,
21 nemhete, noukomba hwemhino,
Of the seals, and of the nose-rings,
22 nenguo dzakanaka dzomutambo, nezvijasi, namakepesi namajasi nezvikwama,
Of the costly apparel, and of the mantles, And of the coverings, and of the purses,
23 nezvionioni, nenguo dzomucheka wakaisvonaka, nezvishongo namashaweri.
Of the mirrors, and of the linen garments, And of the hoods, and of the veils,
24 Pachinzvimbo chezvinonhuhwira, pachava nokunhuhwa; pachinzvimbo chesikavha, pachava netambo; pachinzvimbo chebvudzi rakashongedzwa zvakanaka, pachava nemhanza; pachinzvimbo chembatya dzakaisvonaka, pachava nechipfeko chesaga; pachinzvimbo chorunako, pachava nokupiswa.
And it has been, instead of spice is muck, And instead of a girdle, a rope, And instead of curled work, baldness, And instead of a stomacher a girdle of sackcloth.
25 Varume venyu vachafa nomunondo, varwi venyu vachafa muhondo.
For instead of glory, your men fall by sword, And your might in battle.
26 Masuo eZioni achachema uye achaungudza; nokutambura kwaro, richagara pasi.
And her openings have lamented and mourned, Indeed, she has been emptied, she sits on the earth!”

< Isaya 3 >