< Isaya 25 >
1 Haiwa, Jehovha ndimi Mwari wangu; ndichakukudzai uye ndicharumbidza zita renyu, nokuti nokutendeka kukuru makaita zvinhu zvinoshamisa, zvinhu zvamakaronga kare kare.
O Yahweh! my God, thou art, I will exalt thee, I will praise thy Name, For thou hast done a wonderful thing, —Purposes of long ago Faithfulness in truth.
2 Makaita kuti guta rive dutu ramarara, guta rakakomberedzwa rikava dongo, nhare yavatorwa haichazova gutazve; haichazovakwazve.
For thou hast made, of a citadel, a mound, of a defenced city, a ruin, —palaces for foreigners to be no city, To times age-abiding, shall it not be built.
3 Naizvozvo vanhu vane simba vachakukudzai; maguta endudzi dzine utsinye achakuremekedzai.
For this cause! shall glorify thee—a strong people, the city of tyrannous nations shall revere thee;
4 Manga muri utiziro hwavarombo, utiziro hwaanoshayiwa mukutambudzika kwake, uye dumba panguva yemvura zhinji nomumvuri pakupisa kwezuva. Nokuti kufema kwavano utsinye kwakafanana nemvura zhinji inorovera parusvingo,
For thou didst become A refuge to the weak. A refuge to the needy, when distress was upon him, —A shelter from the storm. A shade from the heat, When the blast of tyrants was like a storm against a wall.
5 uye kwakafanana nokupisa kwerenje. Munonyaradza bope ravatorwa; sokupisa kunotonhodzwa nomumvuri wegore, naizvozvo rwiyo rwavane utsinye rwanyaradzwa.
As heat in a desert, the pomp of foreigners, wilt thou subdue, —Heat—with the shade of a cloud, The song of tyrants! become low.
6 Pamusoro pegomo iri, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achagadzirira vanhu vose mutambo wezvakakora, namabiko ewaini yakare, nyama yakanakisa uye newaini yakaisvonaka.
Then will Yahweh of hosts prepare for all the peoples in this mountain, A banquet of fat things, A banquet of old wines, —Of fat things full of marrow, Of old wines well refined;
7 Pamusoro pegomo iri, achaparadza chifukidziro chinoputira marudzi ose, mucheka unofukidza ndudzi dzose;
And he will swallow up in this mountain, The mask of the veil, the veil that is upon all the peoples, —And the web that is woven over all the nations.
8 iye achamedza rufu nokusingaperi. Wamasimba Ose achapisika misodzi kubva pazviso zvose; achabvisa kunyadziswa kwavanhu vake panyika yose. Jehovha ataura.
Having swallowed up death itself victoriously, My Lord, Yahweh, will wipe away, tears from off all faces, —And the reproach of his own people, will he remove from off all the earth, For, Yahweh, hath spoken.
9 Pazuva iro vachati, “Zvirokwazvo uyu ndiye Mwari wedu; takavimba naye, iye akatiponesa. Uyu ndiye Jehovha, takavimba naye; ngatifarei tifarisise muruponeso rwake.”
So shall it be said, in that day, Lo! our God, is this! We waited for him, that he might save us, —This, is Yahweh! We waited for him, Let us exult and rejoice in his salvation.
10 Ruoko rwaJehovha ruchagara pagomo iri, asi Moabhu achatsikwa-tsikwa pasi pake, samashanga anotsikwa-tsikwa mumupfudze.
For the hand of Yahweh will settle down in this mountain, —Then shall Moab be trodden down in its place, Like the treading down of a strawheap in the water of a dunghill;
11 Vachatambanudza maoko avo mariri, somushambiri anotambanudza maoko ake kuti ashambire. Mwari achaderedza kuzvikudza kwavo, kunyange vachigona kuita zvakanaka namaoko avo,
Should he spread forth his hands in the midst thereof, As a swimmer spreadeth forth to swim, Then would be laid low his pride, together with the devices of his hands.
12 Achakoromora nhare yako yamasvingo akakwirira agoaputsira pasi; achaakoromorera pasi, muguruva chaimo.
Yea, the lofty stronghold of thy walls, Hath he brought down—Laid low—Levelled to the ground even unto the dust.