< Isaya 25 >
1 Haiwa, Jehovha ndimi Mwari wangu; ndichakukudzai uye ndicharumbidza zita renyu, nokuti nokutendeka kukuru makaita zvinhu zvinoshamisa, zvinhu zvamakaronga kare kare.
O Lord, thou art my God: I will exalt thee, I will prayse thy Name: for thou hast done wonderfull things, according to the counsels of old, with a stable trueth.
2 Makaita kuti guta rive dutu ramarara, guta rakakomberedzwa rikava dongo, nhare yavatorwa haichazova gutazve; haichazovakwazve.
For thou hast made of a citie an heape, of a strong citie, a ruine: euen the palace of strangers of a citie, it shall neuer be built.
3 Naizvozvo vanhu vane simba vachakukudzai; maguta endudzi dzine utsinye achakuremekedzai.
Therefore shall the mightie people giue glory vnto thee: the citie of the strong nations shall feare thee.
4 Manga muri utiziro hwavarombo, utiziro hwaanoshayiwa mukutambudzika kwake, uye dumba panguva yemvura zhinji nomumvuri pakupisa kwezuva. Nokuti kufema kwavano utsinye kwakafanana nemvura zhinji inorovera parusvingo,
For thou hast bene a strength vnto the poore, euen a strength to the needie in his trouble, a refuge against the tempest, a shadow against the heate: for the blaste of the mightie is like a storme against the wall.
5 uye kwakafanana nokupisa kwerenje. Munonyaradza bope ravatorwa; sokupisa kunotonhodzwa nomumvuri wegore, naizvozvo rwiyo rwavane utsinye rwanyaradzwa.
Thou shalt bring downe the noyse of the strangers, as the heate in a drie place: he wil bring downe the song of the mightie, as the heate in the shadowe of a cloude.
6 Pamusoro pegomo iri, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achagadzirira vanhu vose mutambo wezvakakora, namabiko ewaini yakare, nyama yakanakisa uye newaini yakaisvonaka.
And in this mountaine shall the Lord of hostes make vnto all people a feast of fat thinges, euen a feast of fined wines, and of fat thinges full of marow, of wines fined and purified.
7 Pamusoro pegomo iri, achaparadza chifukidziro chinoputira marudzi ose, mucheka unofukidza ndudzi dzose;
And he will destroy in this mountaine the couering that couereth all people, and the vaile that is spread vpon all nations.
8 iye achamedza rufu nokusingaperi. Wamasimba Ose achapisika misodzi kubva pazviso zvose; achabvisa kunyadziswa kwavanhu vake panyika yose. Jehovha ataura.
He wil destroy death for euer: and the Lord God wil wipe away the teares from all faces, and the rebuke of his people will he take away out of all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.
9 Pazuva iro vachati, “Zvirokwazvo uyu ndiye Mwari wedu; takavimba naye, iye akatiponesa. Uyu ndiye Jehovha, takavimba naye; ngatifarei tifarisise muruponeso rwake.”
And in that day shall men say, Loe, this is our God: we haue waited for him, and he wil saue vs. This is the Lord, we haue waited for him: we will reioyce and be ioyfull in his saluation.
10 Ruoko rwaJehovha ruchagara pagomo iri, asi Moabhu achatsikwa-tsikwa pasi pake, samashanga anotsikwa-tsikwa mumupfudze.
For in this mountaine shall the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab shalbe threshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed in Madmenah.
11 Vachatambanudza maoko avo mariri, somushambiri anotambanudza maoko ake kuti ashambire. Mwari achaderedza kuzvikudza kwavo, kunyange vachigona kuita zvakanaka namaoko avo,
And he shall stretche out his hande in the middes of them (as he that swimmeth, stretcheth them out to swimme) and with the strength of his handes shall he bring downe their pride.
12 Achakoromora nhare yako yamasvingo akakwirira agoaputsira pasi; achaakoromorera pasi, muguruva chaimo.
The defence also of the height of thy walles shall he bring downe and lay lowe, and cast them to the ground, euen vnto the dust.