< Isaya 22 >

1 Chirevo pamusoro poMupata weChiratidzo: Chii chinokutambudzai zvino, zvokuti mose makwira pamusoro pamatenga edzimba?
The burden of the Valley of Vision. What is [troubling] you now, that you have gone up, All of you—to the roofs?
2 Haiwa guta rizere nemheremhere, haiwa guta renyonganyonga nokupembera? Vakaurayiwa venyu havana kubayiwa nomunondo, kana kufira muhondo.
Full of stirs—a noisy city—an exulting city, Your pierced are not pierced of the sword, Nor dead in battle.
3 Vatungamiri vako vose vatiza pamwe chete; vabatwa pasina kushandiswa uta. Mose imi makabatwa mukaitwa vasungwa pamwe chete, kunyange makanga matiza muvengi achiri kure.
All your rulers fled from the bow together, All found of you have been bound, They have been kept bound together, They have fled far off.
4 Naizvozvo ndakati, “Endai kure neni; regai ndicheme kwazvo. Musaedza kundinyaradza pamusoro pokuparadzwa kwavanhu vangu.”
Therefore I said, “Look [away] from me, I am bitter in my weeping, do not hurry to comfort me, For the destruction of the daughter of my people.”
5 Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, ane zuva renyonganyonga nerokutsikira pasi nokutyisa muMupata woKuratidza, zuva rokukoromorera masvingo pasi nerokudanidzira kumakomo.
For a day of noise, and of treading down, And of perplexity, [is] to the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, In the Valley of Vision, digging down a wall, And crying to the mountain.
6 Eramu anotora goba, pamwe chete navatasvi vamabhiza nengoro; Kiri anofudugura nhoo.
And Elam has carried a quiver, In a chariot of men—horsemen, And Kir has exposed a shield.
7 Mipata yako yakaisvonaka yakazara nengoro, uye vatasvi vamabhiza vakaiswa pamasuo eguta;
And it comes to pass, The choice of your valleys have been full of chariots, And the horsemen diligently place themselves at the gate.
8 kudzivirirwa kweJudha kwakabviswa. Uye pazuva iro makatarira, kuzvombo muMuzinda weSango;
And one removes the covering of Judah, And in that day you look To the armor of the house of the forest,
9 makaona kuti Guta raDhavhidhi raiva napakakoromoka pakawanda munzvimbo dzokudzivirira; makazvichengetera mvura muDziva reZasi.
And you have seen the breaches of the City of David, For they have become many, And you gather the waters of the lower pool,
10 Makaverenga dzimba muJerusarema, mukaondomora dzimba kuti musimbise rusvingo.
And you numbered the houses of Jerusalem, And you break down the houses to fortify the wall.
11 Makavaka gungwa pakati pamasvingo maviri, kuti muchingidzire mvura yomudziva rakare, asi hamuna kutarira kuna Iye akariita, kana kuva nehanya naIye akazvironga kare.
And you made a ditch between the two walls, For the waters of the old pool, And you have not looked to its Maker, And you have not seen its Framer of old.
12 Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, akakudaidzai pazuva iro kuti mucheme uye muungudze, kuti mudzure bvudzi renyu uye mufuge masaga.
And the Lord calls, YHWH of Hosts, In that day, to weeping and to lamentation, And to baldness and to girding on of sackcloth,
13 Asi tarirai, kune mufaro nokupembera, kubayiwa kwemombe nokuurayiwa kwamakwai, kudyiwa kwenyama nokunwiwa kwewaini! Munoti, “Ngatidyei uye tinwe, nokuti mangwana tichafa!”
And behold, joy and gladness, slaying of oxen, And slaughtering of sheep, Eating of flesh, and drinking of wine, Eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
14 Jehovha Wamasimba Ose akazivisa izvi munzeve dzangu achiti, “Kusvikira pazuva rokufa kwako, chivi ichi hachizokanganwirwi,” ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose.
And it has been revealed in my ears, [By] YHWH of Hosts: This iniquity is not pardoned to you, Until you die, said the Lord, YHWH of Hosts.
15 Zvanzi naIshe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose: “Enda, undoti kumutariri uyu, kuna Shebhina, mutariri womuzinda, uti kwaari:
Thus said the Lord, YHWH of Hosts: “Go forth, go to this steward, To Shebna, who [is] over the house:
16 Uri kuitei pano uye ndiani akakupa mvumo yokuti uzvicherere rinda pano, uchizvivezera rinda rako pakakwirira nokuzvivezera nzvimbo yako yokuzorora mudombo?
What are you [doing] here? And who has [allowed] you here? That you have hewn out a tomb for yourself here? Hewing his tomb on high, Carving a dwelling for himself in a rock.
17 “Hokoyo, Jehovha ava kuda kukuti dzvi, agokurasira kure, iwe murume wesimba.
Behold, YHWH is casting you up and down, A casting up and down, O mighty one,
18 Achakupomba-pomba sebhora agokukanda munyika yakakura. Ndimo mauchafira, uye ngoro dzako dzine mbiri dzichasara imomo, iwe wokunyadzisa imba yatenzi wako!
And your coverer covering, wrapping around, Wraps you around, O babbler, On a land of broad sides—there you die, And there the chariots of your glory [are] the shame of the house of your lord.
19 Ndichakudzinga pabasa rako, uye uchatandaniswa panzvimbo yako.
And I have thrust you from your station, And he throws you down from your office.
20 “Pazuva iro ndichadana muranda wangu, Eriakimi mwanakomana waHirikia.
And it has come to pass in that day, That I have called to My servant, To Eliakim son of Hilkiah.
21 Ndichamupfekedza nguo yako ndigomusimbisa nebhanhire rako uye ndigoisa masimba ako pamusoro pake. Achava baba kuna vagere muJerusarema nokuimba yaJudha.
And I have clothed him with your coat, And I strengthen him with your girdle, And I give your garment into his hand, And he has been for a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And to the house of Judah.
22 Ndichaisa papfudzi rake kiyi yeimba yaDhavhidhi; chaanenge azarura hapana angapfiga, uye chaanenge apfiga hapana angazarura.
And I have placed the key Of the house of David on his shoulder, And he has opened, and none is shutting, And has shut, and none is opening.
23 Ndichamuroverera sembambo panzvimbo yakasimba; achava chigaro chinokudzwa paimba yababa vake.
And I have fixed him [as] a nail in a steadfast place, And he has been for a throne of glory To the house of his father.
24 Mbiri yeimba yababa vake ichaturikwa paari; matavi namabukira, nemidziyo midiki yose, kubva pamikombe kusvikira pamakate ose.
And they have hanged on him All the glory of the house of his father, The offspring and the issue, All vessels of small quality, From vessels of basins to all vessels of flagons.
25 “Pazuva iro,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, “mbambo yakarovererwa panzvimbo yakasimba ichabva; ichatemwa igowisirwa pasi, uye mutoro wakarembera pauri uchatemerwa pasi.” Jehovha ataura izvozvo.
In that day—a declaration of YHWH of Hosts, The nail that is fixed is moved In a steadfast place, Indeed, it has been cut down, and has fallen, And the burden that [is] on it has been cut off, For YHWH has spoken!”

< Isaya 22 >