< Hosea 13 >

1 Efuremu akati ataura, vanhu vakadedera; iye akakudzwa muIsraeri. Asi akava nemhosva yokunamata Bhaari uye akafa.
When Ephraim used to speak there was trembling; a prince was he in Israel. But he incurred guilt through Baal and died.
2 Zvino vanoramba vachingotadza; vanozviitira zvifananidzo zvakaumbwa nesirivha yavo, zviri zvifananidzo zvakaumbwa nenjere dzavo, zvose ari mabasa emhizha. Pamusoro pavanhu ava zvinonzi, “Vanobayira zvibayiro zvevanhu uye vanotsvoda zviumbwa zvemhuru.”
And now they go on sinning. They make for themselves molten gods – idols of silver, skillfully made, wholly the work of smiths. Yet to such they sacrifice! And they who sacrifice kiss calf idols!
3 Naizvozvo vachava semhute yamangwanani, sedova rinokurumidza kupera, sehundi inopeperetswa kubva paburiro, soutsi hunobuda napawindo.
Therefore they shall be like the morning mist, like the dew that early disappears, like the chaff which blows away from the threshing floor, like the smoke from the window.
4 “Asi ndini Jehovha Mwari wako, akakubudisa kubva muIjipiti. Haungazovi nomumwe Mwari kunze kwangu; kana mumwe Muponesi kunze kwangu.
Yet it was I, the Lord your God, ever since the land of Egypt, you know no other god but me, nor has there been any savior except me.
5 Ndakakuchengeta murenje, munyika inopisa kwazvo.
It was I who shepherded you in the wilderness, in the land of burning heat.
6 Pandakavapa zvokudya, vakaguta; vakati vaguta, vakazvikudza ipapo vakandikanganwa.
When they were pastured they became full, when they were full their hearts became proud. Therefore they forgot me!
7 Saka ndichauya kwavari seshumba, ndichavagarira panzira sembada,
So now I will be to them like a lion, like a leopard will I lay in wait by the path.
8 Sebere ratorerwa vana varo, ndichavarwisa ndigovabvarura. Seshumba ndichavaparadza; chikara chesango chichavabvambura.
I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will tear open their chests, like a lion will devour them, and like a wild beast will tear them in pieces.
9 “Waparadzwa iwe Israeri, nokuti unondirwisa, uchirwisa mubatsiri wako.
You are destroyed, Israel, by me, your only helper.
10 Mambo wako aripiko, kuti zvimwe angakuponesa? Vatongi vako varipiko mumaguta ako ose, avo vawakati, ‘Ndipei mambo namachinda’?
I want to rule you! Where are your princes in your cities, those of whom you demanded, “Give me kings and princes.”
11 Saka mukutsamwa kwangu ndakakupa mambo, uye muhasha dzangu ndakamubvisa.
I give you kings in my anger, and take them away in my wrath.
12 Mhosva dzaEfuremu dzakaunganidzwa pamwe chete, zvivi zvake zvakachengetedzwa muzvinyorwa.
Ephrahn’s iniquity is gathered up, his sin is laid by in store.
13 Kurwadziwa sekwomukadzi anosununguka kunosvika kwaari, asi uyu mwana asina uchenjeri; kana nguva dzasvika, haauyi kumusuo wechizvaro.
The pangs of childbirth come upon him, but he is an unwise child. For this is no time to refuse to leave the womb!
14 “Ndichavadzikinura kubva pasimba reguva; ndichavadzikinura kubva parufu. Dziripiko hosha dzako, nhai rufu? Kuripiko kuparadza kwako, nhai guva? “Handingazovi netsitsi, (Sheol h7585)
Should I deliver them from the power of Sheol? Should I redeem them from death? Death, where are your plagues? Sheol, where is your pestilence? Compassion is forever hidden from my eyes. (Sheol h7585)
15 kunyange akabudirira pakati pamadzikoma ake. Mhepo yokumabvazuva yaJehovha ichauya, ichivhuvhuta ichibva kurenje; chitubu chake chichapwa uye tsime rake richaoma. Dura rake richapambwa zvose zvinokosha zviri mariri.
Though he is flourishing among his brothers, there will come an east wind, the Lord’s wind, coming up from the wilderness. His fountain will dry up, his spring shall be parched. The wind will strip the treasury, all the precious things.
16 Vanhu veSamaria vanofanira kutakura mhaka yavo, nokuti vakamukira Mwari wavo. Vachaparadzwa nomunondo; vacheche vavo vacharoverwa pasi. Vakadzi vavo vane mimba vachatumburwa.”
Samaria will bear her guilt, for she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword, their children dashed to pieces, their pregnant women ripped open.

< Hosea 13 >