< Hosea 10 >

1 Israeri akanga ari muzambiringa unotanda; akazviberekera zvibereko. Zvibereko zvake pazvakawanda, akavakawo aritari dzakawanda; nyika yake payakabudirira, akashongedzawo matombo ake anoera.
Israel is a vine with goodly branches, her fruit is abundant: according to the multitude of her fruits she has multiplied [her] altars; according to the wealth of his land, he has set up pillars.
2 Mwoyo wavo unonyengera, uye zvino vanofanira kutakura mhosva yavo. Jehovha achaputsa aritari dzavo uye achaparadza matombo avo akaereswa.
They have divided their hearts; now shall they be utterly destroyed: he shall dig down their altars, their pillars shall mourn.
3 Ipapo vachati, “Hatina mambo nokuti hatina kukudza Jehovha. Asi kunyange taiva namambo, angadai akatiitireiko?”
Because now they shall say, We have no king, because we feared not the Lord:
4 Vanovimbisa zvakawanda, vanoita mhiko dzenhema uye vanoita zvibvumirano; naizvozvo mhosva dzinoendeswa kudare dzinomera sebise rinouraya mumunda wakarimwa.
and what should a king do for us, speaking false professions [as his] words? he will make a covenant: judgement shall spring up as a weed on the soil of the field.
5 Vanhu vanogara muSamaria vanotyira chifananidzo chemhuru chaBheti Avheni. Vanhu vacho vachachichema, ndizvo zvichaitawo vaprista vanonamata chifananidzo chacho; ivavo vakafarira kukudzwa kwacho, nokuti vachachitorerwa chigoendeswa kuutapwa.
The inhabitants of Samaria shall dwell near the calf of the house of On; for the people of it mourned for it: and as they provoked him, they shall rejoice at his glory, because he has departed from them.
6 Chichatakurwa chigoendeswa kuAsiria somutero kuna mambo mukuru. Efuremu achanyadziswa; Israeri achanyarawo nokuda kwezvifananidzo zvakavezwa.
And having bound it for the Assyrians, they carried it away as presents to king Jarim: Ephraim shall receive a gift, and Israel shall be ashamed of his counsel.
7 Samaria namambo wayo ichaeredzwa sechimuti pamusoro pemvura.
Samaria has cast off her king as a twig on the surface of the water.
8 Nzvimbo dzakakwirira dzouipi dzichaparadzwa, ichi ndicho chivi chaIsraeri. Minzwa norukato zvichamera zvigofukidza aritari dzavo. Ipapo vachati kumakomo, “Tifukidzei!” nokuzvikomo, “Wirai pamusoro pedu!”
And the altars of On, the sins of Israel, shall be taken away: thorns and thistles shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.
9 “Kubva pamazuva eGibhea, wakatadza, iwe Israeri, uye ukarambirapo. Hondo haina kukunda vaiti vezvakaipa paGibhea here?
From the time the hills [existed] Israel has sinned: there they stood: war [waged] against the children of iniquity
10 Nenguva yandinoda ndichavaranga; ndudzi dzichaungana kuti dzivarwise dzivaise muusungwa nokuda kwezvivi zvavo zviviri.
to chastise them shall not overtake them on the hill, the nations shall be gathered against them, when they are chastened for their two sins,
11 Efuremu itsiru rakapingudzwa rinofarira kupura; saka ndichaisa joko pamutsipa waro wakanaka. Ndichatinha Efuremu, Judha anofanira kurima, uye Jakobho anofanira kuputsa mavhinga acho.
Ephraim is a heifer taught to love victory, but I will come upon the fair part of her neck: I will mount Ephraim; I will pass over Juda in silence; Jacob shall prevail against him.
12 Zvidyarirei kururama, kohwai chibereko chorudo rusingaperi, mugorima gombo renyu; nokuti inguva yokutsvaka Jehovha, kusvikira auya kuzonayisa utsvene pamusoro penyu.
Sow to yourselves for righteousness, gather in for the fruit of life: light you for yourselves the light of knowledge; seek the Lord till the fruits of righteousness come upon you.
13 Asi makarima uipi, mukacheka zvakaipa, makadya zvibereko zvounyengeri, nokuti makavimba nesimba renyu uye navarwi venyu vakawanda,
Therefore have you passed over ungodliness in silence, and reaped the sins of it? you have eaten false fruit; for you has trusted in your sins, in the abundance of your power.
14 kuomba kwehondo kuchamukira vanhu venyu, zvokuti masvingo enyu ose achaparadzwa, sokuparadzwa kwakaitwa Bheti Aribheri neSharimani pazuva rokurwa, vanamai pavakapanhirwa pasi pamwe chete navana vavo.
Therefore shall destruction rise up amongst your people, and all your strong places shall be ruined: as a prince Solomon [departed] out of the house of Jeroboam, in the days of battle they dashed the mother to the ground upon the children,
15 Ndizvo zvichaitika kwauri, iwe Bheteri, nokuti uipi hwako hukuru. Kana zuva iroro roswedera, mambo weIsraeri achaparadzwa zvachose.
thus will I do to you, O house of Israel, because of the unrighteousness of your sins.

< Hosea 10 >