< VaHebheru 2 >

1 Saka tinofanira kuteerera zvikuru, izvo zvatakanzwa, kuitira kuti tirege kutsauka.
So, [since that is true], we must pay very careful attention to what we have heard [about God’s Son], in order that we do not drift away from it, [as a boat drifts off its course when people do not guide it] [MET].
2 Nokuti kana shoko rakataurwa navatumwa rakanga rakasimba, uye kana kudarika nokusateerera kwose kwakapiwa chirango chakafanira,
[God’s laws that] were given by angels were valid, and God justly punished all who rejected them and all who disobeyed [DOU] them.
3 ko, isu tichapunyuka sei kana tisina hanya noruponeso rwakakura zvakadai? Ruponeso urwu rwakatanga kuziviswa naIshe, rwakasimbiswa kwatiri naavo vakamunzwa.
So, we will certainly not escape [God punishing us] if we ignore such a great [message about how God] [MTY] saves us! [RHQ] This [new message] was first spoken by the Lord [Jesus] {The Lord [Jesus] first spoke this [message]}. Then it was confirmed to us by those who heard [what the Lord told them] {those who heard [what the Lord told them] confirmed it to us}.
4 Mwariwo akarupupurira nezviratidzo, zvishamiso, mabasa esimba akasiyana-siyana, uye nezvipo zvoMweya Mutsvene nokuda kwake.
God also confirmed to us [that this message was true] by [enabling believers to do] many things that showed God’s power, to do other miraculous things [DOU], and [to do other things] by the gifts that the Holy Spirit distributed to them according to what [God] desired.
5 Hapazi pasi pavatumwa pakaiswa nyika inouya, yatiri kutaura nezvayo.
God has determined that the angels will not rule over everything. [Instead, he has determined that Christ] will rule in the new world that [God] will [create]. [That is the new world] about which I am writing.
6 Asi mumwe akapupura kwazvo pane imwe nzvimbo achiti: “Ko, munhu chii zvamunomufunga, kana mwanakomana womunhu zvamune hanya naye?
Someone spoke to [God about this] somewhere [in the Scriptures], saying, (No one is worthy enough for you to think about him!/Who is [worthy enough] for you to think about him?) [RHQ] (No human is [worthy enough] for you to care for him!/Is any human [worthy enough] for you to care for him?) [RHQ]
7 Makamuita muduku zvishoma kuvatumwa; makamushongedza korona yokubwinya nokukudzwa
[So it is surprising that] you have caused people to be for a little while inferior in rank to angels. You have greatly honored [DOU] them [MET], as [kings are honored with] a crown.
8 uye mukaisa zvinhu zvose pasi petsoka dzake.” Pakuisa zvinhu zvose pasi pake, Mwari haana kusiya chinhu chimwe chete chisina kuiswa pasi pake. Asi panguva ino hationi zvinhu zvose zvakaiswa pasi pake.
You have put everything under people’s control [MET]. God has determined that people will rule over absolutely everything [LIT]. But now, at this present time, we perceive that people do not yet have authority over everything.
9 Asi tinoona Jesu, akaitwa muduku zvishoma kuvatumwa, zvino ashongedzwa korona yokubwinya nokukudzwa nokuti akatambudzika murufu, kuitira kuti nenyasha dzaMwari anzwe rufu nokuda kwavose.
But we do know about Jesus, [who truly has authority over everything]! Hebrews 2:9b-13 Jesus, for a little while, became inferior [in rank] to angels in order to die on behalf of [MET] everyone. He became inferior when he suffered [and] died, as God kindly [planned]. But now he has been greatly [honored] [DOU] [by being] crowned [as kings are].
10 Mukuuyisa vanakomana vazhinji pakubwinya, zvakanga zvakafanira kuti Mwari iye akaitirwa zvinhu zvose uye akaita kuti zvinhu zvose zvivepo, aite muvambi woruponeso rwazvo rwakakwana nenzira yokutambudzika.
It was fitting that [God] make [Jesus] (perfect/all that God intended him to be). God was enabling many people who would belong to him [MET] to share his glory. God [is the one who] created all things, and [he is the one] for whom all things [exist]. [He perfected Jesus] by causing him to suffer [and die]. [Jesus] is the one whom [God] uses to save people.
11 Vose, iye anoita kuti vanhu vave vatsvene uye avo vanoitwa vatsvene ndevemhuri imwe chete. Saka Jesu haana nyadzi kuti avaidze hama.
[Jesus] is the one who (makes people holy/sets people apart for God), and they all belong to God’s family. [As a result, Christ] gladly [LIT] proclaims them to be [like] his own brothers [and sisters].
12 Anoti, “Ndichaparidza zita renyu kuhama dzangu; pamberi peungano ndichaimba nziyo dzokukurumbidzai.”
[The Psalmist wrote what Christ said to God about us becoming] his brothers, in these words: I will proclaim to my brothers how awesome you are (OR, what you ([are like/have done])) [MTY]. I will sing praise to you in the presence of the congregation!
13 Uyezve anoti, “Ndichavimba naye.” Uyezve anoti, “Ndiri pano, navana vandakapiwa naMwari.”
And a prophet wrote [in] another [Scripture passage what Christ said about God], I will trust him. And in another [Scripture passage, Christ said about those who are like his] children, I and the ones that God has given me are here.
14 Sezvo vana vane ropa nenyama, naiyewo akagovana navo pakuva nyama kwavo, kuitira kuti rufu rwake ruparadze iye ane simba rorufu, iye dhiabhori
So, since those [whom God calls his] children are all human beings [MTY], Jesus also became a human being [just like them]. The devil has the power to cause people [to be afraid] to die, but Christ became human in order that by his dying he might make the devil powerless.
15 uye agosunungura vaya vakanga vakasungwa muuranda upenyu hwavo hwose nokutya kwavo rufu.
[Jesus did that] to free all of us who are like slaves [MET] all the time we live, because we are [forced to] be afraid to die.
16 Nokuti zvirokwazvo havasi vatumwa vaakabatsira, asi zvizvarwa zvaAbhurahama.
Because [Jesus became a human being], it is not angels whom he wants to help. No, it is we who trust God as Abraham did whom he wants to help.
17 Nokuda kwemhaka iyi aifanira kuitwa sehama dzake munzira yose, kuitira kuti agova muprista mukuru ane tsitsi uye akatendeka muushumiri kuna Mwari, uye kuti ayananise vanhu nokuda kwezvivi zvavo.
So, [since he came to help humans, not angels], he had to be made exactly like [us whom he calls] his own brothers [and sisters]. He wants to be a Supreme Priest who [acts] mercifully [to all people] and who faithfully does what God wants, so that people who had sinned would be declared no longer guilty.
18 Nokuti iye amene akatambudzika paakaedzwa, anokwanisa kubatsira vanoedzwa.
[Specifically], he is able to help those/us who are tempted [to sin]. He can do that because he suffered, and he was also tempted [to sin like we are tempted to sin].

< VaHebheru 2 >