< Habhakuki 3 >
1 Munyengetero wamuprofita Habhakuki unoimbwa neshigionoti.
A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigyonoth.
2 Jehovha, ndakanzwa zvomukurumbira wenyu; haiwa Jehovha, ndinomira ndichitya mabasa enyu. Avandudzei pamazuva edu, panguva yedu ngaaziviswe; pakutsamwa kwenyu rangarirai tsitsi.
O Lord, I have heard thy fame, [and] was afraid: O Lord, thy work—in the midst of the years [of sorrow] revive thou it, in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.
3 Mwari akabva kuTemani, iye Mutsvene akabva kuGomo reParani. Sera Umambo hwake hwakazadza matenga uye mbiri yake yakazadza nyika.
[When] God from Theman came, and the Holy One from mount Paran, (Selah) his glory covered the heavens, and of his praise the earth was full.
4 Kubwinya kwake kwakaita sokubuda kwezuva; bwerazuva hwakapenya huchibva muruoko rwake, makanga makavigwa simba rake.
And [his] brightness was like the sunlight; rays streamed forth out of his hand unto them; and there was the hiding of his power.
5 Hosha yakaenda ichibva pamberi pake; denda rakatevera nhambwe dzake.
Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth in his steps.
6 Akamira, akazungunusa nyika; akatarisa, akabvundisa ndudzi dzavanhu. Makomo akare kare akakoromoka uye zvikomo zvakare zvakawira pasi. Nzira dzake dzinogara nokusingaperi.
He stood forward, and made the earth tremble; he looked and dispersed nations; and there burst asunder the everlasting mountains; there sunk the perpetual hills: the ways of the world are his.
7 Ndakaona matende eKushani ari panhamo, nzvimbo dzokugara dzeMidhiani dziri pakutambudzika.
In affliction I saw the tents of Cushan: they trembled—the curtains of the land of Midian.
8 Ko, makanga matsamwira nzizi here, nhai Jehovha? Makanga matsamwira zvikova here, nhai Jehovha? Makatsamwira gungwa here pamakafambisa mabhiza enyu nengoro dzenyu dzokukunda?
Was the Lord wroth against the rivers? yea, was against the rivers thy anger [kindled]? was against the sea thy wrath that thou rodest upon thy horses, thy chariots of victory!
9 Makabudisa pachena uta hwenyu, mukadaidzira miseve mizhinji. Sera Makatsemura nyika nenzizi;
Laid quite bare is thy bow, like severe rods of punishment [goeth forth] thy word, (Selah) into rivers thou splittest the earth.
10 makomo akakuonai akadedera. Mvura zhinji yakapfuura; kwakadzika kwakatinhira kukasimudza mafungu pamusoro.
The mountains saw thee, they trembled; the flowing waters passed along: the deep issued forth its voice, the height lifted up its hands.
11 Zuva nomwedzi zvakambomira kumatenga zvichiona kuvaima kwemiseve yenyu yaipfuura, zvichiona kupenya kwepfumo renyu rinobwinya.
The sun and moon stood still in their dwelling: at the light of thy arrows they walked along, at the shining of the flaming glitter of thy spear.
12 Mukutsamwa kwenyu makapfuura napanyika uye mukushatirwa kwenyu makarasa ndudzi.
In indignation thou marchest through the earth, in anger thou treadest down nations.
13 Makauya kuzonunura vanhu venyu, kuzoponesa muzodziwa wenyu. Makaparadza mutungamiri wenyika yavakaipa, mukamufukura kubva kumusoro kusvika kutsoka. Sera
Thou wentest forth to the assistance of thy people, to the assistance of thy anointed: thou didst wound the head out of the house of the wicked, destroy the foundation with the high-towering walls. (Selah)
14 Nepfumo rake chairo makabaya musoro wake, pakauya varwi vake sechamupupuri kuzotiparadzira, vachifara savanoda kuparadza vanotambudzika vakanga vakavanda.
Thou didst strike through with his own spears the chiefs of his villages, who rushed out furiously to scatter me; who rejoiced greatly as though they were to devour the poor in secret.
15 Makatsika-tsika gungwa namabhiza enyu, mukabvongodza mvura zhinji.
[But] thou didst pass along over the sea with thy horses, over the piled up billows of great waters.
16 Ndakazvinzwa, hana yangu ikarova, miromo yangu yakadedera pandakanzwa maungira; kuora kwakapinda mumapfupa angu, makumbo angu akadedera. Asi ndichamirira hangu zuva renjodzi kuti riuye pamusoro porudzi ruchatirwisa.
I heard it, and my inmost parts trembled; at the report my lips quivered; rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in my place, that I should rest till the day of distress, till the withdrawing of the people that will invade us with its troops.
17 Kunyange dai muonde ukasatunga maruva, uye mizambiringa ikashayiwa zvibereko, kunyange kubereka kwomuorivhi kukakona, uye minda ikasabereka zvokudya, kunyange dai kukasava namakwai muchirugu uye mombe dzikashayikwa mumatanga,
For the fig-tree doth not bud, and no fruit is on the vines; the productiveness of the olive deceiveth, and the fields yield no food; from the fold the flocks are cut off, and there are no herds in the stalls.
18 kunyange zvakadaro, ndichafara muna Jehovha, ndichava nomufaro muna Mwari Muponesi wangu.
Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will exult in the God of my salvation.
19 Ishe Jehovha ndiye simba rangu; anoita kuti tsoka dzangu dziite setsoka dzenondo, anondifambisa pamatunhu akakwirira. Kumutungamiri wokuimba, nemitengeranwa yangu.
The Lord Eternal is my strength, and he maketh my feet fleet as those of the hinds, and he will cause me to tread upon my high places. To the chief musician of my songs.