< Habhakuki 1 >

1 Chirevo chakaratidzwa muprofita Habhakuki.
The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.
2 Haiwa Jehovha, ndicharamba ndichidanidzira, ndichitsvaka rubatsiro kusvikira riniko, asi musingandinzwi? Kana kudana kwamuri ndichiti, “Ndorwiswa!” asi hamundiponesi?
Jehovah, how long shall I cry and thou wilt not hear? I cry out unto thee, Violence! and thou dost not save.
3 Sei muchiita kuti ndione kusaruramisira? Sei muchirega zvakaipa zvichingoitwa? Kuparadza nokuita nechisimba zviri pamberi pangu; pano kukakavara, uye kurwa kuri kuwanda.
Why dost thou cause me to see iniquity, and lookest thou upon grievance? For spoiling and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention riseth up.
4 Naizvozvo murayiro hauchisina simba, uye kutonga kwakarurama hakuchaonekwi. Vakaipa vanokomba vakarurama, zvokuti kururamisira kunominamiswa.
Therefore the law is powerless, and justice doth never go forth; for the wicked encompasseth the righteous; therefore judgment goeth forth perverted.
5 “Tarisa ndudzi dzavanhu, ucherechedze, ugoshamiswa zvirokwazvo. Nokuti ndichaita chimwe chinhu pamazuva ako chawanga usingazobvumi, kunyange dai waichiudzwa.
See ye among the nations, and behold, and wonder marvellously; for [I] work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be declared [to you].
6 Ndiri kumutsa vaBhabhironi ruya rudzi rune utsinye, rune hasha, runopararira pasi pose kuti rubvute nzvimbo dzokugara dzisiri dzavo.
For behold, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and impetuous nation, which marcheth through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs.
7 Vanhu vanotyisa uye vanovhundukwa; vasina murayiro unovatonga uye vanongozvitsvakira kukudzwa.
They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves.
8 Mabhiza avo anomhanya kukunda ingwe, anotyisa kukunda mhumhi mumadekwana. Mauto avo amabhiza anomhanya asingadzoki; vatasvi vamabhiza vanobva kure kure. Vanobhururuka segora rinotsvaka kuparadza;
And their horses are swifter than the leopards, and are more agile than the evening wolves; and their horsemen prance proudly, and their horsemen come from afar: they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour.
9 vanouya vose kuzoita zvechisimba. Mapoka avo ehondo anouya semhepo inovhuvhuta mugwenga vachiunganidza nhapwa sejecha.
They come all of them for violence: the crowd of their faces is forwards, and they gather captives as the sand.
10 Vanozvidza madzimambo uye vanomhura vatongi. Vanoseka maguta ose akasimbiswa; vanovaka zvikomo zvevhu voatapa.
Yea, he scoffeth at kings, and princes are a scorn unto him; he derideth every stronghold: for he heapeth up dust, and taketh it.
11 Ipapo vanopfuura semhepo, vanopfuura vasingamiri, varume vane mhosva, simba ravo ndiye mwari wavo.”
Then will his mind change, and he will pass on, and become guilty: this his power is become his god.
12 Haiwa Jehovha, ko hamugari nokusingaperi here? Mwari wangu, mutsvene wangu, hatingatongofi. Haiwa Jehovha, makavagadza kuti vatonge; imi Dombo, makavagadza kuti varange.
— Art thou not from everlasting, Jehovah my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. Jehovah, thou hast ordained him for judgment; and thou, O Rock, hast appointed him for correction.
13 Meso enyu akachena zvokuti haangatarisi zvakaipa; hamungatenderi zvakaipa. Sei zvino muchitendera vanyengeri? Ko, munonyararirei kana vakaipa vachimedza vanovapfuura mukururama?
[Thou art] of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on mischief: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, [and] keepest silence when the wicked swalloweth up a [man] more righteous than he?
14 Sei makaita kuti vanhu vave sehove dzegungwa, sezvisikwa zvegungwa zvisina mutongi.
And thou makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them.
15 Muvengi anovaredza vose nezviredzo, anovabata mumumbure wake, achivakokorodza murutava rwake; naizvozvo anopembera nomufaro.
He taketh up all of them with the hook, he catcheth them in his net, and gathereth them into his drag; therefore he rejoiceth and is glad:
16 Naizvozvo anopisira zvibayiro kumumbure wake, uye anopisira zvinonhuhwira kumumbure wake, nokuti anogarika nokuda kwomumbure wake, anodya zvokudya zvakaisvonaka.
therefore he sacrificeth unto his net, and burneth incense unto his drag; for by them his portion is become fat, and his meat dainty.
17 Ko, acharamba achingodurura zviri mumumbure wake, achingoparadza ndudzi asina tsitsi here?
Shall he therefore empty his net, and not spare to slay the nations continually?

< Habhakuki 1 >