< Genesisi 9 >

1 Ipapo Mwari akaropafadza Noa navanakomana vake, akati kwavari, “Berekanai muwande uye muzadze nyika.
And God blessed Noe and his sonnes and sayd vnto them: Increase and multiplye and fyll the erth.
2 Mhuka dzose dzenyika neshiri dzose dzedenga dzichakutyai uye dzichakuvhundukai; zvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika, nehove dzose dzegungwa, zvakapiwa mumaoko enyu.
The feare also and drede of yow be vppon all beastes of the erth and vppon all foules of the ayre ad vppon all that crepeth on the erth and vppon all fyshes of the see which are geven vnto youre handes
3 Zvinhu zvose zvinorarama nezvinokambaira zvichava zvokudya zvenyu. Sezvandakakupai muriwo munyoro, ndiri kukupai zvino zvinhu zvose.
And all that moveth vppon the erth havynge lyfe shall be youre meate: Euen as ye grene herbes so geue I yow all thynge.
4 “Asi hamufaniri kudya nyama, ropa rayo roupenyu richiri mairi.
Only the flesh with his life which is his bloud se that ye eate not.
5 Uye zvirokwazvo ndichatsvaka kuti muzvidavirire nokuda kweropa roupenyu hwenyu. Ndichatsvaka kuti muzvidavirire pamhuka dzose. Uye kubvawo pamunhu mumwe nomumwe, ndichatsvaka kuti azvidavirire nokuda kwoupenyu hwomunhu wokwake.
For verely the bloude of yow wherein youre lyves are wyll I requyre: Eue of the hande of all beastes wyll I requyre it And of the hande of man and of the hand off euery mannes brother wyll I requyre the lyfe of man:
6 “Ani naani anoteura ropa romunhu, ropa rake richateurwawo nomunhu; nokuti nomufananidzo waMwari, Mwari akaita munhu.
so yt he which shedeth mannes bloude shall haue hys bloud shed by man agayne: for God made man after his awne lycknesse.
7 Kana murimi, berekanai muwande; muwande panyika uye muwande kwazvo pamusoro payo.”
See that ye encrease and waxe and be occupyde vppon the erth and multiplye therein.
8 Ipapo Mwari akati kuna Noa navanakomana vaaiva navo,
Farthermore God spake vnto Noe and to hys sonnes wyth hym saynge:
9 “Zvino ndava kusimbisa sungano yangu newe uye nezvizvarwa zvako zvinotevera,
see I make my bod wyth you and youre seed after you
10 uye nezvisikwa zvipenyu zvose zvakanga zvinewe, shiri, zvipfuwo nemhuka dzose dzesango, dzose dziya dzakabuda newe muareka, zvisikwa zvipenyu zvose zviri panyika.
and wyth all lyvynge thinge that is wyth you: both foule and catell and all maner beste of the erth that is wyth yow of all that commeth out of the arke what soeuer beste of the erth it be.
11 Ndiri kusimbisa sungano yangu newe: Zvipenyu zvose hazvichatongoparadzwizve nemvura yamafashamu; hakuchatongovizve namafashamu okuti aparadze nyika.”
I make my bonde wyth yow that hence forth all flesh shall not be destroyed wyth yt waters of any floud ad yt hence forth there shall not be a floud to destroy the erth.
12 Uye Mwari akati, “Ichi ndicho chiratidzo chesungano yandiri kuita pakati pangu nemi nezvisikwa zvose zvipenyu zvinemi, sungano yamarudzi ose ari kuzouya:
And God sayd. This is the token of my bode which I make betwene me and yow ad betwene all lyvynge thyng that is with yow for ever:
13 Ndaisa muraravungu wangu mumakore, uye uchava chiratidzo chesungano pakati pangu nenyika.
I wyll sette my bowe in the cloudes and it shall be a sygne of the appoyntment made betwene me and the erth:
14 Pose pandinouyisa makore pamusoro penyika, uye muraravungu ukaonekwa mumakore,
So that when I brynge in cloudes vpo ye erth the bowe shall appere in ye cloudes.
15 ndicharangarira sungano yangu pakati pangu nemi nezvisikwa zvipenyu zvose zvamarudzi ose. Mvura haingatongoitizve mafashamu kuti iparadze zvipenyu zvose.
And than wyll I thynke vppon my testament which I haue made betwene me and yow and all that lyveth what soeuer flesh it be. So that henceforth there shall be no more waters to make a floud to destroy all flesh.
16 Pose panoonekwa muraravungu mumakore, ndichaona ndigorangarira sungano yangu isingaperi pakati paMwari nezvisikwa zvipenyu zvose zvemhando dzose panyika.”
The bowe shalbe in the cloudes and I wyll loke vpon it to remembre the euerlastynge testament betwene God and all that lyveth vppon the erth what soeuer flesh it be.
17 Saka Mwari akati kuna Noa, “Ichi ndicho chiratidzo chesungano yandakasimbisa pakati pangu nezvipenyu zvose zviri panyika.”
And God sayd vnto Noe: This is the sygne of the testament which I have made betwene me and all flesh yt is on the erth.
18 Vanakomana vaNoa vakabuda muareka vaiva Shemu, Hamu naJafeti. (Hamu akanga ari baba vaKenani.)
The sonnes of Noe that came out of the arke were: Sem Ham and Iapheth. And Ham he is the father of Canaa.
19 Ava ndivo vakanga vari vanakomana vatatu vaNoa, uye kwavari ndiko kwakabva vanhu vakapararira pamusoro penyika.
These are the. iij. sonnes of Noe and of these was all the world overspred.
20 Noa akava murimi, akarima munda wamazambiringa.
And Noe beynge an husbad man went furth and planted a vyneyarde
21 Akati anwa imwe yewaini yawo, akadhakwa uye akavata akashama mutende rake.
and drancke of the wyne and was droncke and laye vncouered in the myddest of his tet.
22 Hamu, baba vaKenani, akaona kusasimira kwababa vake akaudza mukoma wake nomununʼuna vake vaiva panze.
And Ham the father of Canaan sawe his fathers prevytees and tolde his ij. brethren that were wythout.
23 Asi Shemu naJafeti vakatora nguo vakayiisa pamapfudzi avo; ipapo vakafamba nenhendashure vakafukidza baba vavo pakusasimira kwavo. Zviso zvavo zvakanga zvakatarisa parutivi kuitira kuti varege kuona kusasimira kwababa vavo.
And Sem and Iapheth toke a mantell and put it on both there shulders ad went backward ad covered there fathers secrets but there faces were backward So that they sawe not there fathers nakydnes.
24 Noa akati amuka kubva pawaini yake uye akaziva zvakanga zvaitwa kwaari nomwanakomana wake muduku,
As soone as Noe was awaked fro his wyne and wyst what his yongest sonne had done vnto hym
25 akati, “Kenani ngaatukwe! Achava muranda wavaranda kuvakuru vake.”
he sayd: cursed be Canaan ad a seruante, of all seruantes be he to his brethren.
26 Akatiwo, “Ngaakudzwe Jehovha, Mwari waShemu! Kenani ngaave muranda waShemu.
And he sayd: Blessed be the LORde God of Se and Canaan be his seruante.
27 Mwari ngaakurise nyika yaJafeti; Jafeti ngaagare mumatende aShemu, uye Kenani ngaave muranda wake.”
God increase Iapheth that he may dwelle in the tentes of Sem. And Canaan be their seruante.
28 Shure kwamafashamu, Noa akararama kwamakore mazana matatu namakumi mashanu.
And Noe lyved after the floude. iij. hundred and. l. yere:
29 Pamwe chete, Noa akararama kwamakore mazana mapfumbamwe namakumi mashanu, uye akafa.
So that all the dayes of Noe were ix. hundred and. l. yere ad than he dyed.

< Genesisi 9 >