< Genesisi 30 >

1 Rakeri akati aona kuti akanga asingaberekeri Jakobho vana, akaitira mukoma wake godo. Saka akati kuna Jakobho, “Ndipe vana, kana zvikasadaro ndichafa!”
And she saw Rachel that not she had borne children to Jacob and she was jealous Rachel of sister her and she said to Jacob give! to me children and if not [am] about to die I.
2 Jakobho akamutsamwira akati, “Ko, ini ndiri panzvimbo yaMwari here akakuita kuti urege kuva nevana?”
And it burned [the] anger of Jacob on Rachel and he said ¿ in place of God [am] I who he has withheld from you fruit of [the] womb.
3 Ipapo akati, “Hoyu Bhiriha, murandakadzi wangu. Vata naye kuitira kuti andiberekere vana uye kuti kubudikidza naye neni ndigovawo nemhuri.”
And she said here! maidservant my Bilhah go into her so she may bear children on knees my so I may be built up also I from her.
4 Saka akamupa murandakadzi wake Bhiriha kuti ave mukadzi wake. Jakobho akavata naye,
And she gave to him Bilhah maidservant her to a wife and he went into her Jacob.
5 akava nemimba akamuberekera mwanakomana.
And she conceived Bilhah and she bore to Jacob a son.
6 Ipapo Rakeri akati, “Mwari andiruramisira; iye akanzwa mukumbiro wangu uye akandipa mwanakomana.” Nokuda kwaizvozvo akamutumidza zita rokuti Dhani.
And she said Rachel he has vindicated me God and also he has listened to voice my and he has given to me a son there-fore she called name his Dan.
7 Bhiriha murandakadzi waRakeri akavazve nemimba uye akaberekera Jakobho mwanakomana wechipiri.
And she conceived again and she bore Bilhah [the] maidservant of Rachel a son second to Jacob.
8 Ipapo Rakeri akati, “Ndakava nokurwa kukuru nomukoma wangu, ndikakunda.” Saka akamutumidza zita rokuti Nafutari.
And she said Rachel wrestling of God - I have wrestled with sister my also I have prevailed and she called name his Naphtali.
9 Rea akati aona kuti aguma kubereka vana, akatora murandakadzi wake Ziripa akamupa kuna Jakobho somukadzi wake.
And she saw Leah that she had stopped from bearing children and she took Zilpah maidservant her and she gave her to Jacob to a wife.
10 Ziripa murandakadzi waRea akaberekera Jakobho mwanakomana.
And she bore Zilpah [the] maidservant of Leah to Jacob a son.
11 Ipapo Rea akati, “Makorokoto! Zvaita zvakanaka.” Saka akamutumidza zita rokuti Gadhi.
And she said Leah (it has come good fortune *Q(K)*) and she called name his Gad.
12 Ziripa murandakadzi waRea akaberekera Jakobho mwanakomana wechipiri.
And she bore Zilpah [the] maidservant of Leah a son second to Jacob.
13 Ipapo Rea akati, “Mufaroi wandinawo! Vakadzi vachati mufaro kwandiri.” Saka akamutumidza zita rokuti Asheri.
And she said Leah in happiness my for they will call happy me daughters and she called name his Asher.
14 Panguva yokuchekwa kwegorosi, Rubheni akabuda akaenda musango akandowana mamandiraki, akauya nawo kuna mai vake Rea, Rakeri akati kuna Rea, “Ndapota dondipawo mamwe mamandiraki omwanakomana wako.”
And he went Reuben in [the] days of [the] harvest of wheat and he found mandrakes in the field and he brought them to Leah mother his and she said Rachel to Leah give please to me some of [the] mandrakes of son your.
15 Asi iye akati kwaari, “Ko, hazvina kuringana here kuti wakanditorera murume wangu? Uchada kutorazve mamandiraki omwanakomana wangu here?” Rakeri akati, “Zvakanaka, ngaavate newe usiku huno nokuda kwamamandiraki omwanakomana wako.”
And she said to her ¿ small taking you husband my and to take also [the] mandrakes of son my and she said Rachel therefore he will lie with you this night for [the] mandrakes of son your.
16 Saka Jakobho akati achisvika kubva kusango manheru iwayo, Rea akabuda kundomuchingamidza. Akati kwaari, “Unofanira kuvata neni iwe. Ndakutenga nemamandiraki omwanakomana wangu.” Saka akavata naye usiku ihwohwo.
And he came Jacob from the field in the evening and she went out Leah to meet him and she said into me you will come for certainly I have hired you for [the] mandrakes of son my and he lay with her in the night that.
17 Mwari akanzwa Rea, uye akava nemimba akaberekera Jakobho mwanakomana wechishanu.
And he listened God to Leah and she conceived and she bore to Jacob a son fifth.
18 Ipapo Rea akati, “Mwari akandipa mubayiro nokuda kwokupa murandakadzi wangu kumurume wangu.” Saka akamutumidza zita rokuti Isakari.
And she said Leah he has given God reward my that I gave maidservant my to husband my and she called name his Issachar.
19 Rea akabatazve pamuviri uye akaberekera Jakobho mwanakomana wechitanhatu.
And she conceived again Leah and she bore a son sixth to Jacob.
20 Ipapo Rea akati, “Mwari andipa chipo chinokosha. Nguva ino murume wangu achandikudza, nokuti ndamuberekera vanakomana vatanhatu.” Saka akamutumidza zita rokuti Zebhuruni.
And she said Leah he has endowed me God - me an endowment good this time he will honor me husband my for I have borne to him six sons and she called name his Zebulun.
21 Shure kwaizvozvo akazobereka mwanasikana uye akamutumidza zita rokuti Dhaina.
And after she bore a daughter and she called name her Dinah.
22 Ipapo Mwari akarangarira Rakeri; akamunzwa uye akazarura chizvaro chake.
And he remembered God Rachel and he listened to her God and he opened womb her.
23 Akava nemimba akabereka mwanakomana uye akati, “Mwari abvisa kunyadziswa kwangu.”
And she conceived and she bore a son and she said he has removed God reproach my.
24 Akamutumidza zita rokuti Josefa, uye akati, “Mwari ngaandiwedzere mumwe mwanakomana.”
And she called name his Joseph saying may he add Yahweh to me a son another.
25 Shure kwokuberekwa kwaJosefa naRakeri, Jakobho akati kuna Rabhani, “Ndiregei ndiende kunyika yokwangu.
And it was just as she had borne Rachel Joseph and he said Jacob to Laban send off me so let me go to place my and to land my.
26 Ndipei vakadzi vangu navana, avo vandakakushandirai kuti ndigowana, uye ndigoenda. Munoziva kuti ndakakushandirai sei.”
Give! wives my and children my whom I have served you for them so I may go for you you know service my which I have served you.
27 Asi Rabhani akati kwaari, “Kana ndawana nyasha pamberi pako, ndapota hangu imbogara. Ndakaona nokuvuka kuti Jehovha akandiropafadza nokuda kwako.”
And he said to him Laban if please I have found favor in view your I have learned by divination and he has blessed me Yahweh on account of you.
28 Akatizve, “Reva muripo wako, uye ndichakuripa.”
And he said designate! wage[s] your on me so let me give [it].
29 Jakobho akati kwaari, “Munoziva kuti ndakakushandirai sei uye kuti zvipfuwo zvenyu ndakazvichengeta sei.
And he said to him you you know how I have served you and how it has been livestock your with me.
30 Zvishoma zvamaiva nazvo kare ndisati ndauya zvawanda, uye Jehovha akakuropafadzai kwose kwandakanga ndiri. Asi zvino, ndichaitirawo mhuri yangu chinhu riniko?”
For a little which it be[longed] to you before me and it has increased to abundance and he has blessed Yahweh you to foot my and now when? will I work also I for own household my.
31 Akamubvunza akati, “Ndokupeiko?” Jakobho akati, “Musandipa chinhu. Asi kana mukandiitira chinhu chimwe chete ichi, ndicharamba ndichifudza makwai enyu uye ndichaachengeta:
And he said what? will I give to you and he said Jacob not you will give to me anything if you will do for me the thing this I will return I will tend flock your I will protect [it].
32 Regai ndifambe pakati pezvipfuwo zvenyu zvose nhasi nditsaure pakati pazvo zvose zvina mavara namakwai ana makwapa, gwayana dema rimwe nerimwe nembudzi imwe neimwe ina mavara kana ina makwapa. Ndizvo zvichava mubayiro wangu.
Let me pass in all flock your this day I will remove from there every sheep - speckled and spotted and every sheep dark among the lambs and [the] spotted and [the] speckled among the goats and it will be wage[s] my.
33 Uye kutendeka kwangu kuchandipupurira pane ramangwana rangu, pose pamunenge muchizoona mubayiro wangu wamakandipa. Mbudzi ipi zvayo yandinayo inenge isina mavara kana gwapa, kana gwayana ripi zvaro rinenge risina kusviba, zvichanzi zvakabiwa.”
And it will testify for me righteousness my on a day in future time for you will come on wage[s] my before you all that not [is] it speckled and spotted among the goats and dark among the lambs [is] stolen it with me.
34 Rabhani akati, “Ndizvozvo. Ngazvive sezvawataura.”
And he said Laban there! if let it be according to word your.
35 Musi wacho iwoyo akatsaura nhongo dzose dzembudzi dzakanga dzine mitsetse kana dzaiva namakwapa, nenhunzvi dzose dzembudzi (dzose dzakanga dzine zvichena padziri) namakwayana matema ose, akazvichengetesa navanakomana vake.
And he removed on the day that the male goats striped and spotted and all the female goats speckled and spotted all that white [was] on it and every dark [one] among the lambs and he gave [them] in [the] hand of sons his.
36 Ipapo akaisa nhambwe yorwendo rwamazuva matatu pakati pake naJakobho, asi Jakobho akaramba achifudza makwai akanga asara aRabhani.
And he put a journey of three days between himself and between Jacob and Jacob [was] pasturing [the] flock of Laban which remained.
37 Kunyange zvakadaro, Jakobho akatora matavi akatemwa kubva pamupopura, muarimondi nomuti womupureni uye akasvuura mitsetse michena pairi achibvisa gwati kuti kuchena kwedanda kwomukati kuonekwe.
And he took for himself Jacob branch[es] of poplar freshly cut and almond and plane tree and he stripped on them strips white [the] peeling of the white [wood] which [was] on the branches.
38 Ipapo akaisa matanda ose akasvuurwa muzvinwiro zvose, kuitira kuti ave mberi kwezvipfuwo pazvainge zvauya kuzonwa. Zvipfuwo zvapfumvura zvaiti pazvinenge zvauya kuzonwa mvura,
And he placed the branches which he had stripped in the drinking troughs in [the] watering channels of water which they came the flock to drink to before the flock and they mated when came they to drink.
39 zvaisangana pamberi pamatanda. Uye zvaibereka vana vane mitsetse kana vane mavara kana makwapa.
And they mated the flock to the branches and they bore the flock striped [ones] speckled [ones] and spotted [ones].
40 Jakobho aitsaura mbudzana kana makwayana oga, asi aiita kuti akasara atarisane nezvipfuwo zvine mitsetse nezvipfuwo zvitema zvakanga zviri zvaRabhani. Nokudaro akaparadzanisa zvipfuwo zvake nezvaRabhani.
And the lambs he separated Jacob and he set [the] faces of the flock to [the] striped and every dark [one] among [the] flock of Laban and he made for himself flocks to only him and not he put them with [the] flock of Laban.
41 Pose painge nhunzvi dzezvipfuwo zvine simba zvapfumvura, Jakobho aiisa matanda muzvinwiro pamberi pezvipfuwo kuitira kuti zvisangane pedyo namatanda,
And it was in all [the] being in heat of the sheep vigorous [female] and he put out Jacob the branches to [the] eyes of the sheep in the drinking troughs to mate her at the branches.
42 asi kana zvipfuwo zvisina simba, aisaisa matanda ipapo. Saka zvipfuwo zvisina simba zvakaenda kuna Rabhani uye zvine simba zvikaenda kuna Jakobho.
And when was feeble the sheep not he put [them] out and it was the enfeebled ones [belonged] to Laban and the vigorous [ones] [belonged] to Jacob.
43 Nenzira iyi murume uyu akapfuma kwazvo uye akava namapoka akawanda amakwai, navarandakadzi navarandarume, uye ngamera nembongoro.
And he increased the man very very and it be[longed] to him sheep many and female servants and [male] servants and camels and donkeys.

< Genesisi 30 >