< Genesisi 18 >

1 Jehovha akazviratidza kuna Abhurahama pedyo nemiti mikuru yeMamure panguva yaakanga agere pamukova wokupinda patende rake masikati zuva richipisa.
The Lord appeared to Abraham at the oaks of Mamre. Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent as the day became really hot.
2 Abhurahama akasimudza meso ake ndokuona varume vatatu vamire naye. Akati avaona, akamhanya achibva pamukova wetende rake kuti andosangana navo uye akakotamira pasi.
He looked up and all of a sudden he saw three men standing there. As soon as he saw them, he ran over to meet them and bowed low to the ground.
3 Akati, “Kana ndawana nyasha pamberi penyu, ishe wangu, musapfuura henyu muranda wenyu.
He said, “Sir, if you please, don't continue your journey without spending some time here with me, your servant.
4 Regai muvigirwe mvura shoma, mugoshamba tsoka dzenyu mose uye mugozorora pasi pomuti uyu.
Let me have some water brought so you can wash your feet and rest under the tree.
5 Regai ndikutorerei zvokudya kuti mudye, kuitira kuti musimbiswe ipapo mugoenderera henyu mberi norwendo rwenyu, sezvo zvino masvika pamuranda wenyu.” Vakapindura vakati, “Zvakanaka, ita hako sezvawareva.”
Also let me bring some food so you can get your strength back before you go on your way, now that you've come to visit me here.” “That would be fine,” they answered. “Please do as you've suggested.”
6 Saka Abhurahama akakurumidza kuenda kutende kuna Sara. Akati kwaari, “Kurumidza, tora zviero zvitatu zvoupfu hwakatsetseka uhukanye ugobika chingwa.”
Abraham hurried back to the tent and told Sarah, “Quick! Make some bread using three large measures of the best flour. Knead the dough and bake the bread.”
7 Ipapo iye akamhanyira kumombe akandosarudza mhuru yakaisvonaka, akaipa kumuranda, uyo akakurumidza kuigadzira.
Then Abraham ran to the cattle herd and chose a good, young calf and gave it to his servant who quickly killed and cooked it.
8 Ipapo akauyisa ruomba nomukaka uye nemhuru yakanga yagadzirwa, akazvigadzika pamberi pavo. Pavakanga vachidya, akamira pedyo navo pasi pomuti.
Then he took some yogurt, milk, and the cooked meat, and placed the food in front of them. He stood nearby under a tree while they ate.
9 Vakamubvunza vakati, “Mukadzi wako Sara aripiko?” Iye akati, “Ari mutende umo.”
“Where is your wife Sarah?” they asked him. “Over there, inside the tent,” he replied.
10 Ipapo Jehovha akati, “Zvirokwazvo ndichadzokazve gore rinouya nenguva inenge seino, uye Sara mukadzi wako achava nomwanakomana.” Zvino Sara akanga achiteerera ari pamukova wetende wakanga uri shure kwake.
Then one said, “I promise you that I will come back to visit you about this time next year, and your wife Sarah will have a son.” Sarah was listening, hiding just inside the entrance to the tent behind him.
11 Abhurahama naSara vakanga vakwegura uye vava namakore mazhinji, uye Sara akanga atopfuura zera rokubereka vana.
Abraham and Sarah were old, getting on in years. Sarah was well past the age of having children.
12 Saka Sara akaseka mumwoyo make paakafunga achiti, “Ndichazovawo nomufaro uyu here zvino shure kwokuchembera kwangu, vatenzi vangu vakwegura?”
Sarah was laughing inside, saying to herself, “Now that I'm old and worn out, how would I experience pleasure? My husband is old too!”
13 Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Abhurahama, “Seiko Sara aseka achiti, ‘Ndichava nomwana zvechokwadi here, sezvo zvino ndakwegura?’
The Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and ask, ‘How could it possibly be true that I'll have a child now I'm so old?’
14 Pane chinhu chakaoma kuna Jehovha here? Ndichadzokazve kwauri gore rinouya senguva dzakatarwa uye Sara achava nomwanakomana.”
Is anything too difficult for the Lord to do? I will come back next year when I said I would, in the spring, and Sarah will have a son.”
15 Sara akatya, saka akareva nhema akati, “Handina kuseka.” Asi iye akati, “Hongu, waseka.”
Sarah denied it because she was afraid, claiming, “I didn't laugh.” “Yes, you did laugh,” the Lord replied.
16 Varume vakati vasimuka kuti vaende, vakatarisa vakananga zasi kuSodhomu, uye Abhurahama akafamba navo achivaperekedza.
Then the men left. They looked down on Sodom and headed in that direction. Abraham accompanied them part of the way.
17 Ipapo Jehovha akati, “Ko, ndichavanzira Abhurahama zvandiri kuda kuita here.
Then the Lord said, “Should I keep from Abraham what I'm going to do?
18 Zvirokwazvo Abhurahama achava rudzi rukuru rune simba, uye ndudzi dzose dzapanyika dzicharopafadzwa kubudikidza naye.
Abraham will definitely become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations on earth will be blessed through him.
19 Nokuti ndakamusarudza kuti agotungamirira vana vake neveimba yake kuti vachengete nzira yaJehovha nokuita zvakanaka nezvakarurama, kuitira kuti Jehovha agouyisa pamusoro paAbhurahama zvaakamuvimbisa.”
I've chosen him so that he will teach his sons and their families to follow the way of the Lord by doing what is right and good, so that I, the Lord, can do for Abraham what I promised.”
20 Ipapo Jehovha akati, “Kuchema pamusoro peSodhomu neGomora kukuru kwazvo uye chivi chavo chaipisisa
Then the Lord said, “There are many complaints made against Sodom and Gomorrah because they sin so blatantly.
21 zvokuti ndichaburuka kuti ndinoona kana zvavakaita zvakanyanya kuipa sokuchema kwakasvika kwandiri. Kana zvisina kudaro, ndichazviziva.”
I ‘m going to see if these complaints that have reached me are completely true. I'll know if they're not.”
22 Vanhu vaya vakabvapo uye vakaenda vakananga kuSodhomu, asi Abhurahama akaramba amire pamberi paJehovha.
The two men turned and went towards Sodom, but the Lord stayed there with Abraham.
23 Ipapo Abhurahama akaswedera kwaari akati, “Ko, muchaparadza vakarurama pamwe chete navakaipa here?
Abraham came to him and asked: “Are you really going to wipe out the good people along with the wicked?
24 Ko, kana muguta mune vanhu makumi mashanu vakarurama? Muchariparadza zvechokwadi here mukasasiya nzvimbo iyo nokuda kwavanhu makumi mashanu varimo?
What if there are fifty good people in the town? Are you still going to wipe it out despite the fifty good people there?
25 Zvakadaro ngazvive kure nemi kuti muite chinhu chakadai, kuti muuraye vakarurama pamwe chete navatadzi, muchiitira vakarurama zvakafanana navatadzi. Zvakadaro ngazvive kure nemi! Ko, mutongi wenyika yose haangaiti zvakarurama here?”
No, you can't do something like that! You can't kill the good with the wicked, otherwise you would be treating the good and the wicked in the same way. You can't do that! Isn't the Judge of all the earth going to do the right thing?”
26 Jehovha akati, “Kana ndikawana vanhu vakarurama makumi mashanu vari muguta reSodhomu, ndichaponesa nzvimbo yose nokuda kwavo.”
“If I find fifty good people in Sodom, I'll spare the whole town because of them,” the Lord replied.
27 Ipapo Abhurahama akataurazve akati, “Zvino zvandatanga kudai kuti nditaure kuna Ishe, kunyange hazvo ndisiri chinhu asi guruva namadota,
“Since I've started, let me go on speaking to my Lord, even though I'm nothing but dust and ashes,” Abraham continued.
28 ko, kana kukashayikwa vashanu kune vakarurama vana makumi mashanu? Muchaparadza guta rose nokuda kwavashanu ava here?” Akati, “Kana ndikawana makumi mana navashanu imomo, handingariparadzi.”
“What if there are forty-five good people, just five less? Are you still going to wipe out the whole town just because there are five fewer people?” “I won't destroy it if I find forty-five,” the Lord replied.
29 Zvakarezve akataura kwaari akati, “Ko, kana kukawanikwa makumi mana chete?” Iye akati, “Nokuda kwamakumi mana iwayo, handingaiti izvozvo.”
Abraham spoke up again and he asked the Lord, “What if only forty can be found?” “I won't do it for the sake of the forty,” the Lord replied.
30 Ipapo akati, “Ishe ngaarege kunditsamwira, asi regai nditaure hangu. Ko, kana makumi matatu chete vakawanikwamo?” Iye akapindura akati, “Handingaiti izvozvo kana ndikawana makumi matatu chete.”
“My Lord, please don't get angry with me,” Abraham went on. “Let me ask this—what if only thirty were found?” “I won't do it if I find thirty,” the Lord replied.
31 Abhurahama akati, “Zvino zvandatsunga hangu kudai kuti nditaure kuna Ishe, ko, kana makumi maviri akawanikwamo?” Iye akati, “Nokuda kwamakumi maviri iwayo, handingariparadzi.”
“I admit I've been very bold to speak to my Lord like this,” Abraham said. “What if only twenty are found there?” “I won't do it for the sake of the twenty,” the Lord replied.
32 Ipapo akati, “Ishe ngaarege kunditsamwira, asi regai hangu nditaurezve kamwe chete. Ko, kana gumi chete vakawanikwamo?” Iye akapindura akati, “Nokuda kwaivavo gumi, handingariparadzi.”
“Please don't get angry with me, my Lord,” Abraham said. “Just let me ask one more thing. What if only ten are found there?” “I won't destroy it for the sake of the ten,” the Lord replied.
33 Jehovha akati apedza kutaura naAbhurahama, akabva, uye Abhurahama akadzoka kumba kwake.
The Lord left once he had finished speaking with Abraham, and Abraham went home.

< Genesisi 18 >