< Genesisi 16 >
1 Zvino Sarai, mukadzi waAbhurama, akanga asina kumuberekera vana. Asi iye akanga ano murandakadzi wechiIjipita ainzi Hagari;
And Sara the wife of Abram bore him no children; and she had an Egyptian maid, whose name was Agar.
2 saka akati kuna Abhurama, “Jehovha akandikonesa kubereka vana. Enda hako undovata nomurandakadzi wangu; zvimwe ndingaita mhuri kubudikidza naye.” Abhurama akabvuma zvakanga zvataurwa naSarai.
And Sara said to Abram, Behold, the Lord has restrained me from bearing, go therefore in to my maid, that I may get children for myself through her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sara.
3 Saka shure kwokugara kwaAbhurama kwamakore gumi muKenani, Sarai mukadzi wake akatora Hagari murandakadzi wake wechiIjipita akamupa kumurume wake kuti ave mukadzi wake.
So Sara the wife of Abram having taken Agar the Egyptian her handmaid, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Chanaan, gave her to Abram her husband as a wife to him.
4 Akavata naHagari uye Hagari akabata pamuviri. Paakaziva kuti akanga ava napamuviri, akatanga kuzvidza tenzikadzi wake.
And he went in to Agar, and she conceived, and saw that she was with child, and her mistress was dishonoured before her.
5 Ipapo Sarai akati kuna Abhurama, “Ndiwe waita kuti nditambudzike. Ndakaisa murandakadzi wangu mumaoko ako, uye zvino zvaava kuziva kuti ava napamuviri, ava kundizvidza. Mwari ngaatonge pakati pangu newe.”
And Sara said to Abram, I am injured by thee; I gave my handmaid into thy bosom, and when I saw that she was with child, I was dishonoured before her. The Lord judge between me and thee.
6 Abhurama akati, “Murandakadzi wako ari mumaoko ako. Ita naye zvaunofunga kuti zvakaisvonaka.” Ipapo Sarai akabata Hagari zvakaipa; saka akatiza.
And Abram said to Sara, Behold thy handmaid is in thy hands, use her as it may seem good to thee. And Sara afflicted her, and she fled from her face.
7 Mutumwa waJehovha akawana Hagari ari pedyo netsime raiva murenje; rakanga riri tsime rakanga riri parutivi pomugwagwa unoenda kuShuri.
And an angel of the Lord found her by the fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Sur.
8 Uye akati, “Hagari, murandakadzi waSarai, wabvepiko, uye uri kuendepiko?” Iye akati, “Ndiri kutiza kubva kuna tenzikadzi wangu Sarai.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her, Agar, Sara's maid, whence comest thou, and wither goest thou? and she said, I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sara.
9 Ipapo mutumwa waJehovha akati kwaari, “Dzokera kuna tenzikadzi wako undozvininipisa pasi pake.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.
10 Mutumwa akatizve, “Ndichawandisa zvizvarwa zvako zvokuti havangaverengeki.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her, I will surely multiply thy seed, and it shall not be numbered for multitude.
11 Mutumwa waJehovha akatiwo kwaari: “Iye zvino wava nemimba uye uchava nomwanakomana. Uchamutumidza zita rokuti Ishumaeri, nokuti Jehovha anzwa nezvokutambura kwako.
And the angel of the Lord said to her, Behold thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ismael, for the Lord hath hearkened to thy humiliation.
12 Achava mbongoro yomusango: ruoko rwake rucharwa navanhu vose uye ruoko rwavanhu vose rucharwa naye, uye achararama mukupesana nehama dzake dzose.”
He shall be a wild man, his hands against all, and the hands of all against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
13 Hagari akapa zita iri kuna Jehovha akataura naye akati: “Ndimi Jehovha anondiona,” nokuti akati, “Zvino ndaona Iye anondiona.”
And she called the name of the Lord God who spoke to her, Thou art God who seest me; for she said, For I have openly seen him that appeared to me.
14 Ndokusaka tsime rakanzi Bheeri Rahai Roi; richiripo, pakati peKadheshi neBheredhi.
Therefore she called the well, The well of him whom I have openly seen; behold it is between Cades and Barad.
15 Saka Hagari akaberekera Abhurama mwanakomana, uye Abhurama akapa zita rokuti Ishumaeri kumwanakomana waakanga abereka.
And Agar bore a son to Abram; and Abram called the name of his son which Agar bore to him, Ismael.
16 Abhurama akanga ava namakore makumi masere namatanhatu okuberekwa paakaberekerwa mwanakomana naHagari.
And Abram was eighty-six years old, when Agar bore Ismael to Abram.