+ Genesisi 1 >

1 Pakutanga Mwari akasika matenga nenyika.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Zvino nyika yakanga isina kugadzirwa uye isina chinhu, rima rakanga riri pamusoro pemvura yakadzika, uye Mweya waMwari wakanga uchigara pamusoro pemvura.
The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the surface of the deep. The Spirit of God moved over the surface of the waters.
3 Uye Mwari akati, “Chiedza ngachivepo,” chiedza chikavapo.
God said, “Let there be light!” and there was light.
4 Mwari akaona kuti chiedza chakanga chakanaka, uye akaparadzanisa chiedza nerima.
God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5 Mwari akatumidza chiedza kuti “masikati,” uye rima akaritumidza kuti “usiku.” Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rokutanga.
God called the light “day,” and he called the darkness “night.” So there was evening, and then the morning, making day one.
6 Uye Mwari akati, “Ngapave nenzvimbo pakati pemvura kuti iparadzanise mvura nemvura.”
God said, “Let there be an expanse in the middle of the waters to divide the waters.”
7 Saka Mwari akaita nzvimbo uye akaparadzanisa mvura yakanga iri pasi penzvimbo iyi kubva pamvura yakanga iri pamusoro payo. Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
So God made an expanse to divide the waters that were above from the waters that were below. And that's what happened.
8 Mwari akatumidza nzvimbo iyi kuti “denga.” Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rechipiri.
God called the expanse, “sky.” So there was evening, and then the morning, making day two.
9 Uye Mwari akati, “Mvura iri pasi pedenga ngaiungane panzvimbo imwe chete, uye pasi pakaoma ngapaonekwe.” Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
God said, “Let the waters below the sky collect together in one place so that the land may appear.” And so it was.
10 Mwari akatumidza pasi pakaoma kuti, “nyika,” uye mvura yakaungana akaiti “makungwa.” Uye Mwari akaona kuti zvakanga zvakanaka.
God called the land “earth” and the waters “seas.” God saw that it was good.
11 Ipapo Mwari akati, “Nyika ngaimerese uswa: miriwo inobereka mbeu nemiti panyika inobereka michero ine mhodzi mukati mayo, maererano nemhando dzayo dzakasiyana-siyana.” Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation—plants that produce seeds and trees that produce seeded fruit—each one according to its own kind.” And that's what happened.
12 Nyika yakameresa uswa: miriwo inobereka mbeu maererano nemhando dzayo nemiti inobereka michero ine mhodzi mukati mayo, maererano nemhando dzayo. Uye Mwari akaona kuti zvakanga zvakanaka.
The earth produced vegetation—plants that produce seeds and trees that produce seeded fruit—each one according to its own kind. God saw that it was good.
13 Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rechitatu.
So there was evening, and then the morning, making day three.
14 Uye Mwari akati, “Ngakuve nezviedza munzvimbo yedenga kuti zviparadzanise masikati kubva pausiku, uye ngazvishande sezviratidzo zvokucherechedza mwaka namazuva namakore,
God said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night, and to provide a way to mark seasons, days, and years.
15 uye ngazvive zviedza munzvimbo yedenga kuti zvivhenekere panyika.” Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
They shall be lights in the sky to shine on the earth.” And that's what happened.
16 Mwari akaita zviedza zvikuru zviviri, chiedza chikuru kuti chibate ushe masikati uye chiedza chiduku kuti chibate ushe usiku. Akaitawo nyeredzi.
God created two great lights: the larger one in charge of the day, and the smaller one in charge of the night. He created the stars too.
17 Mwari akazviisa munzvimbo yedenga kuti zvivhenekere panyika,
God placed these lights in the sky to shine upon the earth,
18 kuti zvibate ushe masikati nousiku, uye kuti zviparadzanise chiedza kubva parima. Uye Mwari akaona kuti zvakanga zvakanaka.
to be in charge of the day and in charge of the night, and to separate light from darkness. God saw that it was good.
19 Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rechina.
So there was evening, and then the morning, making day four.
20 Uye Mwari akati, “Mvura ngaive nezvisikwa zvipenyu, uye shiri ngadzibhururuke pamusoro penyika munzvimbo yedenga.”
God said, “Let the waters be full of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the sky.”
21 Saka Mwari akasika zvisikwa zvikuru zvegungwa nezvipenyu zvose zvinokambaira zvinogara mumvura, maererano namarudzi azvo, uye neshiri dzina mapapiro, maererano namarudzi adzo. Uye Mwari akaona kuti zvakanga zvakanaka.
So God created huge sea creatures and all the living things that swim and fill the waters, each one according to its own kind; and every bird that flies, each one according to its own kind. God saw that it was good.
22 Mwari akazviropafadza akati, “Berekanai muwande muzadze mvura iri mumakungwa, uye shiri ngadziwande panyika.”
God blessed them and said, “Reproduce and increase, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.”
23 Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rechishanu.
So there was evening, and then the morning, making day five.
24 Uye Mwari akati, “Nyika ngaibereke zvisikwa zvipenyu maererano namarudzi azvo: zvipfuwo, zvisikwa zvinokambaira panyika, nezvikara zvesango, chimwe nechimwe nemhando yacho.” Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
God said, “Let the land produce living creatures, each one according to its own kind—the livestock, the creatures that run along the ground, and the wild animals, each one according to its own kind.” And that's what happened.
25 Mwari akaita mhuka dzesango maererano namarudzi adzo, zvipfuwo namarudzi azvo, nezvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika maererano namarudzi azvo. Uye Mwari akaona kuti zvakanga zvakanaka.
God made the wild animals, the livestock, and the creatures that run along the ground, all according to their own kind. God saw that it was good.
26 Ipapo Mwari akati, “Ngatiitei munhu nomufananidzo wedu, akafanana nesu, uye ngavave nesimba pamusoro pehove dzegungwa napamusoro peshiri dzedenga, napamusoro pemombe, napamusoro penyika yose, uye napamusoro pezvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika.”
God said, “Let us make human beings in our image who are like us. They will have authority over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over the whole of the earth and every creature that moves on it.”
27 Saka Mwari akasika munhu nomufananidzo wake, akamusika mumufananidzo waMwari; akavasika murume nomukadzi.
So God created human beings in his own image. He created them in the image of God. He created them male and female.
28 Mwari akavaropafadza akati kwavari, “Berekanai muwande; zadzai nyika uye mubate ushe pamusoro payo. Muve nesimba pamusoro pehove dzegungwa napamusoro peshiri dzedenga napamusoro pezvisikwa zvipenyu zvinokambaira panyika.”
God blessed them and told them, “Reproduce, increase, and spread throughout the earth and control it; exercise authority over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that moves on the earth.”
29 Ipapo Mwari akati, “Ndinokupai miriwo yose inobereka iri pamusoro penyika yose nemiti yose ine michero, ine mhodzi mukati mayo. Zvichava zvokudya zvenyu.
God said, “Look, I'm giving you as your food every seed-bearing plant anywhere on earth, and every tree that produces fruit with seeds.
30 Uye kumhuka dzose dzapanyika neshiri dzose dzedenga nokuzvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika, zvose zvinofema, ndinozvipa miriwo minyoro kuti zvive zvokudya zvazvo.” Uye zvakaita saizvozvo.
I'm giving all the green plants to all the land animals, to the birds, and to every creature that moves on the earth—to every living thing.” And that's what happened.
31 Mwari akaona zvose zvaakanga aita, kuti zvakanga zvakanaka kwazvo. Uye madekwana akavapo, namangwanani akavapo, zuva rechitanhatu.
God saw everything that he had created, and yes, it was very good. So there was evening, and then the morning, making day six.

+ Genesisi 1 >