< Ezira 9 >

1 Mushure mokunge zvinhu izvi zvose zvaitwa, vatungamiri vakauya kwandiri vakati, “Vanhu veIsraeri, zvichisanganisira vaprista navaRevhi, havana kuzvitsaura kubva kumarudzi avakavakidzana nawo nezvinonyangadza zvavo, zvakafanana nezvevaKenani, vaHiti, vaPerizi, vaJebhusi, vaAmoni, vaMoabhu, vaIjipita uye navaAmori.
Now when these things were accomplished, the princes approached me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the nations of the lands, notwithstanding their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the 'Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Emorites;
2 Vakatora vanasikana vavo vakavapa kuti vave vakadzi vavo uye nevevanakomana vavo, uye vakasanganisa rudzi rutsvene navanhu vakavapoteredza. Uye vatungamiri namakurukota ndivo vakatanga pakusatendeka uku.”
For they have taken of their daughters for themselves and for their sons; and the holy seed have mingled themselves with the nations of these lands; and the hand of the princes and rulers hath been the first in this trespass.
3 Zvino ndakati ndichinzwa izvi, ndakabvarura nguo yangu nejasi rangu, ndikadzura bvudzi kubva mumusoro mangu nendebvu dzangu uye ndikagara pasi ndashungurudzika.
And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and I plucked out some of the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astounded.
4 Ipapo vose vakadedera nokuda kwamashoko aMwari waIsraeri vakauya vakaungana pandiri nokuda kwokusatendeka kwavatapwa. Uye ndakagarapo ndakashungurudzika kusvikira nguva yechibayiro chamadekwana.
And then assembled themselves unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of the exiles; and I sat astounded until the evening sacrifice.
5 Zvino, panguva yechibayiro chamadekwana, ndakasimuka kubva pakuzvininipisa kwangu, nenguo nejasi rangu zvakabvaruka, uye ndikawira pasi namabvi angu ndikatambanudzira maoko angu kuna Jehovha Mwari wangu
And at the evening sacrifice I rose up from my fasting, and while rending my garment and my mantle, I knelt down upon my knees, and spread out my hands unto the Lord my God.
6 ndikanyengetera, ndichiti: “Haiwa Mwari wangu, ndinonyara uye handisakafanira kuti ndisimudze maoko nechiso changu kwamuri, Mwari wangu, nokuti zvivi zvedu zvakakura kupfuura misoro yedu uye mhosva yedu yasvika kumatenga.
And I said, O my God, I am ashamed and confounded to lift up my face unto thee, my God! for our iniquities are increased above our head, and our guiltiness is grown up as far as the heavens.
7 Kubva pamazuva amadzitateguru edu kusvikira zvino, mhosva yedu yakura kwazvo. Nokuda kwezvivi zvedu, isu namadzimambo edu uye navaprista vedu takaiswa kumunondo nokuutapwa, nokuparadzwa nokuninipiswa paruoko rwamadzimambo avatorwa sezvazviri nhasi.
From the days of our fathers have we been in a great guiltiness even until this day; and through our iniquities have we been delivered, we, our kings, and our priests, into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to the shame of face, as it is this day.
8 “Asi zvino, kwenguva duku duku, Jehovha Mwari wedu atiitira nyasha nokutisiyira vakasara uye nokutipa nzvimbo yakasimba muimba yake tsvene, naizvozvo Mwari wedu anopa chiedza kumeso edu uye norusununguko ruduku muuranda hwedu.
And now for a little moment hath grace been extended from the Lord our God, to preserve us a remnant to escape, and to give us a stake in his holy place, that our God might enlighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.
9 Kunyange zvedu tiri varanda, Mwari wedu haana kutisiya tiri muuranda hwedu. Akatinzwira tsitsi pamberi pamadzimambo ePezhia: Akatipa, upenyu hutsva kuti tivakezve imba yaMwari wedu nokugadzira matongo ayo, uye atipa rusvingo rwokutidzivirira muJudha nomuJerusarema.
For we are bondmen: yet in our bondage hath our God not forsaken us, but hath extended unto us kindness before the kings of Persia, to give us a reviving, to exalt the house of our God, and to erect again its ruins, and to give us a fence in Judah and in Jerusalem.
10 “Asi zvino, nhai Mwari wedu, tichatiiko mushure meizvi? Nokuti takarasa mirayiro
And now what shall we say, O our God, after this? for we have forsaken thy commandments,
11 yamakapa kubudikidza navaranda venyu vaprofita pamakati, ‘Nyika yamuri kupinda kuti ive yenyu inyika yakasvibiswa nokuora kwavanhu vayo. Nezvinonyangadza zvavo vakaizadza noutsvina hwavo kubva kuno rumwe rutivi kusvika kuno rumwe rutivi.
Which thou hast commanded through means of thy servants the prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye go to take possession thereof, is a land defiled through the defilement of the nations of the lands, through their abominations, with which they have filled it from one end to another through their uncleanness.
12 Naizvozvo, musapa vanasikana venyu kuti vawanikwe navanakomana vavo kana kutora vanasikana vavo kuti vawanikwe navanakomana venyu. Musaita chibvumirano kana ushamwari navo panguva ipi zvayo, kuitira kuti musimbe uye mudye zvinhu zvakanaka zvenyika uye mugoisiyira kuvana venyu senhaka isingaperi.’
And now your daughters shall ye not give unto their sons, and their daughters shall ye not take for your sons, and ye shall not seek their peace and their welfare unto eternity: in order that ye may be strong, and eat the best of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children unto eternity.
13 “Zvakaitika kwatiri zvakaitika nokuda kwamabasa edu akaipa nemhosva yedu huru, asi kunyange zvakadaro, imi Mwari wedu makatiranga zvishoma kupfuura zvaikodzera zvivi zvedu uye makatipa vakasara vakadai.
And after all that is come over us for our evil deeds, and for our great guiltiness, seeing that thou our God hast spared us [punishing us] less than our iniquities [deserved], and hast given us such deliverance as this:
14 Tingaputsazve here mirayiro yenyu nokuwanana namarudzi anoita zvinhu zvinonyangadza zvakadai? Hamungatitsamwiri zvakafanira kutiparadza, muchitisiya pasina mupenyu kana angasara here?
Should we again make void thy commandments, and make marriage with these people of abominations? wouldst thou not be angry with us even to make an end of us, so that there would not be any remnant or escape?
15 Imi Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, makarurama! Tasara nhasi isu sevakasara. Zvino tiri pano pamberi penyu nemhosva yedu, kunyange pasina kana mumwe chete wedu angamira pamberi penyu nokuda kwechivi ichi.”
O Lord, God of Israel, thou art righteous; for we have been left a remnant that hath escaped, as it is this day; behold, we are before thee in our guiltiness; for there is no standing before thee because of this.

< Ezira 9 >