< Ezekieri 7 >
1 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri, richiti,
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 “Mwanakomana womunhu, zvanzi naIshe Jehovha kunyika yeIsraeri: Kuguma! Kuguma kwasvika kumativi mana enyika.
And you, son of man, say, This is what the Lord has said to the land of Israel: An end has come, the end has come on the four quarters of the land.
3 Kuguma kwava pamusoro pako zvino uye ndichatuma kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pako. Ndichakutonga zvakafanira tsika dzako ndigotsiva zvinyangadzo zvako zvose.
Now the end has come on you, and I will send my wrath on you, judging you for your ways, I will send punishment on you for all your disgusting acts.
4 Handizokunzwiri ngoni kana kukuponesa; zvirokwazvo ndichakutsiva zvakafanira tsika dzako nezvinyangadzo zviri pakati pako. Ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
My eye will not have mercy on you, and I will have no pity: but I will send the punishment of your ways on you, and your disgusting works will be among you: and you will be certain that I am the Lord.
5 “Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Njodzi! Njodzi isina kumbonzwikwa nezvayo iri kuuya!
This is what the Lord has said: An evil, even one evil; see, it is coming.
6 Kuguma kwasvika! Kuguma kwasvika! Kwamuka kuti kuzokurwisai. Kwauya!
An end has come, the end has come; see, it is coming on you.
7 Kuparadzwa kwauya pamusoro pako, iwe ugere panyika. Nguva yasvika, zuva rava pedyo; pava nokutya, kwete mufaro, pamusoro pamakomo.
The crowning time has come on you, O people of the land: the time has come, the day is near; the day will not be slow in coming, it will not keep back.
8 Ndava pedyo nokudurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pako ndigopedzera kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pako; ndichakutonga zvakafanira mafambiro ako ndigotsiva zvinyangadzo zvako zvose.
Now, in a little time, I will let loose my passion on you, and give full effect to my wrath against you, judging you for your ways, and sending punishment on you for all your disgusting works.
9 Handizombokunzwiri ngoni kana kukuponesa; ndichakutsiva zvakafanira mafambiro ako nezvinyangadzo zviri pakati pako. Ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha ndiri kukurova.
My eye will not have mercy, and I will have no pity: I will send on you the punishment of your ways, and your disgusting works will be among you; and you will see that I am the Lord who gives punishment.
10 “Zuva rasvika! Rauya! Kuparadzwa kwabuda, shamhu yabukira, kuzvikudza kwatumbuka!
See, the day; see, it is coming: the crowning time has gone out; the twisted way is flowering, pride has put out buds.
11 Kuita nechisimba kwakura kukava shamhu yokuranga zvakaipa; hakuna mumwe wavanhu ava achasara, hakuna pavazhinji vavo ivavo, kana pfuma kana chinokosha.
Violent behaviour has been lifted up into a rod of evil; it will not be slow in coming, it will not keep back.
12 Nguva yauya, zuva rasvika. Mutengi ngaarege kufara uye mutengesi ngaarege kusuwa, nokuti hasha dziri pamusoro pavazhinji vose.
The time has come, the day is near: let not him who gives a price for goods be glad, or him who gets the price have sorrow:
13 Mutengesi haangadzorerwi nyika yaakanga atengesa kana vose vari vaviri vachiri vapenyu, nokuti chiratidzo chakaonekwa pamusoro pavazhinji vose chichazozadziswa. Nokuda kwezvivi zvavo, hakuna kana mumwe wavo achachengetedza upenyu hwake.
For the trader will not go back to the things for which he had his price, even while he is still living:
14 Kunyange vakaridza hwamanda uye vakagadzirira zvose, hapana achaenda kuhondo, nokuti hasha dzangu dziri pamusoro pavazhinji vose.
And he who has given a price for goods will not get them, for my wrath is on all of them.
15 “Kunze kuno munondo, mukati mune denda nenzara; vaya vari musango vachafa nomunondo, uye vari muguta vachapedzwa nenzara nedenda.
Outside is the sword, and inside disease and need of food: he who is in the open country will be put to the sword; he who is in the town will come to his end through need of food and disease.
16 Vose vanorarama vachapunyuka vachange vari mumakomo, vachirira senjiva dzomumipata, mumwe nomumwe nokuda kwezvivi zvake.
And those of them who get away safely will go and be in the secret places like the doves of the valleys, all of them will come to death, every one in his sin.
17 Ruoko rumwe norumwe ruchapera simba uye ibvi rimwe nerimwe richarukutika semvura.
All hands will be feeble and all knees without strength, like water.
18 Vachafuka nguo dzamasaga uye vachafukidzwa nokutya. Zviso zvavo zvichafukidzwa nenyadzi uye misoro yavo ichaveurwa.
And they will put haircloth round them, and deep fear will be covering them; and shame will be on all faces, and the hair gone from all their heads.
19 Vachakanda sirivha yavo munzira dzomumisha, uye goridhe yavo ichava chinhu chisina kuchena. Sirivha yavo negoridhe ravo hazvingavaponesi pazuva rokutsamwa kwaJehovha. Hazvingapedzi nzara yavo kana kugutsa matumbu avo nazvo, nokuti ndizvo zvakavagumbusa vakapinda muchivi.
They will put out their silver into the streets, and their gold will be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the wrath of the Lord; they will not get their desire or have food for their need: because it has been the cause of their falling into sin.
20 Vakanga vachizvikudza nokuda kwoukomba hwavo hwakanaka uye vachihushandisa kuita zvifananidzo zvinonyangadza nezviumbwa zvakaipisisa. Naizvozvo ndichashandura izvi, zvikava chinhu chine tsvina kwavari.
As for their beautiful ornament, they had put it on high, and had made the images of their disgusting and hated things in it: for this cause I have made it an unclean thing to them.
21 Ndichazvipa zvose kuvatorwa sezvinhu zvakapambwa uye sepfuma ingapambwa navakaipa venyika, uye vachazvisvibisa.
And I will give it into the hands of men from strange lands who will take it by force, and to the evil-doers of the earth to have for themselves; and they will make it unholy.
22 Ndichavafuratira uye vachasvibisa nzvimbo yangu inokosha; mbavha dzichapinda mairi dzigoisvibisa.
And my face will be turned away from them, and they will make my secret place unholy: violent men will go into it and make it unholy.
23 “Gadzirai ngetani, nokuti nyika izere nokuteura ropa uye guta rizere nokuita nechisimba.
Make the chain: for the land is full of crimes of blood, and the town is full of violent acts.
24 Ndichauyisa vanhu vakaipisisa vendudzi kuti vavatorere dzimba dzavo; ndichaita kuti kuzvikudza kwavane simba kugume, uye nzvimbo dzavo tsvene dzichasvibiswa.
For this reason I will send the worst of the nations and they will take their houses for themselves: I will make the pride of their strength come to an end; and their holy places will be made unclean.
25 Kana kutya kwauya, vachatsvaka rugare asi havangaruwani.
Shaking fear is coming; and they will be looking for peace, and there will be no peace.
26 Kuchauya njodzi pamusoro penjodzi uye guhu pamusoro peguhu. Vachaedza kutsvaka chiratidzo kumuprofita; kudzidziswa murayiro nomuprista kuchashayikwa, namazano anobva kuvakuruwo achashayikwa.
Destruction will come on destruction, and one story after another; and the vision of the prophet will be shamed, and knowledge of the law will come to an end among the priests, and wisdom among the old.
27 Mambo achachema, muchinda achafukidzwa nokuora mwoyo, uye maoko avanhu vomunyika achadedera. Ndichavaitira zvakafanira mafambiro avo, uye ndichavatonga nemitemo yavo. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.”
The king will give himself up to sorrow, and the ruler will be clothed with wonder, and the hands of the people of the land will be troubled: I will give them punishment for their ways, judging them as it is right for them to be judged; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.