< Ezekieri 6 >

1 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
A message from the Lord came to me that said,
2 “Mwanakomana womunhu, rinzira meso ako kumakomo eIsraeri; uprofite pamusoro pawo
“Son of man, face towards of Israel's mountains and prophesy against them.
3 uchiti, ‘Imi makomo eIsraeri, inzwai shoko raIshe Jehovha. Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha kumakomo nezvikomo, kuhova nokumipata: Ndava pedyo nokuuyisa munondo kuti uzokurwisai, uye ndichaparadza nzvimbo dzenyu dzakakwirira.
Tell them: Mountains of Israel, listen to the message from the Lord God! This is what the Lord God says to the mountains and the hills, to the gorges and the valleys: I'm going to attack you and destroy your high places.
4 Aritari dzenyu dzichaondomorwa uye aritari dzenyu dzezvinonhuhwira dzichaputswa; uye ndichauraya vanhu venyu pamberi pezvifananidzo zvenyu.
Your pagan altars will be torn down, and your incense altars will be smashed to pieces. I will kill your idol worshipers right in front of their idols.
5 Ndicharadzika zvitunha zvavaIsraeri pamberi pezvifananidzo zvavo, uye ndichaparadzira mapfupa enyu pamativi ose earitari dzenyu.
I will put the dead bodies of you Israelites in front of your idols and scatter your bones around your altars.
6 Pose pamunogara, maguta achaparadzwa uye nzvimbo dzakakwirira dzichakoromorwa, kuitira kuti aritari dzenyu dziparadzwe ave matongo, zvifananidzo zvenyu zvipwanyiwe uye zviparadzwe, aritari dzenyu dzezvinonhuhwira dziputsirwe pasi, uye zvamakaita zvipedzwe chose.
Everywhere you live, the towns will be turned into rubble and the high places torn down. Your altars will be demolished and defiled. Your idols will be smashed and completely destroyed. Your incense altars will be knocked down, and all that you made will be ruined.
7 Vanhu venyu vachawira pasi ivo vaurayiwa pakati penyu, uye muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
People will be killed all throughout your country. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
8 “‘Asi ndichasiya vamwe, nokuti vamwe venyu vachapunyuka pamunondo pamuchaparadzirwa pakati penyika nendudzi.
However, I will let some of you survive and scatter you among the different nations and countries.
9 Ipapo vakapunyuka vachandirangarira vari pakati pendudzi kwavakaendeswa kuutapwa, kuti ndakashungurudzwa sei nemwoyo yavo youfeve, iyo yakatsauka kubva kwandiri, uye nameso avo, akachiva zvifananidzo zvavo. Vachazvisema pachavo nokuda kwezvakaipa zvavakaita nezvinyangadzo zvavo zvose.
Once they are they are there as prisoners in the nations, then the survivors will remember me. They will realize how sad they made me by their spiritual adultery as they deserted me with their eyes full of lust as they worshiped idols. They will hate themselves for the evil things they did, for all their disgusting sins.
10 Uye vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha; handina kutaura pasina kuti ndichauyisa njodzi iyi pamusoro pavo.
Then they will know that I am the Lord, and that I was not pretending when I warned them about bringing this disaster upon them.
11 “‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Rovai maoko enyu pamwe chete uye mudzane-dzane netsoka dzenyu mudanidzire muchiti, “Maiwe!” nokuda kwezvakaipa zvose nezvinonyangadza zveimba yaIsraeri, nokuti vachaurayiwa nomunondo, nzara nedenda.
This is what the Lord God says: Hit yourself with your hands, stomp your feet, and shout out ‘Oh no!’ Do this because of all the terrible wickedness of the people of Israel. They are going to die by the sword and famine and disease.
12 Ari kure achaurayiwa nedenda, uye ari pedyo achaurayiwa nomunondo, uye uyo achapona akararama, achafa nenzara. Saka ndichapedzera hasha dzangu pamusoro pavo.
Those living far away will die from of disease, those who are close by will be killed by the sword, and those who are left will die of starvation. This is how I will express my anger towards them.
13 Uye vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha, kana vanhu vavo vakaurayiwa vari pakati pezvifananidzo zvavo zvakapoteredza aritari dzavo, napazvikomo zvose zvakakwirira napamusoro pamakomo ose, napasi pemiti yakapfumvutira nemiti yomuouki yose ina mashizha panzvimbo dzavaipira zvinonhuhwira kuzvifananidzo zvavo zvose.
Then you will know that I am the Lord—when the idol worshipers lie dead among their idols and altars on the top of every hill and mountain, and under every green tree and large oak. These were the pagan shrines where they offered sweet-smelling incense to all their idols.
14 Uye ndichatambanudza ruoko rwangu kuti ndivarwise ndigoparadza nyika ndigoiita dongo kubva kugwenga kusvikira kuDhibhira, kwose kwose kwavanogara. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.’”
I'm going to lift up my hand to punish them. In every place they live I will make their country a wasteland, all the way from the desert in the south to Diblah in the north. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

< Ezekieri 6 >