< Ezekieri 44 >

1 Ipapo murume uyu akandidzosera kusuo rokunze renzvimbo tsvene rakanga rakatarisa kumabvazuva, uye rakanga rakapfigwa.
And he causes me to turn back the way of the gate of the outer sanctuary that is looking eastward, and it is shut.
2 Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Suo iri rinofanira kugara rakapfigwa. Harifaniri kuzarurwa; hakuna munhu angapinda naro. Rinofanira kugara rakapfigwa nokuti Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, akapinda napariri:
And YHWH says to me, “This gate is shut, it is not opened, and none go in by it, for YHWH, God of Israel, has come in by it, and it has been shut.
3 Muchinda pachake ndiye chete angagara mukati mesuo kuti adye ari pamberi paJehovha. Anofanira kupinda nenzira yapabiravira resuo agobuda nenzira imwe cheteyo.”
The prince, who [is] prince, he sits by it to eat bread before YHWH, he comes in by the way of the porch of the gate, and by its way he goes out.”
4 Ipapo murume uyu akandiuyisa nenzira yesuo rokumusoro nechemberi kwetemberi. Ndakatarisa ndikaona kubwinya kwaJehovha kuchizadza temberi yaJehovha, ndikawira pasi nechiso changu.
And he brings me in the way of the north gate to the front of the house, and I look, and behold, the glory of YHWH has filled the house of YHWH, and I fall on my face.
5 Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Mwanakomana womunhu, cherechedza zvakanaka, nyatsoteerera uye unzwisise zvinhu zvose zvandinokuudza maererano nemitemo yose yetemberi yaJehovha. Ucherechedze panopindwa napo mutemberi uye napanobudiwa napo panzvimbo tsvene.
And YHWH says to me, “Son of man, set your heart, and see with your eyes, and hear with your ears, all that I am speaking with you, all of the statutes of the house of YHWH, and all of its laws; and you have set your heart to the entrance of the house, with all the outlets of the sanctuary,
6 Uti kuimba inondimukira yaIsraeri, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Nhai imba yaIsraeri, chigutsikanai nezvinonyangadza zvamunoita!
and have said to [the] rebellion, to the house of Israel, Thus said Lord YHWH: Enough from you—of all your abominations, O house of Israel.
7 Pamusoro pezvinonyangadza zvamakaita, makapinza vatorwa vasina kudzingiswa pamwoyo napanyama munzvimbo yangu tsvene, muchizvidza temberi yangu muchindipa zvokudya, mafuta neropa, uye makaputsa sungano yangu.
In your bringing in sons of a stranger, uncircumcised of heart, and uncircumcised of flesh, to be in My sanctuary, to defile it, even My house, in your bringing near My bread, fat, and blood, and they break My covenant by all your abominations,
8 Pachinzvimbo chokuita mabasa enyu akafanira zvinhu zvangu zvitsvene, makagadza vamwe vanhu kuti vave vatariri venzvimbo yangu tsvene.
and you have not kept [the] charge of My holy things, and you set [others] for keeping My charge in My sanctuary for you.
9 Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Hakuna mutorwa asina kudzingiswa pamwoyo napanyama angapinde munzvimbo yangu tsvene, kunyange vatorwa zvavo vagere pakati pavaIsraeri.
Thus said Lord YHWH: No son of a stranger, uncircumcised of heart, and uncircumcised of flesh, comes into My sanctuary, even any son of a stranger, who [is] in the midst of the sons of Israel.
10 “‘VaRevhi vakaenda kure neni panguva yakatsauka Israeri uye vakadzungaira vachibva kwandiri vachitevera zvifananidzo zvavo vanofanira kuzvitakurira zvibereko zvechivi chavo.
And the Levites who have gone far off from Me, in the wandering of Israel when they went astray from Me after their idols, and they have borne their iniquity.
11 Vangashumira havo munzvimbo yangu tsvene, vari vatariri vamasuo etemberi uye vachishanda mairi; vangabayira havo zvibayiro zvinopiswa vagobayira zvibayiro zvavanhu, vagomira pamberi pavanhu vagovashumira.
And they have been servants in My sanctuary, overseers at the gates of the house, and servants at the house; they slay the burnt-offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they stand before them to serve them.
12 Asi nemhaka yokuti vakavashumira pamberi pezvifananidzo zvavo vakaita kuti imba yaIsraeri iwire muchivi, naizvozvo ndakapika ruoko rwangu rwakasimudzwa kuti vanofanira kutakura vamene zvibereko zvechivi chavo, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
Because that they serve them before their idols, and have been for a stumbling-block of iniquity to the house of Israel, therefore I have lifted up My hand against them—a declaration of Lord YHWH—and they have borne their iniquity.
13 Havafaniri kuswedera kuti vandishumire savaprista kana kuswedera pane chinhu chipi nechipi chezvinhu zvangu zvitsvene kana pazvipiriso zvangu zvitsvene-tsvene; vanofanira kuzvitakurira kunyadziswa kwezvinyangadzo zvavakaita.
And they do not draw near to Me to act as My priest, and to draw near to any of My holy things, to the Holy of Holies, and they have borne their shame and their abominations that they have done,
14 Asi hazvo ndichavaita vatariri vamabasa omutemberi nebasa rose rinofanira kuitwamo.
and I made them keepers of the charge of the house, for all its service and for all that is done in it.
15 “‘Asi vaprista, ivo vaRevhi nezvizvarwa zvaZadhoki, vakaita mabasa avo omunzvimbo yangu tsvene nokutendeka panguva yakatsauka vaIsraeri kubva kwandiri, ndivo vanofanira kuswedera kwandiri kuti vashumire pamberi pangu; vanofanira kumira pamberi pangu kuti vabayire zvibayiro zvamafuta neropa, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
And the priests, the Levites, sons of Zadok, who have kept the charge of My sanctuary in the wandering of the sons of Israel from off Me, they draw near to Me to serve Me, and have stood before Me, to bring fat and blood near to Me—a declaration of Lord YHWH:
16 Ivo chete ndivo vanofanira kupinda munzvimbo yangu tsvene; ndivo chete vanofanira kuswedera patafura yangu kuti vashumire pamberi pangu vagoita basa rangu.
they come into My sanctuary, and they draw near to My table to serve Me, and they have kept My charge.
17 “‘Pavanopinda pamasuo omuruvazhe rwomukati, vanofanira kupfeka nguo dzomucheka, havafaniri kupfeka nguo dzamakushe pavanenge vachishumira pamasuo oruvazhe rwomukati kana mukati metemberi.
And it has come to pass, in their going into the gates of the inner court, they put on linen garments; and no wool comes up on them in their ministering in the gates of the inner court and within.
18 Vanofanira kupfeka nguwani dzomucheka pamisoro yavo uye nguo dzomukati dzomucheka muzviuno zvavo. Havafaniri kufuka chinhu chinovaitisa ziya.
Linen headdresses are on their head, and linen trousers are on their loins, they are not restrained with sweat.
19 Pavanobuda vachipinda muruvazhe rwokunze kunova ndiko kuna vanhu, vanofanira kubvisa nguo dzavanga vachishumira nadzo vagodzisiya mumakamuri matsvene, vagopfeka dzimwe nguo, kuti varege kunatsa vanhu nenguo dzavo.
And in their going forth to the outer court—to the outer court to the people—they strip off their garments, in which they are ministering, and have placed them in the holy chambers, and have put on other garments; and they do not sanctify the people in their own garments.
20 “‘Havafaniri kuveura misoro yavo kana kurega bvudzi ravo richireba, asi vanofanira kugara vakachekerera bvudzi remisoro yavo.
And they do not shave their head, and they do not send forth the lock; they certainly trim their heads.
21 Muprista haafaniri kunwa waini panguva yaanopinda muruvazhe rwomukati.
And no priest drinks wine in their coming into the inner court.
22 Havafaniri kuwana chirikadzi kana mukadzi akarambwa, vanofanira kuwana mhandara dzorudzi rwaIsraeri kana chirikadzi dzavaprista.
And they do not take a widow or divorced woman to themselves for wives, but they take virgins of the seed of the house of Israel, and the widow who is widow of a priest.
23 Vanofanira kudzidzisa vanhu vangu mutsauko wezvitsvene nezvinhu zvisati zviri zvitsvene nokuvaratidza kusiyana kuri pakati pechisakachena nechakachena.
And they direct My people between holy and common, and they cause them to discern between unclean and clean.
24 “‘Vaprista vanofanira kushanda savatongi, pagakava ripi zvaro, uye vanofanira kutonga zviri pamitemo yangu. Vanofanira kuchengeta mirayiro yangu nemitemo yangu pamitambo yose yakatarwa uye vanofanira kuchengetedza maSabata angu ave matsvene.
And concerning controversy, they stand up for judgment; they judge it with My judgments; and they keep My law and My statutes in all My appointed places; and they sanctify My Sabbaths.
25 “‘Muprista haafaniri kuzvisvibisa nokuswedera pachitunha chomunhu akafa; kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, kana munhu akafa ari baba vake kana mai vake, mwanakomana wake kana mwanasikana, mukoma nomununʼuna kana hanzvadzi yanga isina kuwanikwa, ipapo angazvisvibisa hake.
And he does not come near to any dead man to be defiled, but if for father, and for mother, and for son, and for daughter, for brother, for sister who has not been to a man, they may defile themselves.
26 Shure kwokunatswa kwake, anofanira kumirira kwamazuva manomwe.
And after his cleansing, they number seven days to him.
27 Pazuva raanopinda muruvazhe rwomukati rwenzvimbo tsvene kuti anoshumira munzvimbo tsvene, anofanira kupa chipiriso chake chechivi, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
And in the day of his coming into the sanctuary, into the inner court, to minister in the sanctuary, he brings his sin-offering near—a declaration of Lord YHWH.
28 “‘Ndini chete ndichava nhaka yavaprista. Haufaniri kuvapa mugove pakati paIsraeri; ini ndichavapa mugove wavo.
And it has been for an inheritance to them; I [am] their inheritance, and you do not give a possession to them in Israel; I [am] their possession.
29 Vachadya zvipiriso zvezviyo, zvipiriso zvechivi nezvipiriso zvemhosva; uye zvinhu zvose zvakatsaurirwa Jehovha pakati paIsraeri zvichava zvavo.
The present, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering, they eat, and every devoted thing in Israel is theirs.
30 Zvakanakisisa, zvezvibereko zvenyu zvokutanga nezvipo zvenyu zvose zvakatsaurwa zvichava zvavaprista. Munofanira kuvapa mugove wokutanga woupfu hwakakuyiwa kuitira kuti makomborero agogara paimba yenyu.
And the first of all the first-fruits of all, and every raised-offering of all, of all your raised-offerings, are the priests’; and you give the first of your dough to the priest, to cause a blessing to rest on your house.
31 Vaprista havafaniri kungodya zvinhu zvose, ingava shiri kana chipfuwo, chawanikwa chakafa kana chaurayiwa nezvikara zvesango.
The priests do not eat any carcass or torn thing, from the bird or from the beast.”

< Ezekieri 44 >