< Ezekieri 42 >

1 Ipapo murume uya akanditungamirira nechokumusoro nechomukati moruvazhe rwokunze ndokundiendesa kumakamuri akanga akatarisana noruvazhe rwetemberi uye pakatarisana namadziro okunze kurutivi rwokumusoro.
And he brings me forth to the outer court, the way northward, and he brings me into the chamber that [is] opposite the separate place, and that [is] opposite the building at the north.
2 Imba yakanga ino mukova wakatarisa kumusoro yakanga yakareba makubhiti zana uye makubhiti makumi mashanu paupamhi.
At the front of the length [is] one hundred cubits [at] the north opening, and the breadth—fifty cubits.
3 Pakatarisana namakubhiti makumi maviri oruvazhe rwomukati, uye pakatarisana nenzira yakanga yakavakirwa yoruvazhe rwokunze kwakanga kuna mabiravira akatarisana, akaturikidzwa ari matatu.
Opposite the twenty [cubits] that are of the inner court, and opposite the pavement that [is] of the outer court, [is] gallery [with] face toward gallery, in the three [stories].
4 Pamberi pamakamuri pakanga pane nzvimbo yokufamba yakanga ine upamhi makubhiti gumi uye makubhiti zana pakureba. Makonhi ayo akanga ari nechokumusoro.
And at the front of the chambers [is] a walk of ten cubits in breadth to the inner part, a way of one cubit, and their openings [are] at the north.
5 Zvino makamuri apamusoro akanga ari maduku, nokuti nzvimbo dzokuratidzira dzakanga dzatorera nzvimbo yakawanda kubva paari kupfuura makamuri apasi namakamuri apakati peimba.
And the upper chambers [are] short, for the galleries contain more than these, than the lower, and than the middle one, of the building;
6 Makamuri omuturikidzwa wechitatu akanga asina mbiru, sezvakanga zvakaita ruvazhe; saka akanga ari maduku panzvimbo youriri pane aya akanga ari pasi uye nechapakati.
for they [are] threefold, and they have no pillars as the pillars of the court, therefore it has been kept back—more than the lower and than the middle one—from the ground.
7 Pakanga pane madziro aitevedzana namakamuri uye noruvazhe rwokunze.
As for the wall that [is] at the outside, alongside the chambers, the way of the outer-court at the front of the chambers, its length [is] fifty cubits;
8 Mutsara wamakamuri kurutivi runotevedzana noruvazhe rwokunze wakanga uri makubhiti makumi mashanu pakureba, mutsara waparutivi rwaiva pedyo pedyo nenzvimbo tsvene wakanga una makubhiti zana pakureba kwawo.
for the length of the chambers that [are] in the outer court [is] fifty cubits, and of those on the front of the temple—one hundred cubits.
9 Makamuri apasi akanga ano mukova kurutivi rwokumabvazuva kana munhu achipinda kwaari achibva nechokuruvazhe rwokunze.
And under these chambers [is] the entrance from the east, in one’s going into them from the outer court.
10 Parutivi rwezasi zvichitevedzana nokureba kworusvingo rworuvazhe rwokunze, pedyo noruvazhe rwetemberi uye kwakatarisana norusvingo rwokunze, pakanga pane makamuri
In the breadth of the wall of the court eastward, to the front of the separate place, and to the front of the building, [are] chambers.
11 nenzvimbo yokufamba nayo nechemberi kwawo. Aya akanga akafanana namakamuri okumusoro; akanga akaenzana pakureba noupamhi, akanga akafanana pokubuda napo uye nokuyerwa kwawo. Sezvakanga zvakaita makonhi okumusoro
And the way before them [is] as the appearance of the chambers that [are] northward, according to their length so [is] their breadth, and all their outlets, and according to their fashions, and according to their openings.
12 ndizvo zvakanga zvakaita mikova yamakamuri ezasi. Pakanga pane mukova paitangira nzvimbo yokufamba nayo pakanga pakangoenzana namadziro akanangana nawo zvichipfuurira zvakananga kumabvazuva, kana munhu achipinda mumakamuri.
And according to the openings of the chambers that [are] southward [is] an opening at the head of the way, the way directly in the front of the wall eastward in entering them.
13 Ipapo akati kwandiri, “Makamuri okumusoro neezasi iwo akatarisana noruvazhe rwetemberi ndeevaprista, ndipo panodyirwa zvipiriso zvitsvene-tsvene navaprista vanoswedera pana Jehovha. Vachaisa ipapo zvipiriso zvitsvene-tsvene, zvipiriso zvezviyo, zvechivi, uye zvemhosva, nokuti nzvimbo yacho itsvene.
And he says to me, “The north chambers, the south chambers, that [are] at the front of the separate place, they [are] holy chambers, where the priests (who [are] near to YHWH) eat the most holy things, there they place the most holy things, and the present, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering, for the place [is] holy.
14 Kana vaprista vakangopinda panzvimbo tsvene, havachafaniri kubudira kuruvazhe rwokunze kusvikira vasiya nguo dzavanga vachishandisa pakushumira, nokuti idzo itsvene. Vanofanira kupfeka dzimwe nguo vasati vasvika pedyo nenzvimbo dzavanhu.”
In the priests’ going in, they do not come out from the sanctuary to the outer court, and there they place their garments with which they minister, for they [are] holy, and have put on other garments, and have drawn near to that which [is] for the people.”
15 Akati apedza kuyera zvakanga zviri mukati metemberi, akandibudisa kunze nechokusuo rokumabvazuva ndokubva ayera nzvimbo yacho yose.
And he has finished the measurements of the inner house, and has brought me forth the way of the gate whose front [is] eastward, and he has measured it all around.
16 Akayera rutivi rwokumabvazuva netsvimbo yokuyeresa; yakanga ina makubhiti mazana mashanu.
He has measured the east side with the measuring-reed, five hundred reeds, with the measuring-reed all around.
17 Akayerawo rutivi rwokumusoro; rwakanga runa makubhiti anosvika mazana mashanu nechiyero chetsvimbo.
He has measured the north side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed all around.
18 Akayerawo rutivi rwezasi; rwakanga runa makubhiti mazana mashanu nechiyero chetsvimbo.
The south side he has measured, five hundred reeds, with the measuring-reed.
19 Ipapo akatendeukira kurutivi rwokumavirira ndokuyera; rwakanga runa makubhiti anosvika mazana mashanu nechiyero chetsvimbo.
He has turned around to the west side, he has measured five hundred reeds with the measuring-reed.
20 Saka akayera nzvimbo kumativi mana ose. Yakanga ino rusvingo rwakaipoteredza, mazana mashanu amakubhiti pakureba uye mazana mashanu paupamhi, kuti zviparadzanise zvitsvene nezvisati zviri zvitsvene.
At the four sides he has measured it; it had a wall all around, the length—five hundred, and the breadth—five hundred, to separate between the holy and the profane place.

< Ezekieri 42 >