< Ezekieri 40 >
1 Mugore ramakumi maviri namashanu rokutapwa kwedu, pakutanga kwegore, pazuva regumi romwedzi, mugore regumi namana, mushure kwokukundwa kweguta, pazuva racho iroro ruoko rwaJehovha rwakanga rwuri pamusoro pangu uye akandiendesako.
At the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month of the twenty-fifth year of our exile, (fourteenth years after Jerusalem had been captured), was the exact day that the Lord's power came over me and he took me there to the city.
2 Pane zvandakaratidzwa naMwari akanditora akandiendesa kunyika yeIsraeri akandimisa pagomo refu refu, zasi kwaro kwakanga kune dzimba dzakanga dzichiratidzika seguta.
God took me to the country of Israel in vision and set me down on a very high mountain. On the south side of the mountain there were buildings that seemed to be a city.
3 Akandiendesa ikoko, ndikaona munhu akanga achiratidzika sendarira; akanga akamira pasuo ane tambo yomucheka netsvimbo yokueresa muruoko rwake.
When he took me there I saw a man who looked like shining bronze. He was holding a linen cord and a measuring rod as he stood in the entrance way.
4 Murume uyu akati kwandiri, “Mwanakomana womunhu, tarira nameso ako unzwe nenzeve dzako uye uongorore zvose zvandichakuratidza, nokuti wakasvitswa pano kuti ndikuratidze izvozvi. Utaurire imba yaIsraeri zvose zvaunoona.”
“Son of man,” he told me, “watch with your eyes, listen with your ears. Concentrate on everything I'm about to show you, because that's the reason you were brought here. You are to explain to the people of Israel what you've been shown, everything you see.”
5 Ndakaona rusvingo rwakanga rwakapoteredza nzvimbo yose yetemberi. Urefu hwetsvimbo yokuera yakanga iri muruoko rwomurume uyu hwaisvika makubhiti matanhatu, rimwe nerimwe richiita kubhiti rimwe chete noupamhi hwechanza. Akayera rusvingo; ukobvu hworusvingo hwakanga huchiita tsvimbo yokuyera imwe chete, uye urefu huchiita tsvimbo imwe chete.
I could see a wall that surrounded the Temple. The measuring rod the man was holding was six long cubits in length (a long cubit is a cubit plus a handbreadth). He measured the wall as six cubits thick and six cubits high.
6 Ipapo akaenda kusuo rakatarisa kumabvazuva. Akakwira nezvikwiriso zvaro ndokuyera chikumbaridzo chesuo; chakanga chichiita tsvimbo imwe chete pakudzika.
Then he went up the steps of the east-facing gate. He measured the gate's threshold as six cubits deep.
7 Makamuri avarindi akanga akaenzana netsvimbo imwe chete yokuyera paurefu uye tsvimbo imwe chete paupamhi, uye masvingo apakati pamakamuri akanga ari makubhiti mashanu paukobvu. Uye chikumbaridzo chesuo rakanga riri parutivi rwebiravira rakatarisana netemberi chaiita tsvimbo imwe chete pakudzika.
Beyond that were alcoves that measured six cubits by six cubits, with five cubits between the alcoves. The threshold of the inside entrance facing the porch measured six cubits.
8 Ipapo akayera biravira resuo;
Then he measured the entrance porch.
9 rakanga rakadzika kwamakubhiti masere uye mbiru dzacho makubhiti maviri paukobvu. Biravira resuo rakanga rakanangana netemberi.
It was eight cubits deep, and its posts were two cubits thick. The entrance porch faced the Temple.
10 Mukati mesuo rokumabvazuva makanga muna makamuri matatu parutivi rumwe norumwe; ose ari matatu akanga ane chiyero chakaenzana.
There were three alcoves on each side of the east gate entrance that all measured the same. The posts on each side also measured the same.
11 Ipapo akayera upamhi hwomukova wokusuo; wakanga una makubhiti gumi uye urefu hwacho hwaisvika makubhiti gumi namatatu.
He measured the width of the entrance gateway as ten cubits. It was thirteen cubits long.
12 Pamberi pekamuri rimwe nerimwe pakanga pane madziro akareba kubhiti rimwe chete, uye makamuri akanga ana makubhiti matanhatu akaenzana.
A wall one cubit high was in front of alcove, and the alcoves measured six cubits by six cubits.
13 Ipapo akayera musuo kubva nechokumusoro kwamadziro kumashure kwerimwe ramakamuri nechokumusoro kwakatarisana nerimwe; nhambwe dzakanga dzichisvika makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu kubva pakazaruka pamadziro kusvikira kuno rumwe rutivi rwakatarisana nawo.
Then he measured the entrance gateway from the roof of one alcove to the roof of the one opposite. It was twenty-five cubits from one doorway to the opposite doorway.
14 Akayera pakatarisana namasvingo aionekwa achipoteredza nechomukati mesuo, makubhiti makumi matanhatu. Akayera kusvika pabiravira rakatarisana noruvazhe.
Then he measured the distance between the posts as sixty cubits. The gateway led all the way around to the courtyard.
15 Nhambwe dzaibva pamukova wesuo kusvikira kwokupedzisira kwebiravira dzakanga dziri makubhiti makumi mashanu.
It was fifty cubits from the gateway entrance to the far side of the inside porch.
16 Makamuri namasvingo aionekwa omukati mesuo akanga akavharirwa nechidziro namawindo maduku akapoteredza, sezvakanga zvakaita pabiravira; napamawindo akapoteredza akatarisa nechomukati; mberi kwamasvingo kwakanga kwakashongedzwa nemiti yemichindwe.
The alcoves and their pillars had narrow windows on all of the inside of the gateway. The porches also had windows on all of the inside. All the posts were decorated with palm tree designs.
17 Ipapo akandipinza muruvazhe rwokunze. Ndakaona dzimba ikoko uye nzira dzakanga dzakavakirwa dzakakomberedza ruvazhe; makanga muna makamuri makumi matatu aiva mujinga menzira yakavakirwa.
He took me into the outer courtyard. I saw rooms and a pavement had been constructed around the courtyard. There were thirty rooms facing the pavement.
18 Yakanga yakaganhurana norutivi rwamasuo uye yakaenzana paupamhi sokureba kwadzakanga dzakaita; ndiyo yakanga iri nzira yakavakirwa yenyasi.
This was termed the lower pavement and it extended along the sides of the gateways and was the same length as them.
19 Ipapo akayera nhambwe kubva nechomukati kwerutivi rwesuo rezasi kusvikira kunze kworuvazhe rwomukati; rwakanga runa makubhiti zana nechokumabvazuva, uye nechokumusorowo.
He measured the distance from the front of the lower gateway to the far side of the inner courtyard as one hundred cubits, both to the east side and the north.
20 Ipapo akayera urefu noupamhi hwesuo rakatarisana nechokumusoro raienda kuruvazhe rwokunze.
He also measured the length and width of the gateway of the outer courtyard that faced north.
21 Makamuri aro, matatu kurutivi rumwe norumwe, masvingo aro aionekera nebiravira raro zvakanga zvakaenzana nezviya zvesuo rokutanga. Rakanga rakareba makubhiti makumi mashanu uye rina makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu paupamhi.
Its three alcoves on both sides, its posts, and its porch all measured the same as the first gateway and was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
22 Mawindo aro, mabiravira aro uye miti yokushongedza yemichindwe, zvakanga zvakangoenzana nezviya zvesuo rakanga rakatarisa kumabvazuva. Zvikwiriso zvinomwe ndizvo zvaisvitsa ikoko, zvakatarisana nebiravira racho.
Its windows, porch, and palm tree decorations were the same as those of the east-facing gate. It had seven steps leading up to it, with its porch facing them.
23 Pakanga pane suo rinopinda muruvazhe rwomukati rakanga rakanangana nesuo rokumusoro, sezvazvakanga zvakaitawo nechokumabvazuva. Akayera kubva pane rimwe suo kusvikira pane rakanangana naro; aiva makubhiti zana.
There was an entrance to the inner courtyard facing the north gate, just like the east gate. He measured the distance from the entrance to the gate as a hundred cubits.
24 Ipapo akanditungamirira kurutivi rwezasi ndikaona suo rakatarisa zasi. Akayera mbiru dzaro namabiravira aro, uye akanga akangoenzana namamwe pakuyera.
He took me to the south side, and I saw a gateway that faced south. He measured its posts and its porch, and they measured the same as those previously.
25 Suo nebiravira raro zvaiva namawindo maduku aipoteredza, samawindo amamwe. Rakanga rakareba makubhiti makumi mashanu uye rine upamhi huna makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu.
Both the gateway and its porch had windows all around it that were like the other windows. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
26 Zvikwiriso zvinomwe ndizvo zvaisvitsa ikoko, zvakatarisana nebiravira racho; rakanga rine miti yokushongedza yemichindwe pamadziro aionekera kurutivi rumwe norumwe.
It had seven steps leading up to it, and its porch faced them. It had one post on each side with palm tree designs on them.
27 Ruvazhe rwomukati nairwowo rwakanga rune suo rakatarisa zasi, uye akayera kubva pasuo iri kusvika kusuo rokunze kurutivi rwezasi; aiva makubhiti zana.
The inner courtyard also had an entrance facing south, and he measured the distance from the entrance to the south gate as a hundred cubits.
28 Ipapo akaenda neni kuruvazhe rwomukati achipinda napasuo rezasi, uye akayera suo rezasi; rakanga rakaenzana namamwe pakuyera.
He took me into the inner courtyard through the south gate, and he measured the south gate. It measured the same as those previously.
29 Makamuri aro, namadziro anoonekera uye namabiravira aro, akanga akaenzana namamwe pakuyera. Suo nebiravira raro zvakanga zvina mawindo akazvipoteredza. Akanga akareba makubhiti makumi mashanu noupamhi huna makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu.
Its alcoves, posts, and porch had the same measurements as those previously. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
30 Mabiravira emasuo akanga akapoteredza ruvazhe rwomukati akanga ane upamhi huna makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu uye makubhiti mashanu pakudzika.
(The other surrounding porches measured twenty-five cubits long and five cubits deep.)
31 Biravira raro rakanga rakatarisana noruvazhe rwokunze; miti yemichindwe yakanga yakashongedza mbiru dzaro, uye zvikwiriso zvisere ndizvo zvaisvitsa ikoko.
Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its pillars were decorated with palm tree designs. It had eight steps leading up to it.
32 Ipapo akandipinza muruvazhe rwomukati nechokumabvazuva, iye ndokuyera suo; rakanga rakangoenzana namamwe pakuyera.
He took me to the inner courtyard on the east side. He measured the gateway and it measured the same as those previously.
33 Makamuri aro namadziro aro aionekera nebiravira racho zvakanga zvakaenzana nezvimwe pakuyera. Suo nebiravira raro zvakanga zvina mawindo kumativi ose. Zvakanga zvakareba makubhiti makumi mashanu uye makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu paupamhi.
Its alcoves, posts, and porch measured the same as those previously. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
34 Biravira raro rakanga rakatarisana noruvazhe rwokunze; miti yemichindwe yakanga yakashongedza mbiru kumativi ose, uye zvikwiriso zvisere ndizvo zvaisvitsa ikoko.
Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its posts were decorated with palm tree designs. It had eight steps leading up to it.
35 Ipapo akaenda neni kusuo rokumusoro ndokuriyera. Rakanga rakangoenzana namamwe pakuyera,
He took me to the north gate and measured it. It measured the same as those previously,
36 sezvakanga zvakaitawo makamuri aro, namadziro aro aionekera uye biravira racho, uye rakanga rina mawindo kumativi ose. Rakanga rakareba makubhiti makumi mashanu uye makubhiti makumi maviri namashanu paupamhi.
including its alcoves, posts, and porch. The gateway and its porch had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.
37 Biravira raro rakanga rakatarisana noruvazhe rwokunze; miti yemichindwe yakanga yakashongedza mbiru kumativi ose, uye zvikwiriso zvisere ndizvo zvaisvitsa ikoko.
Its porch faced the outer courtyard, and its posts were decorated with palm tree designs on all sides. It had eight steps leading up to it.
38 Kamuri rino mukova rakanga riri pabiravira pasuo rimwe nerimwe rechomukati, kwaisukirwa zvibayiro zvinopiswa.
A room with a doorway stood beside by the porch of the inner gateways. This was where the burnt offering was washed.
39 Mubiravira rapasuo makanga muna matafura maviri pamativi ose, paiurayirwa zvibayiro zvinopiswa, zvezvivi nezvemhosva.
Inside the gateway porch were two tables on both sides, where the sacrificial animals were slaughtered for burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings.
40 Kurutivi rwokunze rworusvingo rwebiravira repasuo, pedyo nezvikwiriso zvapamukova nechokumusoro kwesuo rokumusoro kwakanga kune matafura maviri, uye kuno rumwe rutivi rwezvikwiriso kwaivawo namatafura maviri.
Outside, on the way up to the entrance of the north gateway, were two tables on one side of the gate's porch and two tables on the other side.
41 Saka kwakanga kuna matafura mana parutivi rwesuo uye mamwezve mana kuno rumwe rutivi, matafura masere munzvimbo dzose, pakanga pachiurayirwa zvibayiro.
So there were four tables on the inside the of gateway and another four outside, making a total of eight tables. This is where the sacrifices were slaughtered.
42 Kwakanga kuna mamwezve matafura mana amabwe akashongedzwa ezvibayiro zvinopiswa, rimwe nerimwe rine kubhiti rimwe nehafu paurefu, kubhiti nehafu paupamhi uye kubhiti rimwe chete pakukwirira. Pamusoro pawo pakanga pakaiswa midziyo yavaibayira nayo zvibayiro zvinopiswa nezvimwewo zvibayiro.
There were also four tables of cut stone for the burnt offering. They each measured one and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, and a cubit high. The tools used to slaughter the burnt offerings and the other sacrifices were placed on these tables.
43 Uye zvikokovono zvaiva nemhanda mbiri, chimwe nechimwe chakanga chine upamhi hwechanza chomunhu pakureba, zvakanga zvakasungirirwa pamadziro ose. Matafura akanga ari enyama yezvipiriso.
Hooks measuring the width of a hand were attached to the walls inside the room. The meat of the offering was to be placed on the tables.
44 Kunze kwesuo romukati, nechomukati moruvazhe rwomukati, makanga muna makamuri maviri, rimwe kurutivi rwesuo rokumusoro uye rakatarisa kumusoro.
Outside the inner gate but inside the inner courtyard were two rooms. One was beside the north gate and faced south; the other beside the south gate and faced north.
45 Iye akati kwandiri, “Kamuri rakatarisa zasi, nderavaprista vanochengeta temberi,
The man told me: “The room that faces south is for the priests in charge of the Temple,
46 Uye kamuri rakatarisa kumusoro nderavaprista vanochengeta aritari. Ava ndivo vana vaZadhoki, vanova ndivo vaRevhi chete vangaswedera pedyo naJehovha kuti vashumire pamberi pake.”
and the room that faces north is for the priests in charge of the altar. These priests are the descendants of Zadok and are the only Levites who are allowed to come near to the Lord and minister before him.”
47 Ipapo akayera ruvazhe: Rwakanga rwakaenzana mativi ose, makubhiti zana pakureba, uye makubhiti zana paupamhi. Uye aritari yakanga iri pamberi petemberi.
He measured the square courtyard: a hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits wide. The altar stood in the courtyard in front of the Temple.
48 Akandiendesa kubiravira retemberi ndokuyera mbiru dzebiravira, dzakanga dzina makubhiti mashanu kumativi ose. Upamhi hwesuo hwaiva makubhiti gumi namana uye madziro acho aionekera akanga ana makubhiti matatu paupamhi kumativi ose.
He took me to the Temple porch and measured the pillars of the porch as five cubits on each side. The gateway was fourteen cubits wide and its sides measured three cubits.
49 Biravira rakanga rina makubhiti makumi maviri paupamhi, uye makubhiti gumi namaviri kubva mberi kusvika shure. Ikoko kwaisvikwa nezvikwiriso, uye kwakanga kune mbiru parutivi rumwe norumwe rwedzimwe mbiru.
The porch was twenty cubits wide and twelve cubits deep, and had ten steps leading up to it. There were columns by the posts, one on both sides.