< Ezekieri 28 >

1 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 “Mwanakomana womunhu, uti kumubati weTire, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “‘Mukuzvikudza kwomwoyo wako iwe unoti, “Ini ndiri mwari; ndinogara pachigaro choushe chamwari, pakati pomwoyo wamakungwa.” Asi uri munhu zvako uye hauzi mwari, kunyange uchifunga kuti wakachenjera samwari.
And thou, son of man, say to the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord; Because thine heart has been exalted, and thou hast said, I am God, I have inhabited the dwelling of God in the heart of the sea; yet thou art man and not God, though thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God:
3 Wakachenjera kukunda Dhanieri here? Hauna chakavanzika chausingazivi here?
art thou wiser than Daniel? or have not the wise instructed thee with their knowledge?
4 Wakazviwanira pfuma nouchenjeri hwako nokunzwisisa kwako, uye wakazviunganidzira goridhe nesirivha muzvivigiro zvepfuma yako.
Hast thou gained power for thyself by thine [own] knowledge or thine [own] prudence, and [gotten] gold and silver in thy treasures?
5 Wakawanza pfuma yako nouchenjeri hwako hwokutengesa, uye nokuda kwepfuma yako mwoyo wako wakazvikudza.
By thy abundant knowledge and thy traffic thou hast multiplied thy power; thy heart has been lifted up by thy power.
6 “‘Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “‘Nokuti unofunga kuti wakangwara, sokungwara kwamwari,
Therefore thus saith the Lord; Since thou hast set thine heart as the hart of God;
7 ndava kuzouyisa vatorwa kuti vazokurwisa, rudzi rwakaipisisa pakati pendudzi dzose, vachavhomora minondo yavo kuti varwise kunaka nokuchenjera kwako, vagosvibisa kupenya kwokubwinya kwako.
because of this, behold, I [will] bring on thee strange plagues from the nations; and they shall draw their swords against thee, and against the beauty of thy knowledge,
8 Vachakuburutsira kugomba, uye uchafa rufu runorwadza pakati pomwoyo wamakungwa.
and they shall bring down thy beauty to destruction. And they shall bring thee down; and thou shalt die the death of the slain in the heart of the sea.
9 Ipapo uchati here, “Ndiri mwari,” pamberi pavanokuuraya? Uchava munhu chete, kwete mwari, mumaoko aivo vanokuuraya.
Wilt thou indeed say, I am God, before them that slay thee? whereas thou art man, and not God.
10 Uchafa rufu rwomunhu asina kudzingiswa pamaoko avatorwa. Ndazvitaura, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.’”
Thou shalt perish by the hands of strangers among the multitude of the uncircumcised: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord.
11 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
12 “Mwanakomana womunhu, chemera mambo weTire ugoti kwaari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “‘Wakanga uri muenzaniso wokukwana, uzere nouchenjeri wakakwana parunako.
Son of man, take up a lamentation for the prince of Tyre, and say to him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou art a seal of resemblance, and crown of beauty.
13 Wakanga uri muEdheni, bindu raMwari; wakashongedzwa namatombo ose anokosha anoti: rubhi, tapazi neemeradhi, krisorite, onikisi, jasipa, safuri, turikoise nebheriri. Urongwa nezvitsigiro zvako zvakanga zvakagadzirwa negoridhe; zvakagadzirwa pazuva rokusikwa kwako.
Thou wast in the delight of the paradise of God; thou hast bound upon thee every precious stone, the sardius, and topaz, and emerald, and carbuncle, and sapphire, and jasper, and silver, and gold, and ligure, and agate, and amethyst, and chrysolite, and beryl, and onyx: and thou hast filled thy treasures and thy stores in thee with gold.
14 Wakazodzwa sekerubhi rinorinda, nokuti ndiko kugadza kwandakakuita. Wakanga uri pamusoro pegomo dzvene raMwari; wakanga uchifamba pakati pamabwe omoto.
From the day that thou wast created thou [wast] with the cherub: I set thee on the holy mount of God; thou wast in the midst of the stones of fire.
15 Wakanga usina chaungapomerwa panzira dzako, kubva pazuva rawakasikwa kusvikira kuipa pakwazowanikwa mauri.
Thou wast faultless in thy days, from the day that thou wast created, until iniquity was found in thee.
16 Nokuwanda kwokushambadzira kwako wakabva wazara nechisimba, ndokubva watadza. Saka ndakakudzinga mukunyadziswa kubva pagomo raMwari, uye ndakakudzinga, iwe kerubhi rokurinda, kuti ubve pakati pamabwe omoto.
Of the abundance of thy merchandise thou hast filled thy storehouses with iniquity, and hast sinned: therefore thou hast been cast down wounded from the mount of God, and the cherub has brought thee out of the midst of the stones of fire.
17 Mwoyo wako wakazvikudza nokuda kworunako rwako, uye wakaodza uchenjeri hwako nokuda kwokubwinya kwako. Saka ndakakukanda panyika; ndakakuita chinhu chinosekwa pamberi pamadzimambo.
Thy heart has been lifted up because of thy beauty; thy knowledge has been corrupted with thy beauty: because of the multitude of thy sins I have cast thee to the ground, I have caused thee to be put to open shame before kings.
18 Nokuda kwokuwanda kwezvivi zvako, uye nokubiridzira kwako mukushambadzira, wakazvidza nzvimbo dzako tsvene. Saka ndakaita kuti moto ubude kubva mauri, ukakuparadza, uye ndakakupisa kusvikira wava madota panyika, pamberi pavose vaikuona.
Because of the multitude of thy sins and the iniquities of thy merchandise, I have profaned thy sacred things; and I will bring fire out of the midst of thee, this shall devour thee; and I will make thee [to be] ashes upon thy land before all that see thee.
19 Ndudzi dzose dzaikuziva dzinoshamiswa newe; wasvika pamagumo akaipisisa uye hauchazovapozve.’”
And all that know thee among the nations shall groan over thee: thou art gone to destruction, and thou shalt not exist any more.
20 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
21 “Mwanakomana womunhu, rinzira chiso chako pamusoro peSidhoni; uprofite pamusoro paro,
Son of man, set thy face against Sidon, and prophesy against it,
22 uti, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: “‘Ndine mhaka newe, iwe Sidhoni, uye ndichazviwanira kukudzwa mukati mako. Vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha, pandichariranga ndigozviratidza mariri kuti ndiri mutsvene.
and say, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee, O Sidon; and I will be glorified in thee; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord, when I have wrought judgments in thee, and I will be sanctified in thee.
23 Ndichatuma denda pamusoro paro ndigoita kuti ropa riyerere munzira dzaro. Vakaurayiwa vachawa mariri, nomunondo uchirirwisa kumativi ose. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
Blood and death [shall be] in thy streets; and [men] wounded with swords shall fall in thee and on every side of thee; and they shall know that I am the Lord.
24 “‘Vanhu veIsraeri havachazovizve navavakidzani vanovagodora vachivarwadzisa sorukato runopinza. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Ishe Jehovha.
And there shall no more be in the house of Israel a thorn of bitterness and a pricking briar proceeding from them that are round about them, who dishonoured them; and they shall know that I am the Lord.
25 “‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Pandinounganidza vanhu veIsraeri kubva kundudzi kwavakanga vakaparadzirwa, ndichazviratidza kuti ndiri mutsvene pakati pavo pamberi pendudzi. Ipapo vachagara munyika yavo pachavo, yandakapa muranda wangu Jakobho.
Thus saith the Lord God; I will also gather Israel from the nations, among whom they have been scattered, and I will be sanctified among them, and before the peoples and nations: and they shall dwell upon their land, which I gave to my servant Jacob.
26 Vachagaramo norugare uye vachavaka dzimba nokusima minda yemizambiringa; vachagara norugare pandicharanga vavakidzani vavo vose vanovagodora. Ipapo vachaziva kuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wavo.’”
Yea, they shall dwell upon it safely, and they shall build houses, and plant vineyards, and dwell securely, when I shall execute judgment on all that have dishonoured them, [even] on those [that are] round about them; and they shall know that I am the Lord their God, and the God of their fathers.

< Ezekieri 28 >