< Ezekieri 21 >

1 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
2 “Mwanakomana womunhu, rinzira chiso chako kuJerusarema uparidze pamusoro penzvimbo tsvene. Profita pamusoro penyika yeIsraeri,
"Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuaries, and prophesy against the land of Israel;
3 uti kwairi, ‘Zvanzi naJehovha: Ndiri kuzokurwisa. Ndichavhomora munondo wangu kubva mumuhara wawo ndigouraya pakati penyu vose vakarurama nevakaipa.
and tell the land of Israel, 'Thus says the LORD: "Look, I am against you, and will draw forth my sword out of its sheath, and will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked.
4 Nokuti ndichaparadza vakarurama nevakaipa, munondo wangu uchabuda mumuhara kundorwa navose kubva kurutivi rwezasi kusvikira kurutivi rwokumusoro.
Seeing then that I will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of its sheath against all flesh from the Negev to the north:
5 Ipapo vanhu vose vachaziva kuti ini Jehovha ndavhomora munondo wangu kubva mumuhara wawo; hauchazodzokerimozve.’
and all flesh shall know that I, the LORD, have drawn forth my sword out of its sheath; it shall not return any more."'
6 “Naizvozvo, gomera, mwanakomana womunhu! Gomera pamberi pavo nomwoyo wakapwanyika uye nokuchema neshungu.
"Sigh therefore, you son of man; with the breaking of your thighs and with bitterness you will sigh before their eyes.
7 Zvino pavanokubvunza vachiti, ‘Unogomereiko?’ iwe uchati kwavari, ‘Nemhaka yamashoko ari kuuya. Mwoyo mumwe nomumwe uchanyauka uye ruoko rumwe norumwe rucharemara, mweya mumwe nomumwe uchaziya uye ibvi rimwe nerimwe richarukutika semvura.’ Zviri kuuya! Zvirokwazvo zvichaitika, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.”
It shall be, when they tell you, 'Why do you sigh?' that you shall say, 'Because of the news, for it comes; and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: look, it comes, and it shall be done, says the LORD.'"
8 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
9 “Mwanakomana womunhu, profita uti, ‘Zvanzi naJehovha: “‘Munondo, munondo, wakarodzwa uye wakapukutwa,
"Son of man, prophesy, and say, 'Thus says the LORD: Say, "A sword, a sword, it is sharpened, and also furbished;
10 wakarodzerwa kuuraya, wakapukutirwa kuti upenye semheni! “‘Tichazofara here netsvimbo youshe yomwanakomana wangu Judha? Munondo unozvidza zvimiti zvose zvakadai.
it is sharpened that it may make a slaughter; it is furbished that it may be as lightning: shall we then make mirth? The rod of my son, it condemns every tree.
11 “‘Munondo wakagadzirirwa kuti upukutwe, kuti ubatwe noruoko; wakarodzwa uye wakapukutwa, wakagadzirirwa kuiswa muruoko rwomuurayi.
It is given to be furbished, that it may be handled: the sword, it is sharpened, yes, it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the killer."'
12 Chema uungudze, mwanakomana womunhu, nokuti unorwa navanhu vangu; unorwa namachinda ose aIsraeri. Vakakandwa kumunondo, pamwe chete navanhu vangu. Naizvozvo uzvirove chipfuva.
Cry and wail, son of man; for it is on my people, it is on all the princes of Israel: they are delivered over to the sword with my people; strike therefore on your thigh.
13 “‘Kuedzwa kuchauya zvirokwazvo. Ko, kana tsvimbo youshe yaJudha, iyo inozvidzwa nomunondo, ikasaenderera mberi chii chinoitika? ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.’
For there is a trial; and what if even the rod that condemns shall be no more?" says the LORD.
14 “Saka zvino, mwanakomana womunhu, profita uye urovanise maoko ako pamwe chete. Rega munondo ubaye kaviri, kunyange katatu. Ndiwo munondo wokuuraya, iwo munondo wokuuraya kukuru, uri kuuya kwavari kubva kumativi ose.
"You therefore, son of man, prophesy, and strike your hands together; and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the deadly wounded: it is the sword of the great one who is deadly wounded, which enters into their rooms.
15 Kuti mwoyo inyungudike uye vanowa vawande, munondo ndakauyisa pamasuo avo ose kuti uuraye. Haiwa, wakagadzirirwa kuti upenye semheni, wakabatwa kuti uuraye.
I have set the threatening sword against all their gates, that their heart may melt, and their stumblings be multiplied: Ah. It is made as lightning, it is pointed for slaughter.
16 Haiwa, iwe munondo, cheka kurudyi, ugochekawo kuruboshwe, kwose kunorerekera munondo wako.
'Gather yourselves together, go to the right, set yourselves in array, go to the left, wherever your face is set.'
17 Neniwo ndicharova maoko angu pamwe chete, uye hasha dzangu dzichaserera. Ini Jehovha ndazvitaura.”
I will also strike my hands together, and I will cause my wrath to rest: I, the LORD, have spoken it."
18 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti:
The word of the LORD came to me again, saying,
19 “Mwanakomana womunhu, tara migwagwa miviri yomunondo wamambo weBhabhironi yaachafamba nayo, yose iri miviri ichitangira munyika imwe chete. Uite chikwangwari panoparadzana mugwagwa uchipinda muguta.
"Also, you son of man, appoint two ways that the sword of the king of Babylon may come; they both shall come forth out of one land: and mark out a place, mark it out at the head of the way to the city.
20 Utare mugwagwa mumwe chete womunondo unouya kuzorwa neRabha ravaAmoni uye mumwe uchizorwa neJudha neJerusarema rakakomberedzwa.
You shall appoint a way for the sword to come to Rabbah of the people of Ammon, and to Judah in Jerusalem, the fortified.
21 Nokuti mambo weBhabhironi achamira pamharadzano dzemugwagwa, pamharadzano dzemigwagwa miviri, kuti aite zvokuvuka: Achakanda mijenya nemiseve, achabvunza zvifananidzo zvake, achaongorora chiropa.
For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he shook the arrows back and forth, he consulted the teraphim, he looked in the liver.
22 Muruoko rwake rworudyi muchava nomujenya weJerusarema, paachamisa zvokuparadza nazvo masvingo, kuti arayire zvokuuraya, adanidzire zvehondo, amise zvokuparadza nazvo masuo, vavake mirwi yokurwisa nokukomba guta.
In his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to set battering rams, to open the mouth in the slaughter, to lift up the voice with shouting, to set battering rams against the gates, to cast up mounds, to build forts.
23 Zvichange zvakaita sokuvuka kuna vaya vakange vapikira kumuteerera, asi iye achavarangaridza nezvemhosva yavo agovatora kuti avaite nhapwa.
It shall be to them as a false divination in their sight, who have sworn oaths to them; but he brings iniquity to memory, that they may be taken.
24 “Naizvozvo zvanzi naJehovha, ‘Nemhaka yokuti imi vanhu makandiyeuchidza mhosva yenyu nokundimukira pachena, muchiratidza pachena zvivi zvenyu pazvinhu zvose zvamunoita, nokuda kwokuti makaita izvi, muchaitwa nhapwa.
"Therefore thus says the LORD: 'Because you have made your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are uncovered, so that in all your doings your sins appear; because you have come to memory, you shall be taken with the hand.
25 “‘Haiwa, iwe muchinda waIsraeri akaipa uye anozvidza, ane zuva rasvika, ane nguva yokurangwa kwake yasvika pakupedzisira,
"'You, deadly wounded wicked one, the prince of Israel, whose day has come, in the time of the iniquity of the end,
26 zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Bvisai nguwani youprista, bvisai korona. Hazvichazorambi zviri sezvazvaiva: vanozvidzwa vachasimudzirwa uye vanokudzwa vachaninipiswa.
thus says the LORD: "Remove the turban, and take off the crown; this shall be no more the same; exalt that which is low, and abase that which is high."
27 Dongo! Dongo! Ndichariita dongo! Harichazovandudzwazve kusvikira mwene waro auya; ndiye wandichapa.’
I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: this also shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.'
28 “Uye iwe, mwanakomana womunhu, profita uti, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha pamusoro pavaAmoni nokutuka kwavo: “‘Munondo, munondo, wavhomorwa kuti uuraye, wapukutwa kuti uparadze uye kuti upenye semheni!
"You, son of man, prophesy, and say, 'Thus says the LORD concerning the people of Ammon, and concerning their reproach; and say, "A sword, a sword is drawn, for the slaughter it is furbished, to cause it to devour, that it may be as lightning;
29 Kunyange vakaona zviratidzo zvenhema pamusoro pako, vakavuka zvenhema pamusoro pako, zvichaiswa pamitsipa yavakaipa vachazourayiwa, vane zuva ravo rasvika, ivo vane nguva yokurangwa yasvika pokupedzisira.
while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies to you, to lay you on the necks of the wicked who are deadly wounded, whose day has come in the time of the iniquity of the end.
30 Chidzosera munondo mumuhara wawo. Panzvimbo yawakasikwa uri, munyika yamadzitateguru ako, ndipo pandichakutongera.
Cause it to return into its sheath. In the place where you were created, in the land of your birth, will I judge you.
31 Ndichadurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pako, uye ndigofemera kutsamwa kwangu kunotyisa pamusoro pako; ndichakuisa kuvanhu vane utsinye, vanhu vanoziva kuparadza.
I will pour out my indignation on you; I will blow on you with the fire of my wrath; and I will deliver you into the hand of brutish men, skillful to destroy.
32 Uchava huni dzomoto, ropa rako richateurwa munyika yako, hauchazorangarirwazve; nokuti ini Jehovha ndazvitaura.’”
You shall be for fuel to the fire; your blood shall be in the midst of the land; you shall be remembered no more: for I, the LORD, have spoken it."'"

< Ezekieri 21 >