< Ezekieri 20 >

1 Mugore rechinomwe, nomwedzi wechishanu pazuva regumi, vamwe vavakuru vavaIsraeri vakauya kuzobvunza Jehovha, vakagara pasi pamberi pangu.
And in the seuenth yeere, in the fift moneth, the tenth day of the moneth, came certaine of the elders of Israel to enquire of the Lord, and sate before me.
2 Ipapo shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
Then came the worde of the Lord vnto me, saying,
3 “Mwanakomana womunhu, taura kuvakuru veIsraeri uti kwavari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Mauya kuzondibvunza ini here? Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, handisi kuzobvuma kuti mundibvunze imi, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.’
Sonne of man, speake vnto the Elders of Israel, and say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, Are ye come to enquire of me? as I liue, sayth the Lord God, when I am asked, I wil not answer you.
4 “Ungavatonga here? Ungavatonga here, iwe mwanakomana womunhu? Zvino chivazivisa mabasa anonyangadza amadzibaba avo,
Wilt thou iudge them, sonne of man? wilt thou iudge them? cause them to vnderstand the abominations of their fathers,
5 uti kwavari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Pazuva randakasarudza Israeri, ndakapika ndakasimudzira ruoko kuzvizvarwa zveimba yaJakobho ndikazviratidza kwavari muIjipiti. Ndakasimudza ruoko rwangu, ndikati kwavari, “Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.”
And say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, In the day when I chose Israel, and lift vp mine hand vnto the seede of the house of Iaakob, and made my selfe knowen vnto them in the land of Egypt, when I lift vp mine hand vnto them, and sayd, I am the Lord your God,
6 Pazuva iro ndakapika kwavari kuti ndichavabudisa kubva munyika yeIjipiti ndigovapinza munyika yandakavatsvakira, nyika inoyerera mukaka nouchi, nyika yakanakisisa panyika dzose.
In the day that I lift vp mine hand vnto them to bring them forth of the land of Egypt, into a land that I had prouided for them, flowing with milke and hony which is pleasant among all lands,
7 Uye ndakati kwavari, “Mumwe nomumwe wenyu ngaarase zviumbwa zvenyu zvinonyangadza zvamakaringira kwazviri, uye murege kuzvisvibisa nezvifananidzo zveIjipiti. Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.”
Then sayd I vnto them, Let euery man cast away the abominations of his eyes, and defile not your selues with the idols of Egypt: for I am the Lord your God.
8 “‘Asi vakandimukira vakasada kunditeerera; havana kuda kurasa zvifananidzo zvavairingira kwazviri nameso avo, kana kusiya zvifananidzo zveIjipiti. Saka ndakati ndichadurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pavo ndigopedzera kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pavo muIjipiti.
But they rebelled against me, and would not heare me: for none cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idoles of Egypt: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them, and to accomplish my wrath against them in the mids of the land of Egypt.
9 Asi nokuda kwezita rangu, ndakaita zvaichengetedza zita rangu kuti rirege kusvibiswa pamberi pendudzi idzo dzamaigara pakati padzo uye avo vandakanga ndazviratidza pamberi pavo kuvaIsraeri nokuvabudisa kubva muIjipiti.
But I had respect to my Name, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, among whome they were, and in whose sight I made my selfe knowen vnto them in bringing them forth of the land of Egypt.
10 Naizvozvo ndakavabudisa kubva muIjipiti ndikaenda navo kugwenga.
Nowe I caried them out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wildernes.
11 Ndakavapa mitemo yangu ndikavazivisa mirayiro yangu, nokuti munhu achaiteerera achararama nayo.
And I gaue them my statutes, and declared my iudgements vnto them, which if a man doe, he shall liue in them.
12 Uyezve ndakavapa maSabata angu sechiratidzo pakati pedu, kuti vagoziva kuti ini Jehovha ndini ndakavaita vatsvene.
Moreouer I gaue them also my Sabbaths to be a signe betweene me and them, that they might knowe that I am the Lord, that sanctifie them.
13 “‘Asi vanhu veIsraeri vakandimukira mugwenga. Havana kutevera mitemo yangu asi vakaramba mirayiro yangu, kunyange zvazvo munhu anoiteerera achizorarama nayo, uye vakazvidza chose maSabata angu. Saka ndakati kwavari ndichadurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pavo ndigovaparadza mugwenga.
But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wildernes: they walked not in my statutes, and they cast away my iudgements, which if a man doe, he shall liue in them, and my Sabbaths haue they greatly polluted: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them in the wildernes to consume them,
14 Asi nokuda kwezita rangu ndakaita zvaichengetedza zita rangu kuti rirege kusvibiswa pamberi pendudzi idzo dzandakavabudisa kubva madziri pamberi padzo.
But I had respect to my Name, that it shoulde not bee polluted before the heathen in whose sight I brought them out.
15 Uyezve ndakavapikira mugwenga noruoko rwakasimudzwa ndichiti handizovaisi munyika yandakavapa, nyika inoyerera mukaka nouchi, nyika yakanakisisa panyika dzose,
Yet neuerthelesse, I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes that I would not bring them into the lande, which I had giuen them, flowing with milke and hony, which was pleasant aboue all landes,
16 nokuti vakaramba mirayiro yangu uye havana kutevera mitemo yangu, vakasvibisa maSabata angu. Nokuti mwoyo yavo yakanga yakazvipira kuzvifananidzo zvavo.
Because they cast away my iudgments, and walked not in my statutes, but haue polluted my Sabbaths: for their heart went after their idoles.
17 Kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, ndakavatarisa ndikavanzwira tsitsi ndikasavaparadza kana kuvapedza chose mugwenga.
Neuerthelesse, mine eye spared them, that I would not destroye them, neither would I consume them in the wildernes.
18 Ndakati kuvana vavo mugwenga, “Regai kutevera mitemo yamadzibaba enyu kana kuchengeta mirayiro yavo kana kuzvisvibisa nezvifananidzo zvavo.
But I said vnto their children in the wildernes, Walke ye not in the ordinances of your fathers, neither obserue their maners, nor defile your selues with their idoles.
19 Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu; teverai mitemo yangu uye muchenjerere kuchengeta mirayiro yangu.
I am the Lord your God: walke in my statutes, and keepe my iudgements and doe them,
20 Chengetai maSabata angu ave matsvene, kuti ave chiratidzo pakati pedu. Ipapo muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.”
And sanctifie my Sabbaths, and they shall bee a signe betweene mee and you, that ye may knowe that I am the Lord your God.
21 “‘Asi vana vakandimukira: havana kutevera mitemo yangu, vakanga vasina kuchenjerera kuchengeta mirayiro yangu, kunyange zvazvo munhu anoiteerera achizorarama nayo, uye vakasvibisa maSabata angu. Saka ndakati ndichadurura hasha dzangu pamusoro pavo uye ndigopedzera kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro pavo mugwenga.
Notwithstanding the children rebelled against mee: they walked not in my statutes, nor kept my iudgements to doe them, which if a man doe, hee shall liue in them, but they polluted my Sabbaths: then I thought to powre out mine indignation vpon them, and to accomplish my wrath against them in the wildernes.
22 Asi ndakadzora ruoko rwangu, uye nokuda kwezita rangu ndakaita zvairichengetedza kuti rirege kusvibiswa pamberi pendudzi dzandakavabudisa pamberi padzo.
Neuerthelesse I withdrew mine hand and had respect to my Name that it should not be polluted before the heathen, in whose sight I brought them foorth.
23 Uyezve, ndakasimudza ruoko, ndikapika mugwenga kuti ndichavaparadzira pakati pendudzi uye ndigovadzingira kune dzimwe nyika,
Yet I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and disperse them through the countreys,
24 nokuti vakanga vasina kuteerera mirayiro yangu asi vakanga varamba mitemo yangu uye vakasvibisa maSabata angu, uye meso avo akachiva zvifananidzo zvamadzibaba avo.
Because they had not executed my iudgements, but had cast away my statutes and had polluted my Sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers idoles.
25 Ndakavapawo mitemo yakanga isina kunaka uye nemirayiro yavakanga vasingagoni kurarama nayo,
Wherefore I gaue them also statutes that were not good, and iudgements, wherein they should not liue.
26 ndakaita kuti vasvibiswe nezvipo zvavo, zvibayiro zvamatangwe ose, kuti ndivazadze nokutya kukuru kuti vagoziva kuti ndini Jehovha.’
And I polluted them in their owne giftes in that they caused to passe by the fire all that first openeth ye wombe, that I might destroy them, to the ende, that they might know that I am ye Lord.
27 “Naizvozvo, mwanakomana womunhu, taura kuvanhu veIsraeri uti kwavari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Muna izvozviwo madzibaba enyu akandimhura nokundisiya:
Therefore, sonne of man, speake vnto the house of Israel, and say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, Yet in this your fathers haue blasphemed me, though they had before grieuously transgressed against me.
28 Pandakavauyisa munyika yandakanga ndapika kuti ndichavapa uye vakaona chikomo chipi zvacho chakakwirira kana muti upi zvawo una mashizha, vakabayira zvibayiro zvavo ipapo, vakapa zvipiriso zvakanditsamwisa, vachipa zvinonhuhwira zvavo uye vakadurura zvipiriso zvavo zvinonwiwa ipapo.
For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hand to giue it to them, then they saw euery hie hill, and all the thicke trees, and they offred there their sacrifices, and there they presented their offering of prouocation: there also they made their sweete sauour, and powred out there their drinke offerings.
29 Ipapo ndakati kwavari: Ko, nzvimbo iyi yakakwirira yamunoenda kwairi ndeyei?’” (Zita rayo inonzi Bhama kusvikira zuva ranhasi.)
Then I saide vnto them, What is the hie place whereunto ye goe? And the name thereof was called Bamah vnto this day.
30 “Naizvozvo uti kuimba yaIsraeri, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Muchazvisvibisa sezvakaita madzibaba enyu here nokuchiva zvifananidzo zvavo zvinonyangadza?
Wherefore, say vnto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, Are ye not polluted after the maner of your fathers? and commit ye not whoredome after their abominations?
31 Pamunopa zvipo zvenyu, zvibayiro zvavanakomana venyu mumoto, munoramba muchizvisvibisa nezvifananidzo zvenyu kusvikira nhasi. Ini ndingatenda kubvunzwa nemi here imi imba yaIsraeri? Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, handizombokutenderei kuti mundibvunze.
For when you offer your giftes, and make your sonnes to passe through the fire, you pollute your selues with all your idoles vnto this day: shall I answere you when I am asked, O house of Israel? As I liue, saith the Lord God, I wil not answere you when I am asked.
32 “‘Imi munoti, “Tinoda kufanana nendudzi, savanhu vedzimwe nyika, vanoshumira matanda namatombo.” Asi zviri mundangariro dzenyu hazvimboitiki.
Neither shall that be done that commeth into your minde: for ye say, We wil be as the heathen, and as the families of the countreys, and serue wood, and stone.
33 Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, ndichakutongai nechanza chine simba, noruoko rwakatambanudzwa uye nehasha dzakadururwa.
As I liue, saith the Lord God, I will surely rule you with a mightie hand, and with a stretched out arme, and in my wrath powred out,
34 Ndichakudzosai kubva kundudzi ndigokuunganidzai kubva kunyika dzamakanga makaparadzirwa kwadziri, nechanza chine simba uye noruoko rwakatambanudzwa uye nehasha dzakadururwa.
And will bring you from the people, and will gather you out of the countreys, wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arme, and in my wrath powred out,
35 Ndichakuyisai kurenje rendudzi ndigokutongai ikoko takatarisana chiso nechiso.
And I will bring you into the wildernes of the people, and there wil I pleade with you face to face.
36 Sokutonga kwandakaita madzibaba enyu mugwenga renyika yeIjipiti, saizvozvo ndichakutongai imi, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wildernes of the lande of Egypt, so will I pleade with you, saith the Lord God.
37 Ndichakuverengai pamunopfuura napasi petsvimbo yangu, uye ndichakuisai muchisungo chesungano.
And I wil cause you to passe vnder the rod, and wil bring you into the bond of the couenant.
38 Ndichakubvisa pakati penyu vaya vanondipandukira navaya vanondimukira. Kunyange hazvo ndichizovabudisa munyika yavagere, asi havangapindi munyika yeIsraeri. Ipapo muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
And I wil chuse out from among you the rebels, and them that transgresse against mee: I will bring them out of the land where they dwel, and they shall not enter into the lande of Israel, and you shall knowe that I am the Lord.
39 “‘Asi kana murimi, iyemi imba yaIsraeri, zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Endai mundoshumira zvifananidzo zvenyu, mumwe nomumwe wenyu! Asi shure kwaizvozvo zvirokwazvo muchanditeerera uye hamungazosvibisizve zita rangu dzvene nezvipo zvenyu nezvifananidzo zvenyu.
As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God, Goe you, and serue euery one his idole, seeing that ye will not obey me, and pollute mine holy Name no more with your giftes and with your idoles.
40 Nokuti pagomo rangu dzvene, iro gomo refu raIsraeri, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, munyika imomo imba yose yaIsraeri ichashumira ipapo, uye ndichavagamuchira ipapo. Ndipo pandichada zvipiriso zvenyu nezvipo zvenyu zvokuzvisarudzira pamwe chete nezvibayiro zvenyu zvitsvene.
For in mine holy mountaine, euen in the hie mountaine of Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the house of Israel, and all in the lande, serue me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offrings and the first fruites of your oblations, with all your holy things.
41 Ndichakugamuchirai somunhuwi unonhuhwira pandichakubudisai kubva kundudzi nokukuunganidzai muchibva kunyika dzamakanga makaparadzirwa kwadziri uye ndichazviratidza kuti ndiri mutsvene kwamuri pamberi pendudzi.
I will accept your sweete sauour, when I bring you from the people, and gather you out of the countreys, wherein ye haue bene scattered, that I may be sanctified in you before ye heathen.
42 Ipapo muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha, kana ndakuisai munyika yeIsraeri, nyika yandakapikira kupa madzibaba enyu noruoko rwakasimudzwa.
And ye shall knowe, that I am the Lord, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hande to giue it to your fathers.
43 Mucharangarira mafambiro enyu ikoko nezviito zvose zvamakazvisvibisa nazvo uye muchazvisema pachenyu nokuda kwezvakaipa zvose zvamakaita.
And there shall ye remember your wayes, and all your workes, wherein ye haue bene defiled, and ye shall iudge your selues worthy to be cut off, for all your euils, that ye haue committed.
44 Muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha, pandichakuitirai izvozvo nokuda kwezita rangu kwete nokuda kwenzira dzenyu dzakaipa nezvakaora zvamakaita imi imba yaIsraeri, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.’”
And ye shall knowe, that I am the Lord, when I haue respect vnto you for my Names sake, and not after your wicked wayes, nor according to your corrupt workes, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God.
45 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
Moreouer, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
46 “Mwanakomana womunhu, rinzira chiso chako kurutivi rwezasi; uparidze pamusoro porutivi rwezasi uye uprofite pamusoro pesango renyika yezasi.
Sonne of man, set thy face toward the way of Teman, and drop thy word toward the South, and prophecie towarde the forest of the fielde of the South,
47 Uti kusango rezasi, ‘Inzwa shoko raJehovha. Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Ndava pedyo nokukupisa nomoto, uye uchaparadza miti yako yose, zvose minyoro neyakaoma. Kuririma kwomurazvo hakungadzimwi, uye zviso zvose kubva kurutivi rwezasi kusvikira kurutivi rwokumusoro zvichapiswa nawo.
And say to the forest of the South, Heare the worde of the Lord: thus saith the Lord God, Beholde, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall deuoure all the greene wood in thee, and all the drie wood: the continuall flame shall not bee quenched, and euery face from the South to the North shall be burnt therein.
48 Mumwe nomumwe achaona kuti ini Jehovha ndini ndaubatidza; haungadzimwi.’”
And all flesh shall see, that I the Lord haue kindled it, and it shall not bee quenched.
49 Ipapo ndakati, “Haiwa, Ishe Jehovha! Vanoti pamusoro pangu, ‘Ko, haasi kungotaura mifananidzo here?’”
Then saide I, Ah Lord God, they say of me, Doeth not he speake parables?

< Ezekieri 20 >