< Ezekieri 16 >
1 Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
2 “Mwanakomana womunhu, tsiura Jerusarema pamwe chete nezvinyangadzo zvaro
“You human, cause the people of Jerusalem to think about their detestable behavior.
3 uti, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha kuJerusarema: Madzitateguru ako nokwaakaberekerwa ndiko kunyika yeKenani; baba vako vakanga vari muAmori uye mai vako vakanga vari muHiti.
Say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says to you people of Jerusalem: [It is as though you are a woman who] [MET] was born in the country where the Canaan people-group lived. [It is as though] [MET] your father belonged to the Amor people-group and your mother belonged to the Heth people-group.
4 Pazuva rawakaberekwa rukuvhute rwako haruna kugurwa, uye hauna kushambidzwa nemvura kuti uchene, uye hauna kutongokwizwa nomunyu kana kuputirwa mumucheka.
[It is as though] [MET] on the day that you were born, your umbilical cord was not cut, and your body was not washed in water, and it was not rubbed with salt or wrapped in strips of cloth, [like Israeli babies always are].
5 Hakuna munhu akakunzwira tsitsi kana kuva nengoni newe kuti akuitire chinhu chimwe chezvinhu izvi. Asi, wakarasirwa kusango, nokuti musi wawakaberekwa iwe wakashorwa.
No one pitied you or acted kindly toward you by doing those things for you. Instead, [it was as though] [MET] you were thrown into a field, because on the day that you were born, you were despised {everyone despised you}.
6 “‘Ipapo ndakapfuura napo ndikakuona uchipfakanyika uri muropa rako, uye pawakanga uvete ipapo uri muropa rako, ndakati kwauri, “Rarama!”
Then [it was as though] [MET] I passed by and saw you lying in your own blood and kicking. And while you lay there kicking in your own blood, I said to you, “I want you to remain alive!”
7 Ndakakuita kuti ukure somuti wesango. Wakakura ukanyatsoumbika ukava ukomba hwakaisvonaka. Mazamu ako akakura nebvudzi rako rikakura, iyewe wakanga wakashama usina chinhu.
[It was as though] I caused you to grow up, like plants in the field grow; you grew up and became tall and became like [MET] a very beautiful jewel. [It was as though] [MET] your breasts (formed/became large), and your hair became long, although you were still naked [DOU].
8 “‘Shure kwaizvozvo, ndakapfuura nepauri, uye pandakatarira pauri ndakaona kuti wakanga wakura pane zvorudo, ndikawarira rutivi rwenguo yangu pamusoro pako ndokukufukidza pakushama kwako. Ndakakupikira ndikaita sungano newe, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, iwe ukava wangu.
When I saw you several years later, [it was as though] [MET] I saw that you were old enough to have sex [EUP]. So [it was as though] [MET] I spread the corner of my robe over [to symbolize that I would marry you], with the result that you were no longer naked. I solemnly promised [that I would marry you] and made a marriage agreement with you, and you became my wife. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say.
9 “‘Ndakakushambidza nemvura uye ndikakugeza kubvisa ropa rako, ndokukuzodza mafuta.
[And then it was as though] [MET] I bathed you and washed the blood from you and put ointment on your body.
10 Ndakakufukidza nezvakarukwa zvakanaka ndikakupfekedza shangu dzamatehwe.
[It was as though] [MET] I put a fine linen robe on you and gave you other expensive clothes. I put an embroidered dress on you and put leather sandals on your feet.
11 Ndakakufukidza nomucheka wakaisvonaka ndikakufukidza mucheka uno murango unokosha. Ndakakushongedza noukomba: ndikaisa zvishongo zvomumaoko nouketani pamutsipa wako,
[It was as though] [MET] I put bracelets on your arms and a necklace around your neck. Those things all had nice jewels fastened to them.
12 uye ndakaisa mhete pamhuno yako, nemhete panzeve dzako uye nekorona yakanaka pamusoro wako.
I put a gold ring in your nose and fastened earrings to your ears and put a beautiful crown on your head.
13 Saka wakashongedzwa negoridhe nesirivha; nguo dzako dzaiva dzomucheka wakaisvonaka uye mucheka womutengo mukuru nomucheka wakarukwa. Zvokudya zvako zvaiva zvoupfu hwakatsetseka, nouchi namafuta omuorivhi. Wakabva wanaka chose ukasimukira kusvikira wava mambokadzi.
So [it was as though] you wore gold and silver ornaments. You had clothes made from fine (linen/white cloth) and other expensive embroidered material/cloth. You ate [bread made from] fine flour, honey, and olive oil. You became very beautiful, like [MET] a queen.
14 Mukurumbira wokunaka kwako wakapararira pakati pendudzi, nokuti kubwinya kwandakaisa pamusoro pako kwakaita kuti kunaka kwako kuve kwangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
You were very beautiful, with the result that people in other nations heard about you, because they knew that I, Yahweh the Lord, am the one who had caused you to become very beautiful.
15 “‘Asi iwe wakavimba norunako rwako ukashandisa mbiri yako kuti uve chifeve. Wakazadza munhu wose akapfuura napauri noufeve uye nokuda kworunako rwako ukava wake.
But [it was as though] [MET] you realized that because people knew that you were very beautiful, you could [earn a lot of money by] becoming a prostitute. [It was as though] you had sex with [EUP] every man who came along, and they all enjoyed your beauty.
16 Wakatora dzimwe nhumbi dzako ukashongedza nzvimbo dzakakwirira, kwawakaramba uchiitira ufeve hwako. Zvinhu zvakadaro hazvifaniri kuitika uye hazvifaniri kutomboitwa.
[It was as though] you took some of your clothes to make beautifully decorated shrines, and that is where you had sex with those men. Those things should certainly never occur!
17 Wakatorazve ukomba hwezvishongo zvakaisvonaka zvandakakupa, ukomba hwakaitwa negoridhe nesirivha, uye ukazviitira zvifananidzo zvechirume ndokuita ufeve nazvo.
You took the fine gold and silver jewelry that I gave you, and you made male idols for yourself, in order to have sex with them.
18 Uye wakatora nguo dzako dzakarukwa kuti ufukidze zvifananidzo, uye ukapira mafuta angu ezvinonhuhwira pamberi pazvo.
You took some of your embroidered clothes to put on those idols, and you burned oil and incense in front of them [to honor them].
19 Uyezve zvokudya zvandakakupa, upfu hwakatsetseka, mafuta omuorivhi nouchi zvandakakupa kuti udye, wakazvipira sezvinonhuhwira pamberi pazvo. Izvozvo ndizvo zvakaitika, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
And the [bread that was made from] fine flour and the olive oil and honey that I gave to you to eat, you offered to be a fragrant sacrifice to those idols. I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that is what happened.
20 “‘Uye wakatora vanakomana navanasikana vawakaberekera ini ukavabayira sezvokudya kuzvifananidzo. Ko, ufeve hwako hwakanga husina kuringana here?
And you even took your sons and daughters who were [as though they were] [MET] my children, and sacrificed them to be food for the idols. That was much worse [RHQ] than your becoming a prostitute.
21 Wakauraya vana vangu ukavabayira kuzvifananidzo.
You slaughtered [those who were like] [MET] my children, and offered them to be sacrifices to the gods!
22 Mumabasa ako ose anonyangadza hauna kurangarira mazuva ouduku hwako, pawakanga usina kupfeka usina chinhu, uchikava-kava uri muropa rako.
All during the time when you were acting like a prostitute and doing other detestable things, you did not think about the time when [it was as though] you were very young, naked [DOU], lying in your own blood and kicking.
23 “‘Nhamo! Une nhamo iwe, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha. Pamusoro pokumwe kuipa kwako kwose,
So I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that terrible things will happen to you. In addition to all the other wicked things that you did,
24 wakazvivakira nzvimbo yakakwirira ukazviitira shongwe refu pazvivara zvose zvomusha.
you built a shrine to worship idols in every [city] square/plaza.
25 Wakavaka shongwe dzako refu panotangira nzira dzose dzomumusha ndokuderedza runako rwako, uchipira muviri wako nokuwanza kupata kwako kuna ani zvake aipfuura napauri.
At the beginning of every street you built a shrine, and showed people your beautiful body, offering it to have sex with every man who walked by, becoming a better known prostitute every day.
26 Wakaita ufeve navaIjipita, vawakavakidzana navo ivo vazere noruchiva, ukamutsa kutsamwa kwangu, nokuwanda kwokupata kwako.
[It was as though] [MET] you had sex with men from Egypt who were eager to have sex with you, men who lived near to Israel. You caused me to become very angry because you became more eager to have sex with more and more of them.
27 Saka ndakatambanudza ruoko rwangu kuti ndikurwise ndikatapudza nyika yako; ndikakuisa pasi pokukara kwavavengi vako, vanasikana vavaFiristia, ivo vakavhundutswa namafambiro ako.
So I punished [IDM] you and caused your enemies to capture some of your country. I enabled your greedy enemies from Philistia to defeat you; and even they were shocked because of your disgraceful behavior.
28 Wakaitazve ufeve navaAsiria, nokuti wakanga usingagoni kuguta; kunyange shure kwaizvozvo hauna kumbogutsikana nazvo.
[It was as though] you had sex with soldiers from Assyria, too, because you always wanted more sex. And after that, you still were not satisfied.
29 Ipapo wakawanza kupata kwako kuti kubatanidzire Bhabhironi, nyika yavashambadziri, asi kunyange naizvozvi hauna kugutsikana.
So you also had sex [with soldiers from] Babylonia, a country full of merchants/businessmen, but even that did not satisfy you.
30 “‘Unoshayiwa simba sei, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, paunoita zvinhu izvi zvose, zvinoitwa nechifeve chisinganyari.
I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that when you did all those things, acting like [MET] a bold prostitute, you were showing that you were ready to do anything that you wanted to [IDM].
31 Pawakavaka nzvimbo dzakakwirira pamavambo enzira dzose dzomumusha ndokuzviitira shongwe refu pazvivara zvose, wakanga usingaiti sechifeve, nokuti wakashora muripo.
When you built shrines to worship idols on every street corner and in every city square/plaza, you were not like a prostitute: Prostitutes charge money, but you refused to take money for what you did.
32 “‘Iwe chifeve chomukadzi! Unoshuva vatorwa kupinda murume wako!
You are like [MET] a woman who commits adultery: You prefer to [have sex with] strangers rather than with your husband.
33 Chifeve chimwe nechimwe chinogamuchira muripo, asi iwe unopa zvipo kuvadiwa vako vose, nokuvafufura kuti vauye kwauri vachibva kwose kwose nokuda kwokupata kwako kusina unhu.
Prostitutes are paid, but [it is as though] you give gifts to all your lovers; you bribe them to come to you from everywhere to have sex with you.
34 Saka iwe wakasiyana navamwe pakufeva kwako; hakuna anokumhanyira nokuda kwokupata kwako. Iwe wakasiyana chose, nokuti ndiwe unopa muripo uye iwe hauna chaunopiwa.
So although you act like [MET] a prostitute, you are not like other prostitutes: No one needs to request you to have sex [EUP] with them. You are the opposite of other prostitutes; instead of them giving any money to you, you give men money to have sex with you.
35 “‘Naizvozvo, iwe chifeve, chinzwa shoko raJehovha!
Therefore, [you people of] Jerusalem, who are like a prostitute [MET], listen to what I, Yahweh the Lord, am saying about you!
36 Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Nokuda kwokuti wakadurura pfuma yako nokufukura kusasimira kwako mukupata kwako navadiwa vako, uye nokuda kwezvifananidzo zvako zvose zvinonyangadza, uye nokuda kwokuti wakavapa ropa ravana vako,
I say that [what you have done is as though] [MET] you took off your clothes and acted like a prostitute and had sex with men who are not your husband. [What I mean is that you have been worshiping] detestable idols, and you have murdered [MTY] your own children to be sacrifices to them.
37 Naizvozvo ndichaunganidza vadiwa vako vose, vawaifara navo, vaya vawaida navaya vawaivenga. Ndichavaunganidza kubva kwose kwose kuti vakurwise uye ndichakufukura pamberi pavo uye vachaona kusasimira kwako kwose.
So [what I am going to do is as though] I will gather those who you think have loved you and those whom you hated. I will gather them around you [to attack you], and [what I will do is as though] I will strip your clothes off you, and they will see you when you are completely naked.
38 Ndichakutonga nomutongo wavakadzi vanoita ufeve navanoteura ropa; ndichauyisa pamusoro pako ropa rokutsiva kwehasha dzangu negodo rokutsamwa kwangu.
I will punish you like women who commit adultery and who murder people [MTY] are punished. I will get revenge on you and get rid of you because I am extremely angry with you.
39 Ipapo ndichakuisa mumaoko avadiwa vako, uye vachakoromora nzvimbo dzako dzakakwirira vagoparadza shongwe dzako refu. Vachakubvisa nguo dzako vagotora ukomba hwako hwakanaka vagokusiya usina kupfeka wakashama.
I will allow [your enemies who you thought] loved you [IRO] to defeat you, and they will tear down your shrines. [It will be as though] they will strip off your fancy clothes and take away your fine jewelry and cause you to be completely naked [DOU].
40 Vachauya nemhomho yavanhu kuti izokurwisa, vachakutema namabwe nokukubvamburanya neminondo yavo.
They will bring a mob to attack you, and that mob will throw stones at you and cut you to pieces with their swords.
41 Vachapisa dzimba dzako nokukuranga pamberi pavakadzi vazhinji. Ndichagumisa ufeve hwako, uye hauchazoripirizve vadiwa vako.
They will burn down your houses and punish you while many women are watching. I will cause your acting like a prostitute and paying your lovers to have sex with you to end.
42 Ipapo hasha dzangu pamusoro pako dzichaserera uye godo rokutsamwa kwangu richabva kwauri; ndichadzikama uye handingatsamwizve.
Then I will no longer be angry [DOU] with you. I will stop being jealous [because of your worshiping gods other than me only].
43 “‘Nokuti hauna kurangarira mazuva ouduku hwako asi wakanditsamwisa nezvinhu zvose izvi, zvirokwazvo ndichauyisa pamusoro pako zvawakaita, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha. Ko, hauna kuwedzera unzenza pane mamwe mabasa ako ose anonyangadza here?
You have forgotten [the wonderful things that I did for you] in previous years [MET]. You have caused me to become extremely angry because of all the [evil things] that you have done. In addition to all the other detestable things that you did, you committed many sexual sins. So I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that I will punish you [IDM] for doing those things.
44 “‘Munhu wose achataura tsumo achareva tsumo iyi pamusoro pako: “Sezvakaita mai ndizvo zvakaita mwanasikana.”
People who [like to] quote proverbs will quote this proverb about you: “[behave] like their mothers [behave].”
45 Iwe uri mwanasikana chaiye wamai vako, vakashora murume wavo navana vavo; uye uri mununʼuna chaiye wamadzikoma ako, akashora varume vavo navana vavo. Mai vako vakanga vari muHiti uye baba vako vari muAmori.
You are like your mother; [it was as though] she detested her husband and her children. You are like your sisters, who also despised their husbands and their children. [It was as though] [MET] your father belonged to the Amor people-group and your mother belonged to the Heth people-group.
46 Mukoma wako akanga ari Samaria, akanga achigara kumusoro kwako navanasikana vake; uye mununʼuna wako, akanga achigara kurutivi rwezasi kwako navanasikana vake, akanga ari Sodhomu.
And [it was as though] [MET] your older sister was Samaria, and she and her daughters lived to the north of you, and [it was as though] your younger sister was Sodom, and she and her daughters lived to the south of you.
47 Hauna kungofamba nenzira dzavo chete nokutevedzera zvinonyangadza zvavo, asi iwe munzira dzako dzose wakakurumidza kuva wakashata chose kupfuura ivo.
You not only imitated all [DOU] their detestable behavior, but you quickly became more sinful than they were.
48 Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, mununʼuna wako Sodhomu navanasikana vake havana kumboita zvawakaita iwe nezvakaitwa navanasikana vako.
I, Yahweh the Lord, solemnly declare that as surely as I am alive, [the people who lived in] [MTY] Sodom and other nearby cities never did the detestable things that you [people in Jerusalem and other places in Judah] have done.
49 “‘Zvino ichi ndicho chaiva chivi chomununʼuna wako Sodhomu: Iye navanasikana vake, vaizvikudza vaidyisa uye vaiva vasina hanya; havana kubatsira varombo navanoshayiwa.
These are the sins [the people who lived in] Sodom, who were like your sister [MET]: The people who lived there and in nearby cities were arrogant. In spite of having more food to eat than they needed, they refused to help the poor and needy [DOU] people among them.
50 Vakanga vana manyawi uye vaiita zvinhu zvinonyangadza pamberi pangu. Naizvozvo ndakavarasa sezvamunoona.
The people of Sodom and nearby cities [MET] were proud and did detestable things in my presence, so I got rid of them when I saw what they had been doing.
51 Samaria harina kuita hafu yezvivi zvawakaita iwe. Iwe wakaita zvinhu zvinonyangadza kupfuura zvavakaita ivo, uye wakaita kuti vanunʼuna vako vange vakarurama nokuda kwezvinhu izvi zvawakaita iwe.
Also, [the people of] Samaria did not commit half as many sins as you have committed. You have done more disgusting things than they have done. You cause the people of Samaria to appear to be good, compared to you.
52 Takura kunyadziswa kwako iwe, nokuti wakavigira mununʼuna wako kururamisirwa. Nokuti zvivi zvako zvakanga zvichinyadzisa chose kupinda zvavo, ivo vanoratidzika kunge vakarurama kupfuura iwe. Saka zvino, chinyara uye zvitakurire nyadzi dzako, nokuti wakaita kuti mununʼuna wako ave akarurama.
Your sins are worse than their sins, so they seem to be less wicked than you are. So I will punish you more than I punished them. As a result, you will be ashamed and disgraced [DOU].
53 “‘Kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, ndichadzosazve pfuma yeSodhomu navanasikana varo neyeSamaria navanasikana varo, uye pfuma yako pamwe chete navo,
However, [some day] I will [the people of] Sodom and Samaria and the cities near to them [MET] to prosper again. And I will cause you to prosper again, too.
54 kuitira kuti ugotakura nyadzi dzako ugonyara pane zvose zvawakaita uchivanyaradza.
You will be very ashamed [DOU] of the wicked things that you have done, and that will cause the people of those cities to be encouraged.
55 Uye vanunʼuna vako, ivo Sodhomu navanasikana vake neSamaria navanasikana vake, uye iwe navanasikana vako muchadzokera pane zvavaiva kare.
[The people of] Sodom and Samaria will prosper again, and you and the people in nearby cities will prosper also.
56 Haungazomborevi nezvomununʼuna wako Sodhomu pazuva rokuzvikudza kwako,
You (sneered at/despised) [the people of] Sodom when you were proud,
57 kuipa kwako kusati kwafukurwa. Kunyange zvino, uri kusekwa izvozvi navanasikana veEdhomu navavakidzani varo vose, uye vanasikana veFiristia, navose vakakupoteredza vanokushora.
before it was revealed that you were very wicked. And now [the people of] Edom and [the people of] Philistia all insult you and despise you.
58 Uchazvitakurira zvibereko zvounzenza hwako namabasa ako anonyangadza, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
And you are being punished for all your immoral behavior and other detestable things that you do.
59 “‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Ndichakuitira zvakakufanira, nokuti wakazvidza mhiko dzangu nokuputsa sungano yangu.
This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: I will continue to punish you like you deserve to be punished, because by rejecting the agreement that I made with you, you have despised that solemn agreement that you promised to obey.
60 Asi hazvo ndicharangarira sungano yandakaita newe pamazuva ouduku hwako, ndigosimbisa sungano isingaperi newe.
But I will not forget the agreement that I made with you long ago [MET], and I will make an agreement with you that will endure forever.
61 Ipapo ucharangarira nzira dzako ugonyora paunogamuchira vanunʼuna vako, vose vakuru kwauri uye navaduku kwauriwo. Ndichavapa kwauri savanasikana, asi kwete nokuda kwesungano yangu newe.
Then you will think about what you have done, and you will be ashamed about those things when you welcome [the people of] Sodom and Samaria, cities which are like [MET] older and younger sisters to you people of Jerusalem. I will [put them under your control by] causing them to become like [MET] your daughters, but they will not have the same agreement that I will make with you.
62 Saka ndichasimbisa sungano yangu newe, uye uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
I will establish my agreement with you, and you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
63 Ipapo, kana ndayanana newe pane zvose zvawakaita, ucharangarira ugonyara uye ugozorega kushamisa muromo wako nokuda kwokuninipiswa kwako, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.’”
Then when I have forgiven you for all your sins, you will think about all the sins that you committed and you will be ashamed, and you will never again [boast about them], because you will be humiliated.’”